After reading the contents of the letter, Suya's originally calm face was gloomy, and her brows were tightly furrowed.

Suya's face was terribly gloomy, and she tore the paper in half without saying a word.

However, she looked at the paper that had been torn in half in her hand, and seemed to be a little unsatisfied, and then tore the paper into countless tiny pieces.

Then, a ball of blue flame suddenly appeared in her hand, and the shredded paper was instantly ignited.

Suya threw the burning fragments into the air, and those fragments burned and flew in the air, as gorgeous as fireworks, and soon dissipated in the flames.

Qianmo looked at the blue fireworks presented by Suya's series of operations, and was stunned for a moment, then raised a smile and clapped his hands.

"The fireworks are beautiful~"

Suya also came back to her senses a little bit from her emotions, and looked at the girl with some anger, but the haze in her expression seemed to have dissipated a little bit.

"Thank you for the compliment"

"Can you perform another one?"

Suya raised her hand to condense magic power at Qianmo's request.

A ball of light gradually lit up in her palm, and it became more and more dazzling.

Then, with a light flick, she threw the condensed magic power into the air.

The ball of magic power quickly bloomed in the air, turning into fireworks that were more colorful and brilliant than the blue flame just now...

"So, what letter made you so angry?"

"Alas, the emperor asked me to participate in the war between the royal family and the nobles, but this is also the duty of the guardian of dawn. I have no objection, but...!"

In the following time, Suya restored the content of the letter to Qianmo-

To Suya Mu:

I heard that you have some skills. This prince hereby orders you to come and participate in this great war as soon as possible! Don't think that you are a messenger of God. You are just a small role in front of this prince. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you to prove your insignificant value on the battlefield. Don't dawdle, roll over here immediately. If you dare to disobey, you will bear the consequences! This prince has no time to talk to you, hurry up, don't waste my time!

XX Grand Prince

XX Year XX Month XX Day

After listening to the contents of the letter from Suya, Qianmo seemed to be cast a spell, sitting in a chair blankly, eyes wide open, eyes full of astonishment and disbelief.

Her mouth opened slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't utter a word.

After being stunned for a long time, Qianmo stammered out a few words: "No... this Grand Prince... this letter... he is sick, right! Divine gold, he!"

"Right! You think so too, right? Who would ask someone to do something like this? And the Grand Prince, he is a big fool! If I go, I will be a big fool!"

But is there really anyone who would piss off his teammates at this critical moment?

Qianmo felt that this letter was very wrong. If it was really written by the Grand Prince, then the aura of intelligence reduction attached to him would be too strong.

"Su, you are still too impulsive. We should keep the letter so that we can threaten the royal family."

"Ah? Of course I kept the letter, here~"

Su Ya said as she reached out to take the letter from the table and handed it to Qian Mo.

Qian Mo took the letter with a confused look on his face. The content on it was indeed similar to what Su Ya described just now, but Su Ya's description was still a little conservative.

"So, what did you tear just now?"

"It's just an ordinary piece of paper. I'm not stupid enough to be blinded by anger and destroy such important evidence."

"Then what will you do next? Do you scold the person who wrote the letter, or beat the person who wrote the letter?"

"Uh... I choose to ignore it."

Su Ya folded the letter quickly with a slightly rude movement, stuffed the folded letter into the envelope, and then neatly put the envelope into her pocket.

By the way, Suya and Qianmo's coats are specially made. They are the cat coats that Duoleisi gave them. The pockets on them are mini space storage bags that can hold a lot of things.

"Hey~ Qian~"

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"I've thought about it. Let's go abroad with Sister Duoleisi."

Suya was still a little hesitant, but after seeing the letter, she was no longer hesitant.

She is a guardian angel, but facing the current situation of civil war, it seems that guardianship is just a thing.

It became absurd.

Her duty should have been to eliminate those factors that would endanger the protected, but now the protected are themselves in a fight with each other. What can she do? Since she can't do it, then don't do it!

Suya--put it on!

After making the decision, Suya's expression became serious. She raised her head slightly and looked at the flag of the Cat Spirit Chamber of Commerce hanging on the wall.

Then, Suya summoned the core members of the Cat Spirit Chamber of Commerce. In the conference room, she began to give instructions for the aftermath in a steady tone.

Suya explained in detail the arrangements for various affairs, from the distribution of the Chamber of Commerce's property to the custody and handover of important items. She didn't miss any details. She wanted the Cat Spirit Chamber of Commerce to continue to operate smoothly even after she left. The members listened quietly, their faces full of respect and reluctance, but they also understood that Suya's decision was well thought out. After all, they had developed the Cat Spirit Chamber of Commerce to its current scale with her.

After explaining everything, Suya stood up slowly and looked around the room. The members of the Chamber of Commerce who were immersed in sadness and thinking suddenly felt a little amused.

"I'm not going to die, why do you look like that?"

Suddenly, Lina stood up abruptly and hugged Suya at a very fast speed.

Suya was shocked by this sudden action and her whole body froze. Before she could react, she felt the woman's warm embrace tightly around her.

Lina's arms tightly wrapped around Suya's body, with such force that she seemed to want to embed the girl into her arms.

"Suya... No, President!"

Lina put her hands on Suya's shoulders, her tears rolled in her eyes, as if they would fall at any time.

Such a look made Suya's heart tremble, as if she could read the ups and downs and thousands of words in her heart from the woman's eyes.

Others in the conference room also stood up and looked at Suya.




Everyone in the conference room bowed slightly to Suya at the same time, their movements were uniform, with a sense of solemnity and respect.

"President! Have a good trip! We will miss you!"

Looking at the people in front of her, Suya's eyes were also a little moist.

However, Qianmo, who was watching the scene in front of him, could not empathize with him and said something that ruined the atmosphere at an inappropriate time.

"Well, we didn't plan to leave today"


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