The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

"Yes, I am the core jellyfish you are talking about. Now you know, I am not Ying..."

Before Ying Weisi finished speaking, Ying Ge finished loading the bullet instantly, raised the magic gun in his hand, and pulled the trigger without hesitation. A dull gunshot "bang" cut through the air, and a blue light spurted out of the muzzle, and the magic bullet shot towards Ying Weisi at a high speed.

Ying Weisi showed a look of astonishment on his face. Before he could react more, he was hit in the chest by this sudden shot.

The bullet fell on Ying Weisi's chest with a "puff", but it did not penetrate as Ying Ge imagined, as if it encountered some strong resistance.

Seeing this, Inger pulled the trigger again decisively, but this time the bullet did not hit Ingves, but hit the wall directly.

Ingves disappeared, leaving Inger standing there in astonishment, looking around, trying to find his disappearing trace.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound behind Inger, and his nerves instantly tensed up. He turned around at a very fast speed, raised the gun in his hand, and aimed at the person behind him.

Because the figure was backlit, Inger could not see her face clearly at all. He could only vaguely see a figure that roughly showed the outline of a cat girl, which made him think of Qianmo first.

"Qianmo?... No, who are you?"

The girl took a few steps back lightly. As she retreated, her delicate face gradually emerged from the shadow of the backlight and slowly appeared in Inger's field of vision.

"You can call me Bli, Inkog... Mr. Inge"

"Did you lose that guy just now?"

"Yes, it was me"

Bli nodded slightly, without any panic on her face, but with a calm expression.

"He is very important to us, so I hope Mr. Inge can stop chasing him"


Bli stared at Inge, and after a moment of silence, she sighed.

In a moment, her expression changed instantly, and a few traces of coldness and arrogance were added to her original calmness.

She said slowly: "Just because I am better than you, what do you think?"

As she spoke, a strong and suffocating pressure suddenly emanated from Bli, surging towards Inge like a tide, and pressing heavily on him.

However, Inge gritted his teeth tightly, his eyes revealed stubbornness and unyielding. Although his body trembled slightly, he still stood tenaciously, straightened his spine, and refused to give in.

Seeing this, Buri's eyes moved slightly, and the powerful pressure quickly receded, and the air resumed flowing again. Inge's originally tense body relaxed a little, but he still held the gun tightly in his hand and stared at Buri vigilantly.

Buri's eyes suddenly passed Inge and saw a looming clock behind him.

The corners of the girl's mouth rose slightly, then turned and disappeared, leaving Inge standing there.

As the president of the Mechanical Flying Fish Newspaper, Inge naturally has a wide range of channels for information.

Judging from Buri's gray-white long hair, he roughly guessed her identity. As expected, she should be the second leader of the Gray Rose Organization, or the real Gray Rose Leader.

"It's troublesome. It seems that my revenge will have to be postponed, at least before the end of the war..."


In the snowy weather, the sky and the earth were covered with white.

I saw an owl with a few snowflakes on its feathers, flapping its wings vigorously in the snow, flying forward with difficulty and determination.

It tightly grasped a letter, flew through the whistling cold wind and the fluttering snowflakes, and finally flew into the Cat Spirit Chamber of Commerce with a unique logo.

After entering the Chamber of Commerce, it shook off the snow on its body, stopped at a specific location, and waited for someone to collect the letter.

After a while, a girl who wrapped herself tightly slowly came to the owl.

Qianmo stretched out her white little hand and took the letter from the owl's claws.

The owl shook its wings gently, and then looked at Qianmo quietly.

Qianmo held the letter and looked at the envelope, looking thoughtful. Then, she put the letter in her arms, took out a piece of beef jerky from her pocket, and threw it to the owl.

The owl quickly grabbed the beef jerky with its claws, and then began to peck at it. It ate it up in a short while.

After eating

, the owl flapped its wings and flew to Qianmo's shoulder, rubbing her cheek affectionately with its furry head, and making a soft purring sound in its throat.

Qianmo stretched out her fingers and gently stroked the owl's feathers.

At this time, Suya walked over slowly. After seeing Qianmo and the owl being so intimate, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she couldn't help but say: "Yo~ Look at how you two are so greasy~"

After seeing Suya, the owl blinked its round eyes, then turned its head to look at Qianmo, and a big question mark appeared on its little head.

Then, it flapped its wings and flew to Suya's shoulder, and made a low cry.

Qianmo couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

"Hahaha~ How many times has it recognized the wrong person?"

Suya shook her head helplessly and gently touched the owl's head.

"Fortunately, you gave it to Qianmo. If you gave it to a stranger... hehe, I would let Fas stew you."

When Suya said she was going to stew it, the owl was so scared that its feathers trembled and shivered on her shoulder.

It shook its head hurriedly, its eyes full of fear and begging for mercy, as if saying: "No, don't stew me."

"Okay, stop teasing it, take a look at this first"

Qianmo reached out from his pocket and took the letter out and handed it to Suya.

Suya took the letter, and then her eyes fell firmly on the wax seal of the envelope.

From the style and details of this unique wax seal, it can be judged that this letter came from the royal family. As for why they sent it through the Silver Wing Knights, it is unknown.

Qianmo picked up the owl, stroked it a few times, and then walked to the window to let it fly.

The owl flapped its wings and soon disappeared into the sky.

Then, Qianmo and Suya turned around and walked towards the office side by side.

After returning to the office, Suya gently placed the letter on the table, her eyes revealing a thoughtful expression, as if she was considering something.

Suya took a deep breath, then reached out and picked up a wax knife from the side, picked up the edge of the wax seal on the envelope, and pried the wax off bit by bit.

As the wax seal was removed, Suya slowly opened the envelope, took out the letter from it, and began to read the contents on it.

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