The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Dolesi sat at the dining table, looking down at the newspaper in her hand with a frown. The content of the newspaper made her feel troubled and worried.

There was a sound of light footsteps outside. Duoleisi inadvertently saw the two cat girls walking into the restaurant hand in hand, and a warm feeling surged in her heart.

Dolesi: "Good morning~"

Qianmo: "Good morning~"

Suya: "Good morning"

After saying hello, the two girls walked to the dining table with small steps and sat down quietly.

"You look like you've encountered something. Tell us about it."

"Have breakfast first. I'll tell you after breakfast."

Suya's eyes fell on Qianmo and Duoleisi beside her. The two figures in front of her gradually overlapped with the two figures in her mind, as if time was intertwined.

Qianmo noticed Suya's sight.

"What's wrong?"

Suya shook her head.

"It's okay. I just saw the shadows of my two sisters in you. I used to have breakfast with them like this."

"Eh~ So, do you think of me as your sister?" Duoleisi joked.

"Well, yes, sister Duoleisi~"

Suya raised the corners of her mouth and said sweetly.

Hearing Suya's crisp "sister", Duoleisi's cheeks instantly flushed with shyness.

"Can... can you call me sister again?"

Duoleisi said, covering her blushing face.

Then in the next half an hour, Suya repeated "sister" hundreds of times until Duo Leisi was rewarded and fell on the dining table with satisfaction.

Qianmo looked at Duo Leisi lying on the dining table, turned his head to look at Suya, and looked at her with expectant eyes.

Suya sighed and touched Qianmo's head.

"I call her sister not because I see the shadow of my sister in her. I won't play the substitute literature set"

"As for you, if you can prove that you are older than me, then I will call you sister Qianmo~"

Qianmo retracted her expectant eyes, because she really couldn't prove that she was older than Suya. She was not even one year old in this life. She couldn't count the age of the previous life as this life, right?

Qianmo felt the head-patting from Suya, and suddenly realized something.

My hat? !

"Su Su Su Su..."

Qianmo was so nervous that he stuttered.

"Just call me Susu, no need to repeat it so many times"

"Well... OK, Su!"

After hesitating for a while, Qianmo could only say "Su".

They had known each other for a short time, but they were close friends. Calling her Susu was a bit too ambiguous, but calling her Suya was too strange, so Qianmo decided to call Suya "Su".

Suya smiled helplessly. Perhaps only Qianmo would call her "Su". This was also a special relationship.

"Su, do you have anything you want to ask me, such as my face?"

"Yes, there are still many questions I want to ask you, but didn't you say you would explain to me after the matter is over?"

"... Well, wait for me!"

After thinking for a while, Qianmo decided to get something.

Leaving the restaurant, Qianmo walked quickly to the room and took out the 9527 document he had taken out from the research institute from the bedside table.

Misunderstandings come from information gaps between each other. Qianmo doesn't want to have misunderstandings with Suya, so she decides to give this document that records all her information to Suya.

Dolores looked at the direction where Qianmo left, and basically guessed what Qianmo was going to do.

As a "sister", Dolores planned to help the two little ones.

"Suya, have you ever thought about why Qianmo looks like you?"

"Well? Qianmo does look a lot like me, but the color of her eyes is different"

"Her eyes turned red because of the blood family factor. Her original eyes were blue like yours. What do you think is the relationship between Qianmo and you now?"

After a short silence, Suya raised her head and answered with a firm look:

"It doesn't matter what kind of relationship she and I had before. Focusing on the present is the most important thing. I only care about our current relationship"

Dolores was stunned for a moment, and then chuckled.

"Hahaha~ You're right, the present is the most important thing. So what is your relationship with Qianmo now?"

" relationship with Qianmo..."

Su Ya lowered her head slightly, her shy face flushed slightly, and her words

There was some hesitation, as if there was something difficult to say that could not be said.

"Good friends... maybe even better than good friends..."

"I'm back!"

A crisp and pleasant voice came from behind Suya, and then Qianmo walked in slowly.

"Here, give it to you!"

Qianmo held the document in both hands and handed it to Suya steadily, very solemnly, looking like he was handing over some confidential documents.

Suya took the document with both hands, opened it, and looked through the contents.

It was so quiet around that only the sound of paper flipping could be heard.

Suya learned three things from the information -

First, Qianmo was her clone, but his soul came from another world;

Second, Qianmo was not the only clone, and it was very likely that he would not be the last clone;

Third, the ancient magic relic *Lianying*.

When Suya saw the experimental log in the information, her face gradually became gloomy, and the more she looked down, the gloomier her face became.

When recording the torture of Qianmo, the researchers were so casual about it, not treating Qianmo as an independent life.

From the data, it can be known that the clones cannot replicate the blessings of the original body, that is, all Suya clones are just ordinary girls.

She couldn't imagine how desperate an unarmed girl would be when facing a vicious monster.

Suya looked up at Qianmo who was standing in front of her, and asked in confusion: "Aren't you... tired of standing?"

"Hey? Oh oh oh!"

Qianmo pulled the chair next to him over and sat in front of Suya.

"Qianmo, you've worked hard"

"Hey? No, not hard"

Qianmo shook his head in confusion.

Dolores looked at the two of them and roughly understood one thing-the channels of the two were not on the same line.

There was no way. As a sister, of course, it was her obligation to help her sisters solve their problems~

Dolores coughed a few times and attracted the attention of the two.

"Suya, I'm curious about something now, I wonder if you can tell me?"

"Hmm? What's it?"

"As your replica, how do you view Qianmo?"

Dolece's question was quite straightforward, but it helped Qianmo get the answer he wanted.

"Hmm... In a sense, Qianmo is also my sister, right?"

"To be honest, I've always wanted a sister~"

After hearing Suya's answer, Qianmo's heart was finally at ease.

Great, she didn't dislike me as a replica.

Qianmo breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and showed a relaxed expression.

After noticing Qianmo's expression, Suya realized what Qianmo really wanted to hear.

Qianmo had long since walked out of that experience, and now she no longer needed any comfort, because she had already received comfort from *others*.


On a mountain not far away, Yue Ling, who had recovered from her physical condition, was competing with the two-headed dog to see whose bark was the loudest.

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