The boat was moving steadily forward on the vast sea.

On the top of the boat, Yue Ling sat quietly, looking into the distance.

In the kitchen of the cabin, Duo Lei Si was busy preparing meals.

On the wide deck, Qian Mo and Su Ya were playing cards with great interest, and laughter and conversations floated into the air from time to time.

Since Su Ya installed the automatic driving function on the yacht, Qian Mo was finally liberated.

The sea breeze gently blew, bringing a hint of coolness, and also conveyed this tranquility and beauty further.

Dolores came out of the cabin, holding her hands to her mouth, and shouted hello to Qianmo and Suya who were playing cards on the deck.

"Girls, the meal is ready!"


"I'll be right there!"

When she got up to eat, Qianmo jumped onto the top of the boat and reached out to grab Yue Ling, who was still immersed in the distant scenery.

"Let's eat! Little Yueyue!"


Walking into the cabin, the aroma filled the entire space, and the table was filled with delicious Chinese food.

Dolores explained that this was to allow them to adapt to the Chinese diet in advance.

Qianmo didn't think much of it, after all, she grew up eating Chinese food.

She picked up the chopsticks skillfully, staring at the dishes on the table with shining eyes.

It was Suya's first time using chopsticks, so it seemed very difficult.

She held the chopsticks clumsily and tried to pick up a piece of food, but the chopsticks seemed to be out of control in her hands, and the food always slipped from the chopsticks.

Her brows were slightly wrinkled, and her eyes revealed a trace of anxiety and helplessness, but she refused to give up and was still trying hard.

Qianmo looked at Suya's struggling look, and then turned to look at Duo Leisi.

Duo Leisi held the chopsticks in her hand, and her movements were skillful and free. She easily picked up the food and put it into her mouth. The degree of proficiency made people think that she had always eaten with chopsticks.

Qianmo put down the chopsticks in his hand and began to teach Suya how to use chopsticks.

After practicing for a while, Suya made obvious progress and soon reached the entry level.

She picked up a piece of food excitedly and successfully put it into her mouth.

Qianmo and Suya began to celebrate excitedly that they learned to use chopsticks. Duo Leisi looked at the two childish cat girls in front of them, nodded slightly, and smiled.

Only Yue Ling, who was eating at the side, expressed doubt. As a wolf, it ate directly with its mouth, so it couldn't understand why Suya learned to eat with two sticks.

It tilted its head, chewing food in its mouth, and its eyes were full of confusion and confusion.

Just when it lowered its head to eat another piece of meat, it suddenly raised its head, and its originally relaxed expression instantly became serious, and its ears stood up.

The other three seemed to have noticed something, stopped their actions, and their expressions instantly became solemn.

They stood up in unison, moving quickly and tacitly, and walked quickly to the deck together.

A gust of wind blew, lifting the corners of their clothes, but that wind was not natural wind, but the wind brought by objects flying by.

Not far from the yacht, a sailboat suddenly appeared, and before everyone could react, several hooks were launched to their boat like lightning.

Qianmo stared at the black flag on the ship, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Heh, interesting..."

"You stay here, I'll be back soon"

After saying that, Qianmo jumped onto the rope and ran towards the sailboat along the rope.

On the sailboat, a sailor was reporting to the captain in a hurry: "Captain, the hook has been launched successfully"

The captain narrowed his eyes slightly and showed a sly smile.

"Well done, that ship is obviously a ship of a rich kid, there must be a lot of good things"

"Captain, we got rich this time!"


Before they finished being happy, a sailor ran in in a hurry.

"No, it's bad! Captain!"

The sailor was panting, his face full of panic.

"What's the hurry, could it be that you hooked a ghost ship?"

The captain frowned and scolded dissatisfiedly.

"No, no! Not a ghost ship! On that ship-ah!"

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked to the ground.

With a muffled sound, the sailor fell to the ground in a mess, and the one who kicked him down was Qianmo who had just rushed over along the rope.

"Hi~ Are you the captain?"

Qianmo's mouth corners slightly raised, with a wicked smile, but his eyes were as cold as ice, staring at the captain in front of him.

The captain looked at Qianmo, his face was cold.

Shen, without hesitation, drew the knife from his waist and strode towards her.

The aggressive look seemed to kill Qianmo immediately.

When the sailors saw this, they showed admiration in their eyes and thought to themselves: He is worthy of being the captain! At such a critical moment, he is still so courageous and brave, and is not afraid of the uninvited guest in front of him.

They watched the captain and Qianmo nervously, as if waiting for a fierce duel to begin.

Qianmo looked at the captain in front of her with some appreciation. These days, her daily activities were only eating, sleeping, playing with Suya and Yueling, and being played by Duoleisi. Her life was monotonous and boring, and she was almost bored to death.

Now that she met such a person who had the courage to confront her, she flashed a trace of excitement and expectation in her eyes.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, the captain's next move made everyone stare with eyes wide open, with a look of disbelief.

*Iron weapon falls to the ground*

The captain threw the knife in front of Qianmo, then knelt on one knee. This dramatic change made the sailors present confused. They didn't understand what the captain was doing.

Qianmo blinked in confusion.

Did he surrender?

When Qianmo was in a state of confusion and surprise, the captain suddenly took out a modern pistol from somewhere and pointed it at Qianmo, showing a sly smile, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

There was only a gunshot, and Qianmo's eyes widened in disbelief, and then fell straight to the ground.

The other two sailors saw this scene, and were stunned at first, and then they applauded excitedly and cheered loudly.

The captain looked down at Qianmo who was lying on the ground, with a hideous smile on his face and a strange laugh from his mouth.

"Hehehe! You are too young to fight me, little girl!"

The captain blew the muzzle of the gun, then put the gun away, turned around and coldly ordered the two sailors: "Go, clean up her body"

The two sailors quickly responded: "Yes, Captain!"

Then they hurried to the place where Qianmo fell, ready to deal with it according to the captain's instructions.

However, as soon as they came to Qianmo's side, Qianmo's body suddenly began to twitch, and his limbs began to twist in strange postures.

This weird scene made the two sailors stare in astonishment, and they were at a loss where they were.

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