The emperor saw that Su Bai did not respond to his words, and he was flustered, and then he changed the map again.

However, what shocked him was that no matter which map he changed to, Su Bai could always find him quickly and accurately.

As the supreme emperor, only others were afraid of him. This was the first time he met someone who could make him feel so powerless and panic.

This feeling made him angry and very unhappy. The anger in his heart gradually rose, but facing Su Bai's powerful strength and persistent approach, he could do nothing but keep changing the map and struggling in vain.

Whether it was a map full of complex traps, a map where gravity was multiplied to an unbearable level, or a map where the entire space was filled with deadly poisonous gas, none of them could stop Su Bai's progress.

Su Bai's method of cracking these maps was extremely simple, that is, brute force.

Those complex mechanisms, difficult environments, and various obstacles could not stop her at all.

Her outstanding method was a brainless charge, using pure strength and speed to forcibly break through everything. Whether it was a solid mechanism, a strong gravity suppression, or a diffuse poisonous gas, she was not afraid at all, and directly broke a path in a tyrannical way.

If Qianmo saw this, she would definitely complain that the "numbers were weird", just like a cheat.

In fact, Su Bai's power came from another world.

Even if her own power would be suppressed by the rules of this world after she came to this world, it was obvious that the remaining power was enough.

After several map transitions, Su Bai once again came to the emperor.

When the emperor just raised his hand and wanted to tap the void, Su Bai raised his right hand and clenched it quickly, and then swung it violently, and the emperor's hand swung to the side uncontrollably.

Before he could react to what happened, a sharp wind blade instantly cut off his arm.

Blood gushed out of the broken arm, and the emperor covered the wound painfully, his face full of astonishment and disbelief. He never expected that Su Bai could see how he controlled the space.

"So that's it, you are a pragmatist, not a utopianist, no wonder your system can only be controlled with your fingers"

Su Bai guessed the way the emperor controlled the system through the emperor's actions of switching spaces every time. It can only be said that it is worthy of being an illegal system, just like the holder, it is really defective.

The emperor's face became extremely ugly because of the severe pain of his arm being cut off and the deep meaning in Su Bai's words. He gritted his teeth, and his eyes flashed with anger and unwillingness.

He is the supreme emperor. When has he ever been so embarrassed!

Many people had tried to assassinate him before, but they all died in the map space he had carefully arranged, without exception.

However, this time, Su Bai's appearance was completely unexpected to him. She broke all the previous routines.

She was like an unstoppable torrent. No matter those complicated mechanisms or traps that had made countless assassins return in defeat, they had no effect on her.

He was full of resentment and unwillingness, secretly hating his current situation. If he was given some more time to reclaim those territories, concentrate power more, and further upgrade his system, he would definitely not be so embarrassed as he is now, and be forced into a desperate situation.

Even in such an unfavorable situation, the emperor was unwilling to give up.

He gritted his teeth and raised his only remaining left hand, trying to make a final struggle.

However, his hand was grabbed by a black hand that stretched out from the shadow.

At the same time, Su Bai had already come in front of the emperor. She raised the sickle in her hand without hesitation and chopped it down fiercely.

This time, the space did not change like before, but the sickle stopped.

Su Bai widened her eyes in surprise, looking at the masked girl who suddenly stood between her and the emperor, her heart full of doubts and shock.


Su Bai shouted the name in astonishment, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

She never expected that at this critical moment, someone would suddenly appear to block her attack.

Suddenly, the space twisted and changed, and the next second, they appeared in an empty room, and the emperor disappeared.

Su Bai looked closely at the girl in front of her, trying to detect her with the system, but surprisingly, the system could not detect anything.

It was as if the girl in front of him didn't exist.

The moment he saw her just now, Su Bai subconsciously thought she was Qianmo, but now the system couldn't detect any information about her, which made Su Bai even more confused.


A few crisp applause suddenly sounded, and Su Bai immediately turned to look at the source of the sound.

I saw Buri sitting leisurely on the sofa, clapping with a smile on his face, as if he was trying to attract her attention in this way.

Su Bai's eyes flashed with a trace of doubt and vigilance. This was the first time she saw Buri.

"You are...?"

"You can call me Buri"

Buri said leisurely, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Or, you can call me the big boss behind the scenes of Gray Rose"

Su Bai frowned even more tightly when he heard this.

She had seen Carter, the leader of the Gray Rose, but now there was a man who claimed to be the big boss behind the Gray Rose. This made Su Bai wonder in her heart about the true identity and purpose of this Buri, and why she wanted to stop her from solving the emperor.

"Hehe, Miss Su Bai, we have met before, have you forgotten?"

"I don't remember seeing it..."

Su Bai looked at Buri's hair color and was slightly stunned.

"You are the cat next to Carter?"

"Yes, you got it right!"

"...Why did you bring me here?" Su Bai asked coldly.

"No hurry, sit down first, let's talk slowly"

Buri responded slowly, and made a gesture to invite her to sit down.

Su Bai hesitated for a moment, but still sat down. At the same time, the masked girl also sat on the sofa.

Su Bai glanced at the masked girl, then cast his eyes on Buri, wanting to hear her answer.

"Miss Su Bai, the emperor cannot die at the moment. If he dies, it may inspire the morale of the revolutionary army, but the royal family may quickly elect a new ruler to continue to fight against the revolutionary army, and the new emperor may take more drastic measures to counterattack"

"In addition, after the emperor's death, some forces loyal to the royal family may retaliate more frantically, making the war more cruel and fierce"

"Moreover, after losing a clear primary target, the revolutionary army may need to readjust its strategy and deployment to cope with new situations and challenges"

"The emperor's death may have a positive impact on the revolutionary army, but the uncertainty is also great"

"So, I don't want you to kill the emperor, at least not now"

Buri said slowly, staring at Su Bai closely, as if emphasizing the seriousness of the matter.

Su Bai was silent for a moment, thinking about what Buri said.

She had to admit that Buri's considerations made sense.

Anyway, she was not in such a hurry to complete the task, so it was not impossible to let the emperor live a little longer.

"Okay, I understand. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Su Bai said, got up from her seat, and turned to walk to the door.

She glanced at the masked girl and continued to walk out.

The masked girl was still sitting on the sofa, motionless.

Su Bai's footsteps echoed in the empty room, and soon, her figure disappeared at the door.

The room returned to silence, leaving only Buli and the masked girl.

Mo Gui took off his mask and sighed.

Buli looked at her with a smirk.

She felt it was very interesting, that an old friend had become someone she didn't know.

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