The girl on the bed moved her fingers, then slowly opened her hazy eyes, as if she had not yet completely gotten rid of the entanglement of the dream.

Qianmo had a dream. She dreamed that there were a lot of food around her, and she took a bite of all the food very luxuriously, and was very satisfied. Now she feels her stomach is bulging after waking up.

Qianmo looked around. Although she hadn't seen it for a while, she could still recognize that this was the room that Duo Leisi had prepared for her.

Just when Qianmo was about to lie down for a while, she glimpsed the bulging quilt next to her, as if there was something.

Could it be that a beautiful girl got into my quilt? !

As soon as Qianmo had this idea, he immediately threw it out of his mind.

This isn't an anime, how could a beautiful girl crawl into my bed?

Qianmo shook his head and stretched out his hand to pull the quilt open.

Then he saw a white-haired cat girl sleeping on his legs.

Qianmo: "..."

Multiple dreams? !

So this is the plot!

Just as Qianmo was shocked, Suya woke up because her body felt a little cold after the quilt was pulled open.

She slowly got up, kneeling with her legs, and the side of her buttocks pressed against her heels.

Qianmo looked at the white-haired cat girl sitting in front of him, and a blush appeared on her cheeks.

Suya smiled sweetly when she saw Qianmo.

"Good morning, Qianmo~"

After saying that, she lay on Qianmo's legs again and slept, and covered herself with the quilt again.

Qianmo was a little overwhelmed by the current situation.

What's going on?

What happened?

Did I miss something?

Could it be that... I have blacked out from drinking? !

"Suya? You..."

Suya turned over, her clothes slipped off, revealing her fair neck and shoulders, with several very obvious bite marks on them.

Seeing the bite marks on Suya's body, Qianmo's brain exploded instantly!

I... I fucking slept with Suya? ! !

Qianmo's brain was very confused, and he had no idea how to deal with the current situation.

"Su... Suya"

Qianmo gently poked Suya's face and called softly.

"Well... it hurts... I'm tired... Let me sleep a little longer..."

At this point, Qianmo didn't dare to move anymore.

Qianmo sat on the bed, looking at Suya on his legs, thinking for a long time.

*Qianmo's brain meeting*

No. 1: The content of this meeting is - what should I do if I sleep with a girl?

No. 2: Isn't this simple? This is a matter of mutual consent, so there is no need to care too much.

No. 3: Bullshit! How do you know she is willing?

No. 2: She didn't have any big reaction when she woke up just now, so it must be voluntary!

No. 3: Humph! She is still young, so of course she is not sensible, but I am sensible!

No. 1: No. 3 is right, I have to be responsible for what I have done and I can't let her get hurt!

No. 2: In this case, what should I do?

No. 3: Is this even necessary? Of course I have to take responsibility!

*Return to reality*

Qianmo took a deep breath, looked at Suya, and said in a clear voice:

"Suya, I will be responsible for you!"

"Well... OK..."

Suya replied in a daze.

Qianmo didn't know if she heard what she was saying, but from now on, she would definitely treat Suya well.

In fact, Qianmo didn't know what to do with the so-called "responsibility". Her understanding was: I have to treat the girl in front of me well for the rest of my life.

At this moment, a familiar electromagnetic sound rang again, and a familiar translucent panel appeared in front of Qianmo.

【Ding~ Good morning, host! 】

‘Hmm? Who are you? ’

【Eh! That’s too much! Have you forgotten me in just one day? 】

The system’s voice sounded a little aggrieved, which made Qianmo feel strange.

‘You... are becoming more and more like a person’

【That’s right~ After the system was updated again, my voice module has been qualitatively improved. Now I am a system that understands emotions! 】


Qianmo’s reply was a little... perfunctory!

However, the system didn’t care. It only cared whether Qianmo was satisfied with it now.

【Host, I now have the function of improving combat power. Aren’t you happy? 】

‘Tell me first, what can you do now’


【The system has currently switched to the *violent aesthetic system*】

【The core point of this system is *violence points*】

【When the host

The host can gain violence points by using violence to harm others or things. Conversely, the host can also gain violence points by being harmed.]

[Violent points can be used in the following two places]

[1. Skills]

[By consuming violence points, the host can directly release skills without additional consumption]

[2. Shop]

[By spending violence points, the host can purchase a variety of skills and props]

‘Well, although there are only two functions, it’s not bad. It’s much better than the previous curse.’

‘Open the skill bar and take a look.’


[Skill bar]

[-Life Blood Ring (10)]

[-Gravity Control (20)]

[-Blood Reading (5)]

[-Eternal Night Moment (20)]

[-Blood Control (15)]

[Violent Points: 100]

Seeing four more skills on the skill bar, Qianmo was a little surprised.

‘Are all these skills mine? ’

[Yes, the skills that appear on the skill bar are all the host’s, and can be used even without consuming violence points]

[In addition, these 100 violence points are the host’s initial reward]

[Does the host want to try it? ]

‘Then try that *blood reading* first’

[OK~ The host can use it as long as he uses his mind]

[Ding~ Blood reading requires the host to lick blood before it can be used]

Qianmo looked at Suya on his legs and shook his head.

I bit her so much, how can I bite her again!

Qianmo opened his mouth and bit his arm.

[Violence points consumed*5]

[The information of the blood owner has been read]

[Name: Qianmo]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: ? ? ? 】

[Race: Subhuman Blood Clan (Blood Cat Clan)]

[Note: A special rare race formed by the fusion of the blood factors of the three races of human race, beast race and blood race]

"The information read is really little, but I roughly know how to use the blood reading"

"This skill shortcut key is a good skill coach"

Qianmo raised his hand and aimed at the cup not far away.

[Violence points consumed*20]

[Gravity control has been activated]

The cup that was originally placed steadily on the table suddenly seemed to be pushed by an invisible force and flew towards Qianmo.

*Bang! *

The cup passed Qianmo's cheek and hit the wall behind her directly. The glass fragments did not fall off, but were firmly attached to the wall, or scattered on the wall.

Qianmo quickly gathered the glass fragments on the wall and threw them into the trash can.

Qianmo sighed and looked at Suya.

At this time, Suya had been awakened by the sound of the cup breaking, and was now looking up at Qianmo.

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