At the dinner table, Duo Leisi told about her experience of catching an octopus. When she talked about being sprayed with ink by an octopus, she pointed to the place on her body where the ink seemed to be visible. Then, in revenge, she used the octopus as a ball and played pass-the-ball with Yue Ling on the beach. Listening to Duo Leisi's words, Qianmo seemed to see the fun and joyful scene right in front of her. After dinner, Qianmo and Suya walked along the beach, their bare feet stepping on the soft sand, leaving a series of shallow footprints. The sea water submerged Qianmo's feet, washing away the footprints behind her, leaving only Suya's footprints. Under the vast sky, the full moon was like a huge silver plate, emitting soft light, half immersed in the sparkling sea.

The cold moonlight sprinkled on the sea, causing the sea to ripple with silver ripples.

Qianmo and Suya came to a big rock, looked at each other tacitly, and then sat on it together.

The two sat side by side, feeling the night breeze blowing their hair, and the sound of the waves echoed in their ears.

The bright moonlight poured down like a veil, covering their snow-white hair, adding a touch of holy brilliance to the white hair.

The cat tails behind the two people fell naturally, and the tail tips were inadvertently intertwined and entangled together.

"It seems like several months have passed since I sat with Qian like this last time, but I always feel like it was just a few days ago"

"I didn't expect it to be so long. Do you still remember the scene of our first meeting?"

"Yes, of course I remember"

Qian Mo turned to look at Suya, slowly stretched out her right hand, and placed it on Suya's cat ears, rubbing her fingers on the soft fur, as if touching a precious item.

Then, her hand slowly slid down the cat ears and gently stroked Suya's face. The delicate skin trembled slightly under her fingertips, conveying a hint of warmth.

"Hmm... a little itchy"

Qian Mo smiled slightly, her fingers stopped on Suya's lips, gently rubbing them, her eyes became more gentle and fiery, and then she slowly leaned over.

Her lips gently covered Suya's lips, and at first it was just a light touch, as if testing something.

Gradually, she began to deepen the kiss, sucking gently and affectionately, and their breaths intertwined.

They were immersed in this moment, and everything around them seemed to disappear.

After they separated, Qianmo's face was slightly flushed, and she slightly turned sideways and buried her face in Suya's neck.

Her breath gently brushed Suya's skin, with a hint of warmth, and she just snuggled quietly, as if she had found the most reassuring harbor in Suya's neck.

Suya also hugged Qianmo, and the two enjoyed this moment of warmth and tranquility, and time seemed to stop for them.

On the other side, Doris sat at the dining table, and opposite her was Buli, and the two talked about some interesting things recently.

Yueling ran to the highest point of the island. At this time, it had restored its original size. It looked at the full moon in the sky, raised its head to the sky, and let out a long howl.


The sound cut through the night sky, echoing in the silent sky, awakening Qianmo who was immersed in it.

In the consciousness space, the core jellyfish stopped running, the light on its body dimmed, and its figure slowly dissipated.

Qianmo left Suya's arms.

Qianmo lowered her head slightly, her eyes were a little dim, and then she sighed softly.

"Whether it's Qian or Mo, you seem to have never shouted in front of me..."

"When did you find out?"

Suya took Qianmo's hand and put it on her cheek.

Qianmo's hand was a little cold, but it made Suya feel a different feeling in her heart.

She turned her face slightly and rubbed Qianmo's hand with her face.

"Does it matter whether you find out or not? Qianmo is Qianmo, no matter which Qianmo, they are equally important in my heart"

Looking at the girl's smile, Qianmo felt that his heart began to beat violently and uncontrollably, faster and faster.

Her cheeks flushed slightly, and her eyes were full of intoxication and obsession, as if the whole world was left with only the smiling girl in front of her and her frantically beating heart.

"I like neither Qian nor Mo, but Qianmo~"

Although the two confirmed their relationship after Qianmo's soul split, Suya fell in love with Qianmo before that.


When you like someone, you will be filled with her in your heart and eyes, and you will involuntarily like everything about her, even if she has two personalities.

After all, no one will reject a girl with two personalities. You know, this is equivalent to having two... ahem.

Qianmo's eyes suddenly became hot and eager, and he threw Suya down directly.

Suya let out a light cry, and before she could react, she was already pressed under Qianmo.

Qianmo's body was tightly pressed against Suya, her breathing became rapid, and her eyes were tightly locked on Suya's eyes, as if she wanted to deeply engrave her appearance in her heart.

Qianmo's eyes were filled with tears at some point, and big tears slid down and dripped on Suya's face.

The tears were warm, and Suya's heart trembled slightly.

Suya reached out and gently wiped Qianmo's tears. Her fingers gently stroked Qianmo's cheeks, and her movements were extremely gentle.

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm... so happy... I'm really... so lucky to meet you..."

"Yeah, me too"

"It's really a lucky thing to meet Qianmo in this life"

Suya sat up slowly, opened her arms, and gently embraced Qianmo.

Suya's embrace was warm and soft. Qianmo's body trembled slightly. He nestled in Suya's arms, feeling her warmth and breath.

Suya gently patted Qianmo's back and whispered gentle words in her ear to soothe her emotions.

After a while, Qianmo left Suya's warm embrace, and her eyes revealed a hint of reluctance and helplessness.

She was afraid that if she continued to hug, she would really lose the courage to leave.

Qianmo in the consciousness space has restored the connection with the real world and has an understanding of what happened.

'In fact, you can stay. There is no need to complete the so-called revenge, right? ’

‘Well, you who know me best, do you really think I can let it go? ’


The obsession with revenge did not dissipate in the dream of the vampire trial.

On the contrary, it became more serious after that dream.

After Mo was born, Qianmo’s obsession was taken away.

Before her soul split, Qianmo had planned to let go of her obsession. After all, she already had attachments in this world, and it was impossible for her to abandon them for the so-called revenge, and the object of revenge was in another world.

However, the situation is very different now. Qianmo is no longer a separate individual, but split into Qian and Mo, two independent individuals.

Mo plans to let Qian stay, stay here with Suya and the others.

She knows that the obsession with revenge in her heart is like a burning flame, which is difficult to extinguish, so she must face it and solve it herself.

For Mo, Qian is the new Qianmo who came to this world, and she herself is the Qianmo in the previous life.

So Mo hopes that Qian can stay here and enjoy relative peace and tranquility with Suya and the others, without having to get involved in the dangerous and bloody road of revenge.

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