The enemy was in a hurry, but the enemy was still alive.

Niels raised his hand and fired a huge magic attack at Qianmo.

——『Eternal Night Moment』

Qianmo saw the right moment and quickly dodged sideways, letting the attack fall on the closed iron door behind him.

After a deafening sound, the iron door only had a dent, and was not penetrated as Qianmo expected.

"I know what you are thinking, using my attack to destroy the iron door, don't think about it, I said I would only beat you half to death, so I won't use an attack that will destroy the iron door or the wall"

As he said, Niels fired another magic attack at Qianmo.

Yue Ling quickly blocked in front of Qianmo and fired a wind pressure bullet from his mouth.

The moment the attacks from both sides met, they exploded.

Suya, who was fighting with the male Niels, was distracted by the sound below and was accidentally attacked by Niels.

"How dare you be distracted while fighting with me?"

Niels took out a blood spear and threw it at Suya.

Suya hurriedly threw a magic card to stop the blood spear in the air.

A few more cards floated out of the magic book floating beside her to replenish Suya's ammunition.

Suya looked at the magic cards in the magician's groove that were almost empty, and felt a little uneasy.

In the past, she could easily drive away Dolores, the True Ancestor-level vampire, because she had the holy light magic that restrained the undead, and Dolores was just playing with her.

The power of the envoy only increased Suya's growth limit, and could not make Suya directly stronger.

Suppose Nils is now at level 100, that's because his upper limit is only level 100, while Suya's upper limit is more than level 100, but she is not even at level 100 now, so it's so difficult to deal with Nils.

"Hey, hey, hey~ Miss God's Envoy, you can't be just this strength, right? That's too lame~"

"Humph, I'm so lame now, so what! If you have the ability, give me a year, I promise to press you to the ground and rub you in a year!"

Suya raised that beautiful finger to Nils.

"Puff——Hahahaha! You are so arrogant! Don't you have any trump cards as a God's Envoy?"

Trumpet card?

Of course Suya has it, but she has to use it carefully.

And the key to using that trump card lies in Suya's system.

At the beginning, the goddess gave Suya many blessings, although they were all gains, but there would be conflicts between the blessings.

And because there were too many blessings, Suya could not freely control the size of her own power.

Therefore, the limiter called *system* was born.

Now, as long as the limiter is turned off, all blessings will be unlocked, and there will be no mode restrictions.

The disadvantage is that when all blessings strengthen the body, it will bring great reaction force, causing some unpredictable damage to the body.

Just as Suya hesitated, several loud noises came from the research institute.


If you hesitate any longer, you will die!

[Ding! Please confirm again whether to lift the restrictions]


[Ding! All restrictions have been lifted]

[For your safety, this restriction will be reopened in 5 minutes]

With Suya's breathing, magic power surged like a torrent on the girl's body.

Niels noticed that Suya's magic power was rising, and felt bad, and quickly launched a magic attack at her.

However, Suya just slowly raised her right hand to catch the attack, and then threw it back.

Niels looked at the magic bullet flying back and quickly dodged sideways.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

Just as Niels was about to turn his head and grab, Suya held his head and smashed him straight to the ground from the sky.

During this period, Suya also used the Holy Light Magic casually to see if it would work with the blessing of all the goddesses.

However, after Niels fell on his face, the purification effect of the Holy Light Magic did not work.

There was no other way, Suya had to use a simpler and more brutal method.

Suya used all the magic cards in one breath.

Niels, who broke free from Suya, was about to fly away from Suya when he was frozen in place by an invisible magic force.

"Ugh! What kind of magic is this! Is it just ordinary magic control?!"

Niels looked painful

He was clearly in the upper hand just now, but now he was really going to be pressed to the ground by that girl? !

——【Multiple Magic·Sophora Cannon】

The palm-sized card

The cards instantly turned into huge magic bullets, falling like raindrops, and the light of the explosion instantly illuminated the entire forest.

At first, Nils could still resist, but in the end he was overwhelmed by Suya's fierce attack.

As a god's messenger, Nils obviously did not have as many blessings as Suya, which showed that the so-called demon god did not love his god as much as the goddess did.

Suya now felt dizzy and hot all over.

This was a manifestation of excessive use of magic.

She forced herself to fly towards the research institute.

However, her vision became more and more blurred, and finally fell from the air.

At this time, a figure appeared and caught her.

Seeing the familiar face, Suya weakly reached out and grabbed the other person's collar.

"Qian... Qianmo... over there..."

"Well, I know, leave it to me"

After hearing the answer, Suya fainted in Dolores' arms.

*Bang! *

Qianmo was blown away by the powerful magic impact and fell awkwardly against the wall.

Qianmo propped himself up, looked up at Yue Ling who was lying on the ground not far away, and then looked at the female Niels who was approaching her.

"Hmm? He can still move, it seems that he is not half dead yet."

At this time, there were hideous blood marks on Qianmo's cheeks.

Does it hurt?

It would be a lie to say that it doesn't hurt, but...

Compared with the pain I suffered before, this is nothing!

Qianmo activated the *Life Blood Ring* again, and his originally weak body instantly regained vitality.

"Oh? Again? You activated the Life Blood Ring so many times in a short period of time, are you going to die?"

"Hehe, to die? What I lack the least is life!"

[Ding! The host's vitality is detected to be dangerously low, and the host's vitality is replenished]

[Go! Host! We have plenty of life extension! We will scrape her to death! ]

Qianmo took a quick step, like a phantom, and rushed to Niels in an instant.

Nils quickly gathered his magic power in his hands and mercilessly punched Qianmo's head.

Qianmo bent down to avoid the punch, and used his hands to support himself and kicked Nils' chin.

This kick not only hit a critical hit, but also successfully angered Nils.

Qianmo didn't have time to dodge, and Nils grabbed his neck.

"I changed my mind, it turns out that the corpse is better."

Nils gradually increased the strength of his grip on Qianmo's neck.

If it were someone else, they would definitely try their best to pry Nils' hands apart at this time.

But Qianmo was different, she was not afraid of death!

Qianmo punched and kicked Nils with all her strength.

However, Nils did not let Qianmo go.

Gradually, Qianmo's vision became more and more blurred due to suffocation, and finally his limbs drooped weakly, like a puppet without strings.


Nils looked at the lifeless Qianmo in his hand and laughed shrilly and crazy.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?"

The sudden voice attracted Nils' attention.

Dolores happened to teleport in at this time, and saw the scene in front of her-

A strange vampire woman was laughing wildly, and she was pinching a lifeless girl in her hand.

Dolores' breathing became rapid and heavy, the veins on her forehead bulged, her fists were clenched tightly, her nails were deeply embedded in her palms, and the anger in her heart almost burst out.

In just a moment, Nils felt dizzy, and when she finally fell to the ground, she saw her own body.

Dolores looked at the lifeless girl in her arms, her expression was dull, and her heart was full of guilt and anger.

She died...

She died because of me...

If I hadn't asked her to go undercover, would she not have died...

After Nils' body recovered, he was about to teleport away when a hand pierced his chest from behind.

Nils looked at the hand that pierced his body in shock, with a bloody, beating heart on it.

Dolores crushed the heart in front of her, and the heart that should have grown back was completely motionless.

Nils fell to the ground in pain, holding his chest, looking at Dolores in disbelief.

"The magic power has indeed reached the True Ancestor level, but it is still an inferior hybrid, even inferior to the newborn vampires."

Dolores looked at the woman on the ground with a painful expression, her eyes were like the deep water of a cold pond, cold to the bone, without the slightest emotional fluctuation, and this was her true face as a vampire.

Qianmo, who was lying on the ground on the other side, was indeed dead, but...

[Ding! Vampirization progress reaches 100%]

[Beginning to perform *blood baptism* on the host]

[The system begins to change modes...]

[Ding! Replacement successful]

[Congratulations to the host for successfully unlocking the *violent aesthetics system*]


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