The magic shop

"Welcome to Domis Magic Shop, how can I help you?"

The manager of the magic shop is a very enthusiastic little girl, who should be the manager's daughter.

"Excuse me, do you have any portable storage bags here?"

"Yes, what style do you want?"

"It looks simple and low-key, and the largest storage space is fine"

"Okay, please wait a moment"

After that, the little girl went into the warehouse to find something.

"She left the counter like this, isn't she worried about her things being stolen?"

"Of course there is a security guard, look at the stone statue over there," Doles pointed to the stone statue on the counter and said.

There is a black demon statue on the counter, with sharp horns, fangs, and wings, which looks like a gargoyle.

"So that gargoyle is real? I thought it was a decoration"

"There is a store with all kinds of magic props here, it's not surprising to have such things"

After a while, the little girl came back with something.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting. These are the storage bags that meet your requirements. See which one is suitable"

The little girl took out one bag after another from her bag.

Qianmo looked at it in amazement.

Putting a storage bag in a storage bag, isn't this just a nesting doll? !

If you buy a few more and put them all in one bag, wouldn't that be an infinite storage space?

"By the way, there is one thing I must remind you of. Please don't put a storage bag with things in it into another storage bag, otherwise the things in the bag will be crushed"

"Oh, I see"

"By the way, were you thinking about some nesting doll operation just now?"

Dolecy gently poked Qianmo's arm with her elbow.

"No, you're overthinking. I'm just thinking about whether to disguise myself. After all, someone in Dawn City must recognize this face." Qianmo pointed at his face and said. "That's right, little sister. Are there any props that hinder cognition here?" "Yes, the hat hanging on the hanger over there is it." Qianmo looked in the direction of the little sister's finger. There were hats and cloaks hanging on the hanger. There really is everything. If there is no magic as a prefix, this store should be called a grocery store, right? There happened to be a beret on the hanger that was the same color as Qianmo's clothes. Qianmo took it down and put it on his head without thinking. "How is it? Can you see my face clearly?" Qianmo asked. "It won't work to use the cognitive hindering hat in front of me." "I see, you have to wear the hat out of other people's sight." In summary, Duoleisi and Qianmo bought a total of four sets of neutral casual clothes, a storage bag, a cognitive hindering hat, and some raw monster meat. The two returned to the castle. Qianmo had brought some monster meat to Yueling, but Yueling refused.

Qianmo thought Yueling was embarrassed, but after repeatedly refusing, Yueling simply ran away!

"Does it not like monster meat?" Qianmo was a little confused.

"Could it be that... it doesn't like me anymore?!"

* Qianmo's heart was hit by 10,000 points of critical strike

Yueling, who was still running, suddenly stopped and shook his head quickly at Qianmo.

"Huh? Isn't that right?"

"This is the habit of night wolves. They will take the initiative to share food with their companions, but accepting food from others is equivalent to admitting that they are weak"

Dolece explained enthusiastically.

"Ah? Did it think I was weak when it put the antelope in front of me before?"

Dolece nodded.

Qianmo was silent. She recalled the previous battle with Yueling. It seemed that it won when its magic power was sealed.

Thinking about it this way, I am indeed weaker than it now.

"Humph! One day, I will make it willingly accept my flesh!"

"... Well, come on!"

The momentum is good, but the lines are a bit weird.

"Let's go, go choose your room"

Dorae took Qianmo to choose a room.

"How about this one? For vampires, it's simply a torture chamber"

"Ah?" Qianmo didn't quite understand what Dorae said.

"Didn't you understand? It means that this room has good lighting, and vampires will suffer when they come. Isn't it funny?"

"Oh~ That's what I mean, hahaha..."

So she was telling a joke? But why is it a bit awkward.

Dorae sighed, told Qianmo a few words, and left.

After going through a lot of things, Master Qian, who was tired all day, always

I can finally take a nice bath.

"It's been a fulfilling day. I'm so tired."

Qianmo soaked half of her face in the water, but she didn't make childish moves like gurgling in the water.

Are you kidding? Who is she, Qianmo?

Counting her age in her previous life, she is already an adult male in her 20s!

No matter what, it's impossible for her to--


She is a girl now, so being childish can be forgiven, right?

After taking a bath, Qianmo went to bed.

[Ding! You have new information, do you want to check it? ]

The sudden system notification sound scared Qianmo so much that he jumped up from the bed.

"Do you have to make a sound at this time?!"

Qianmo grabbed the pillow angrily and threw it at the system pop-up window.

The pillow passed through the system pop-up window and hit the wall.

[Host, the system pop-up window is displayed in front of you through your retina, and it is essentially in your brain, so please don't do such meaningless behavior to avoid being regarded as a psychopath]

"... Then should I thank you for your reminder?" Qianmo said with a gloomy look.

[You're welcome, host, this is what the system should do]

"I &% you $#*"

[Host, please use civilized language]

"I'm civilized you *#&"

"You'd better tell me good news, otherwise I will die in front of you, and keep dying to increase your workload!"


I have never seen such a cruel host, I'm a little scared.

[There are two messages in total]

[The first one is about the progress bar update of the host's vampireization]

[The second one is about the system changing the new training mode, the new mode will be changed after the host is completely vampireized]

[Host, are these good news? 】

Qianmo: ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

[The host seems to be very happy]

"Of course I am happy! I can finally get rid of the life-extending scammers, how can I not be happy?"

[Host, you seem to have misunderstood. Changing the training mode will not delete the original mode]

[After changing the mode, the life-extending system will be merged with the new system, and life-extending will become one of the functions]

Qianmo: (=_=)凸

[Host, please use your hands in a civilized manner]

Qianmo: 凸(`Δ´)凸

Forget it, why bother with it?

What is the point of the life-extending system after she becomes a vampire?

[Host, do you want to check the progress of vampireization? ]

"Well, let's take a look"

[Vampireization progress: 34%]

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