The old man was very happy.

Today, Qianmo will go to the City of Dawn.

Yue Ling and Doris are saying goodbye to Qianmo.


Don't go!

Yue Ling jumped in front of Qianmo, her eyes full of reluctance, and she made a humming sound, as if she was trying to keep her.

Qianmo touched Yue Ling's head.

"Good boy~ I'm just on a business trip, I'm not not coming back"

"Aww?" (Really?)

"Really, I swear"

Qianmo raised four fingers to the sky.

Seeing that Yue Ling still refused to let go, Qianmo sighed helplessly.

Qianmo approached Yue Ling and put his forehead against hers.

Dolores watched them quietly from the side.

It really didn't look like the relationship between a master and a pet, but more like a sister and a brother.

Hmm? Little white cat sister and big bad wolf brother?

It sounds much better than Beauty and the Beast!

After a while, Yue Ling let go of Qianmo and sat on the ground obediently.

"Dolores, I'll leave Xiaoyue in your care"

"That's right, with its strength, it can probably dominate this area"

"But don't worry, I promise not to let it lose a single wolf hair before you come back"

"Well, then I'm leaving, bye"

"Well, I wish you a speedy return"

Qianmo took out the gem and threw it on the ground, and soon a teleportation array appeared.

A dazzling white light suddenly flashed, and the girl's figure instantly disappeared from the spot.


The City of Dawn is heavily guarded, and it is basically impossible to get in by climbing the wall or entering the sewer.

If she teleported, she would either be blocked by the barrier or be marked by the barrier and arrested by the Knights.

So, how would Qianmo enter Dawn City?

She chose to go through the main gate and enter in an orderly manner.

Dolores cast a magic spell on Qianmo to block the vampire's aura, and now Qianmo is basically no different from ordinary people.

There are many people entering Dawn City today, and the line is very long, and the more people there are, the more convenient it is for Qianmo.

If there are few people, the guard will check everyone carefully, but if there are many people, the guard will become more and more tired and will not be able to check everyone's information carefully.

Qianmo pushed the beret down, trying to cover his face with the shadow of the brim.

Although this hat has the ability to hinder cognition, who knows what accidents will happen?

It's always better to be cautious.

The team gradually moved forward, and soon it was Qianmo's turn.

Qianmo handed the adventure certificate to the guard.

This adventure certificate is genuine and authentic. Qianmo was able to get it so quickly because of Duo Leisi's backdoor.

"Qianmo, a C-level adventurer, you are quite amazing"

"Thank you for the compliment"

The guard put the adventure certificate on the instrument. After scanning for dozens of seconds, the guard let Qianmo in.

When Qianmo saw the scene in front of her, she had an indescribable feeling.

In her previous life, she often watched some works about other worlds, and always fantasized about when she could travel to another world.

Unlike the towns near Duo Leisi's home, the City of Dawn really fits Qianmo's impression of other world cities.

People of different races walked on the street, some carrying big swords, some wearing magician hats, and some wearing armor.

Qianmo looked at his modern casual clothes. Compared with them, he looked like a person from another world who had just traveled.

Since we are here, why not take a walk first?

As soon as he had this thought, Qianmo quickly shook his head and threw the thought out of his head.

Business is important!

After the task is completed, there will be plenty of time to play!

According to the information given by Dolores, Suya is now a boarding student, and the name of the school is... um, I forgot.

Qianmo took out a small notebook from his bag, which recorded some information about Suya.

If someone accidentally took this notebook, he would say that he is a fan of Suya, and the reason is perfect!

Notes - "Vilaides - Suya's school"

"Vilaides... There are so many strokes, it's hard to read. It seems that my other world language needs to be improved. Anyway, find a passerby to ask for directions first."

So, who should I ask?

The passing knights, or the adventurers next to him?

"Yes! Go to the Adventurer's Guild! I am an adventurer."

"By the way, how do I get to the Adventurer's Guild?"

Very good, I am in a difficult problem again!

Qianmo doesn't want to waste time asking for directions. The adventure permit is just a pass.

, she can only stay in the city for a week at most, and extension costs money!

This world is called "Runier", and the common currency in this world is "Ruby".

The types of currency and exchange rates are as follows:

"1 copper coin = 1 ruby"

"1 silver coin = 100 rubies"

"1 gold coin = 10,000 rubies"

"1 platinum coin = 100,000 rubies"

"On average, an ordinary person only needs 10 rubies for three meals a day"

Although this world already has checks, it does not have paper money.

So Qianmo plans to open a bank in the future and make paper money.

Hehe! Which time traveler dares to be as bold as her?

Just as Qianmo was running around and enjoying the future, a black hand suddenly appeared and dragged her into the alley.

Qianmo was pressed against the wall by several men, one of whom held a dagger against Qianmo's neck.

"Little sister, don't be afraid, we just want to rob you, as long as you cooperate, we will let you go"

The tone of the person who spoke was very obscene.

Qianmo just looked at them expressionlessly.

It's really a clichéd plot of another world, but this kind of plot usually happens to supporting characters. Is he really just a supporting character?

"Brother, why is she silent?"

"She must have been scared by your aura, hehehe!"

Generally speaking, the next step is that they want to rob, and then a handsome man or a beautiful woman falls from the sky.

Heroes save beauties, old routine, everyone knows.

Just as Qianmo was thinking, a salty pig hand was placed on her face.

"Look carefully, this guy is good-looking, with small arms and legs, tut tut tut"

*Cognitive impairment can only make people unable to remember the user's appearance, but cannot cover up the appearance

When he put his hand on Qianmo's face, Qianmo's eyes flashed a red light.

The next second, a roar resounded through the sky.

A knight on patrol looked towards the source of the sound. He subconsciously looked up and saw a black object approaching him.

Bang - the object fell in front of him.

The knight walked forward to check and found that it was actually a man.

[Ding! Affected by the *Life Blood Ring*, the degree of vampirism deepens]

[The current vampirism progress is 40%]

[Host, please use this ability as little as possible, it will amplify your animality and affect your rationality]

"Ah, sorry, I couldn't help it for a moment"

Qianmo picked up the hat that was blown away by the wind pressure just now, put it on and quickly left the scene.

When the Knights arrived at the scene, not to mention Qianmo, even the trace of magic was left.

Regis walked to the sunken floor and squatted down to check the cracks on the floor.

"Captain, we found four unconscious men near the scene of the incident"

"Captain! A man who fell from the sky was found in the North District!"

"Fass, protect the scene"

After Regis stood up, he ordered his subordinates.

"Yes! Captain!"

"Others, search for suspicious persons and witnesses in this area!"

Soon, the knights in white uniforms searched the surrounding areas with the scene as the center.

Qianmo was witnessing all this on the clock tower not far away.

"Uh, did I get into trouble?"

"I made this noise on my first day here. If Dolores knew..."

Dolores: Eh~ You are such a jerk. You can't even do this.

[Host, please don't overthink it]

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