After Su Ya woke up from her coma, she found herself lying on a bed.

It was dark and quiet.

Su Ya sat up from the bed, rubbed her eyes, looked at everything around her, and felt a little confused.

"I'm at... Dolores's house..."

A headache suddenly hit her, and she was caught off guard. Su Ya could only cover her suddenly painful head with her hands in an attempt to relieve the pain.

"It seems that I have to learn some healing magic when I go back this time... By the way, where is Qian Mo now?"

Su Ya got off the bed and went outside to find someone.

The headache prevented Su Ya from using magic perception in a large range, and she could only perceive in a small range while walking in the corridor.

Through the traces of magic left in the corridor, Suya quickly found the room where Dolores was.

*Knock knock knock*

After knocking on the door, there was no response from the room.

Suya found that the door was not locked, so she turned the handle.

After opening the door, she saw Dolores kneeling on the ground with her back to her, as if she was asleep.

All the decorations in the room looked like supplies for some kind of sacrifice.

Suya walked in on tiptoe and slowly walked to Dolores' side.

When Suya saw the coffin in front of Dolores, she suddenly felt an inexplicable uneasiness in her heart, and her spine was cold.

The existence of the coffin filled the girl's heart with uneasiness, and she couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The impermanence of fate is shocking. The person who was whispering in her ear in the last second has quietly passed away in the next second.

Dolores opened her eyes, turned her head with a tired face, and looked at Suya beside her.

"You're awake..."

Dole's voice was a little weak. It was the first time that Suya saw her like this.

"Qianmo... is it in here?"

The girl asked uncertainly with a trembling voice.

"Well... she's sleeping in here now"

Dole nodded and said slowly.

Suya moved lightly and knelt down slowly. Her movements were gentle and cautious, as if she was afraid of waking up the person sleeping in it.

She put her hand on it and carefully pushed open the cover on it.

As the cover was pushed open, a familiar but unfamiliar face came into view.

Suya looked at the face in front of her that was similar to her own, and a complex emotion surged in her heart.

This was the first time she really saw Qianmo's face, without cognitive obstacles and without obstructions.

At this time, the girl had no mind to think about why she looked like herself.

Looking at the girl in front of her, Suya's eyes gradually became moist, and tears blurred her vision.

Suya's eyes were filled with grief and reluctance, tears slowly flowed down her cheeks and dripped onto Qianmo's cold hands.

Although time passed quickly and they didn't get along for long, the girl had a deep affection for her and regarded her as an irreplaceable and important person.

The faint cry brought Dolores, who was almost asleep, back to her senses.

After seeing Suya's appearance, Dolores instantly understood something.

At first, she also thought Qianmo was dead, but in fact it was not the case.

Qianmo had just entered the final stage of vampireization. At this stage, vital signs would temporarily drop to the lowest level, just like death.

In order to ensure that Qianmo could successfully complete the vampireization, Dolores brought her into this room, and then supplied her with magic power to increase the success rate of vampireization.

However, after Suya saw this scene, she misunderstood that Qianmo was really dead, so she was so sad.

Seeing Suya so sad for someone for the first time, Dolores felt a little strange.

Should we take another look?

Dolores shook her head.

Forget it, how can you make a cute girl so sad for your own bad taste?

Just when Dolores wanted to explain, Qianmo suddenly *resurrected*!

Looking at Qianmo who suddenly sat up, Suya was confused.

Suya downtime.JPG

The blood-red eyes suddenly opened, and Qianmo's eyes flashed with blood-red luster. She looked at Suya beside her and pounced on her without warning.

Qianmo opened his fangs and bit Suya's neck accurately.

Everything happened so suddenly that people couldn't react.

The stinging pain on the neck made the girl react, but she didn't push the girl who was pressing on her away.

Maybe she didn't have the strength to resist at this time, or maybe she didn't intend to resist at all.

Generally speaking, newborn vampires will not be dominated by instinct.


Dolores soon understood why Qianmo was like this.

Qianmo was a subhuman before, and there were beast race genes in his body. His beast nature would affect his rationality. If he added the blood of the blood race, he would most likely become an irrational bloodthirsty monster.

Dolores didn't know how many times Qianmo had used the *Life Blood Ring* before to amplify his beast nature to this extent, but if she didn't stop it, Suya's blood would be sucked dry by her.

Dolores quickly stood up, stretched out her hand to grab Qianmo's arm, and pulled her away from Suya.

Qianmo, who was forced to stop eating, reacted involuntarily. Her hand swung back violently and scratched Dolores' hand.

Dolores didn't show mercy to Qianmo like this, and threw her directly against the wall.

Qianmo, who was thrown away, did not hit the wall, but lay on the wall like a spider.

Looking at the incredible scene in front of her, Dolores showed a shocked expression

Is this... a superpower?

Suya stood up from the ground, covering the bite marks on her neck, and looked at Qianmo in front of her.

"Dolores, Qianmo is..."

"Maybe she is sleepwalking, or... she has turned into a monster"

Qianmo on the wall jumped unexpectedly and jumped in front of Suya in the blink of an eye.

"Be careful!"

Dolores hurriedly stood in front of Suya, created a blood chain to stop Qianmo, and then quickly tied him up.

Unlike ordinary beasts, Qianmo did not show his teeth, but stared at Suya expressionlessly, as if he was looking at prey.

The beast nature made Qianmo lose his rationality, and the blood nature made her extremely dangerous.

Suya slowly squatted down and stretched out her hand to Qianmo.

"Suya, be careful..."

Dolores said worriedly.

"Don't worry, she's probably just hungry"

"Otherwise, the skin on my neck would have been torn when you pulled her away just now"

Suya pointed to the bite marks on her neck, which indeed only had two small blood holes and a little blood.

Suya touched Qianmo's head, and Qianmo didn't bite her hand, but just looked at Suya quietly, then slowly closed his eyes.

"Take off the blood chain on her body"


Doraes took back the blood chain on Qianmo's body.

"Let me do it, you're too weak now"

Seeing Suya pick up Qianmo, Doraes hurriedly reached out to take it.

"You just threw her out, are you sure she won't scratch you if you come?"


Suya held Qianmo and left the room.

She's still alive...

Looking at the girl in her arms, Suya showed a relaxed and happy smile on her face, as if she had put down the burden in her heart.


The bright moonlight poured into the corridor like a veil. The white-haired girl hugged another white-haired girl and walked slowly forward with light steps, as if she had merged into the white moonlight.

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