The water was still wet, and the water was still wet.

The calm mirror-like water surface had some ripples, and then a figure jumped out of the water and fell heavily on the water.

Qianmo lay there, panting, her chest heaving violently, her hands tightly covering her head, as if trying to relieve the unbearable pain and discomfort.

Her hair was scattered around her face in a mess, stained with some water stains, a little embarrassed, her face was as pale as paper, and the whole person looked very weak.

After just a few minutes of diving into the sea of ​​consciousness, Qianmo's CPU was almost blown up by a pile of memories.

After a short rest, Qianmo recovered.

"Ha, this is really... It's hard to imagine what those hyperthymesia patients feel like when they face a huge amount of memories in their brains."

[They shouldn't be as painful as you. There is a difference between accumulating little by little and forcing it in directly. Of course, their pain is not something we can understand]

"That's true..."

Qianmo slowly closed his eyes, and everything around him seemed to gradually calm down.

From the memories that just flooded into his mind, Qianmo saw some memories belonging to Mo.

That was a memory of a transaction with Buri. There was no correct time or place. This memory was just a false memory implanted by Buri using the core jellyfish.

Although the memory was false, the transaction with Buri was real.

What Buri traded was the opportunity for revenge, and what Mo traded was herself.


Several days passed in the real world. During this period, Qianmo would quietly go to the laboratory every day.

However, no matter how careful she was, she couldn't hide it from the two people around her. After all, one of them was a divine messenger and the other was a true ancestor vampire.

On this day, Qianmo sneaked into the laboratory like she did a few days ago.

Insert the card, remove the card, open the door, go in, close the door, the process is very familiar.

Qianmo walked to the center of the laboratory, slowly squatted down, stretched out his right hand, and lifted the cloth covering it.

Under the white cloth, there is a culture chamber engraved with magic patterns.

This is the Lianying replica made by Qianmo according to the design. Although it is impossible to mass-produce clones like the original, at least a clone suitable for her can be made.

Just as Qianmo was about to continue, a voice came from the side.

"Do you need help?"

Qianmo slowly turned his head and looked at Buli beside him.

"You are quite free, don't you need to do your revolutionary work?"

"I am not the only leader of Gray Rose. Compared with a little girl like me, a big sister like Carter has more leadership qualities."

"Since you are so free, why don't you just bring the real Lianying to me?"

"Then I really can't help it, because that thing has been destroyed by me."


"Don't be so surprised. Artificial creation of life forms itself violates the laws of nature. If I didn't have special powers, you wouldn't even have a design now."

Buri walked to the Lianying that Qianmo was making and poked it with his finger.

"Not bad, you have achieved this level with just a drawing, but it might be faster if you let Suya help."

Qianmo shook his head and said, "This is my private matter, there is no need to involve her."

Qianmo bent down, picked up the tools and parts, placed them neatly on the table in front of him, and then began to assemble them.

Buri stood by and watched. When Qianmo needed a tool, Buri would pick up the corresponding tool and hand it to her.

"Speaking of which, Suya's sister can also take you to your past life, so why not let her take you there?"

"I still say the same thing, there is no need to involve them"

"I really don't understand you"

"Since you don't understand, then don't bother. Why don't you spend more time with sister Duo Leisi? She looks lonely recently"


Let's recall what Duo Leisi has been doing in recent days...

Swimming, bungee jumping, boating, playing with cats, walking dogs, barbecue, catching crabs, surfing...

"Well, she doesn't seem to be that lonely"

Qianmo took back what he said before.

Buri took out the pocket watch from his arms and glanced at the time on it.

"Ah~ I have to go, bye~"

"Well, bye"

Buri did not teleport away directly, but chose to leave through the gate.

* Don't ask why, just ask for the sense of ritual.

There were several knocks on the door of the laboratory just after it was closed.

*Bang, bang, bang*

"What's going on?"

? Did that guy forget to bring something? "

Qianmo didn't try to guess why Buli knocked on the door instead of teleporting in. After all, she always left through the main door, so knocking on the door was nothing strange.

*Bang bang bang*

The knocking continued, but Qianmo didn't plan to open the door. Who knew if the person outside was Buli? What if it was Suya and the others?

The knocking stopped after a while.

At the same time, Qianmo assembled the last part.

After wiping the non-existent sweat from his forehead, Qianmo took out the materials needed to make clones from the cabinet next to him.

Put the materials in After the instrument, Qianmo took out the blood clan weapon, cut his finger with the sawtooth on it, and then dripped blood on Lianying's recording instrument.

As the magic power of the magic stone began to be extracted, Lianying began to work.

The results will be collected tomorrow morning.

Qianmo opened the door of the laboratory, walked out, walked steadily along the passage, and soon walked out of the cave.

As soon as she came out of the cave, she kept walking and prepared to turn the corner.

After turning the corner, she saw Suya standing there quietly.

The two people's eyes met, and the air seemed to stagnate at this moment.

Qianmo's expression was still as calm as water. When he saw Suya, there was no surprise or surprise on his face.

Suya walked to Qianmo, looked into her eyes, then stretched out her hand, and gently held Qianmo's slightly cold hand with her slender fingers.

Suya didn't say anything, but just exerted a little force, took Qianmo's hand, turned around and walked forward.

Qianmo didn't resist, and let Suya lead him. The two walked side by side quietly, and their figures gradually went away.

Along the way, there were only slight footsteps and the sound of the breeze. Neither of them broke the tranquility, and they all Immersed in their own thoughts.

They walked silently and returned to the beach.

Dolores was standing there with a gentle smile on her face, and on the table beside her, the prepared food was placed, exuding bursts of fragrance, drifting over with the sea breeze.

"You're back, wash your hands and eat"

Suya raised her right hand, and a spinning water ball floated steadily on her hand.

"Wash, you've been busy for so long, your hands must be dirty"

"Well, okay"

Qianmo put his hand into the water ball, and the water flowed through her fingers, and soon washed it clean.

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