Although things can be solved as soon as possible, we still need to be prepared for everything in case of any eventuality.

Suya used up all her magic cards when she fought with Niels before, so she now needs to use magic in the most primitive way.

That's right, using a magic wand.

Qianmo: "By the way, do magicians have to use props like wands to cast magic?"

Suya: "You can think of the wand as a faucet. If a magician wants to release magic accurately, the wand is the best helper, especially for people like me who have super magic power."

Qianmo suddenly realized: "Oh~ I understand!"

"Magic with bare hands is equivalent to pouring water. Pouring too much is a waste, and pouring too little is inefficient."

"That's about it. You have a good understanding ability. Do you want to learn magic from me?"

"Okay, okay! Ah, speaking of magic, I have something to ask you. Can you help me put this..."

Qianmo looked down at his ankles. The iron handcuffs that were originally tied on them were gone.

"Huh? The handcuffs?"

"Are you talking about this?"

Suya handed the handcuffs to Qianmo.

"I took off the collar from your neck last night before going to bed. This thing was put on you by those researchers, right?"

Qianmo nodded and took the iron handcuffs.

The iron handcuffs were heavy and cold, pressing heavily on her hands, bringing a heavy sense of restraint.

The thing that once bound Qianmo has now been removed from her.

So, is her fate with the institute over?

No, it's not over yet, at least not before destroying Weiweili's base.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting!"

Doralei came over with a box.

"What's in that box?"

"It's the equipment I prepared for you!"

Doralei opened the box, took out a large long object wrapped in bandages, and handed it to Suya.

From the shape, you can tell that it is a magic wand, but...

Qianmo looked at the bandages on the ground, and then looked at the magic wand in Suya's hand that was longer than normal chopsticks.

"So why do you need so many bandages for such a small thing?!" Suya complained.

"I don't know, this thing was given to me by someone else," Doris shrugged.

"Does this wand have any hidden secrets? For example, it has a very powerful force, so it needs so many bandages."

"Hiss - it's not impossible."

"Anyway, let's try it first?" Qianmo suggested.

Suya pointed the wand at the pillow on the sofa.

The blue fluorescence wrapped the pillow, and then slowly floated up.

"Well... the magic power conduction is very smooth, comparable to my magic cards."

"It's a pity that I can't cast magic remotely like before."

Suya sighed and put away the wand.

"Are those magic cards actually disposable wands?" Qianmo asked.

"Well, set the magic in the card in advance, and then throw it directly in front of the enemy, and perform zero-distance casting, which can reduce the distance consumption," Suya explained.

"Only a rich and inhumane cat girl like you can make disposable magic wand cards, Qianmo, don't learn from her."

Dolesi said as she took out another box from the box and handed it to Qianmo.

"Qianmo, this is for you."

Qianmo took the box, broke the buckle on the box, and slowly opened the lid.

Inside the box, an exquisite black key lay quietly on the cotton cloth, with red stripes engraved on the key, like a red line in the dark night, mysterious and charming.

Suya was a little surprised when she saw what was in the box.

"This thing!? Dolesi, you——"

"E——Don't get me wrong, I only borrowed the appearance"

"What are you talking about?"

Qianmo didn't understand what the two were talking about at all.

"It's okay, you try this weapon first"

Qianmo looked at the key in the box, his face full of confusion.

Can this be a weapon? ? ?

Qianmo picked up the key doubtfully, and the moment he touched it, it generated a strong suction force.

Qianmo felt as if something was being extracted from his body.

[Ding! Blood clan weapon detected]

[Basic information of the weapon has been read]

[Blood clan weapon]

[How to use: After absorbing the user's blood, it will

Change the appearance of the weapon according to the user's personality characteristics]

[Weapon special effects: 1. Extremely hard 2. The more blood absorbed, the stronger the weapon will be]

As the blood was absorbed, the red stripes on the key spread rapidly to cover the key as if it had life, and then the key suddenly became larger and turned into a black and red sickle.

Qianmo looked at the sickle in his hand with astonishment.

The three people present were shocked by the big sickle.

"I didn't expect that Qianmo you turned out to be a sickle, I thought it would be a sword or something"

"Is there any explanation for turning into a sickle?"

"This is not easy to explain, maybe it's because you have the idea of ​​killing someone now?"

"Well, maybe..."

Qianmo looked at the sickle in his hand and was silent.

"Speaking of sickles, everyone will definitely think of the god of death, and speaking of the god of death, everyone will definitely think of the cloak worn by the god of death!"

Doraes suddenly changed the subject and took out a black coat from the box while speaking.

"Jiang Jiang! Hooded cat coat! There's a pair of cute cat ears on the hood!"

"Oh oh oh!!! Cat hat!!!"

*Qianmo has no resistance to cute things

The cat coat that Duo Leisi took out can be worn both ways, with black and white sides, white during the day and black at night, and they can be changed in turns.

There are two pieces in total, Qianmo and Suya each have one.

Duo Leisi: "This coat has very high magic resistance and physical resistance, which can help you block some sunlight, Qianmo"

"By the way, what is your reaction after touching the sunlight?"

Qianmo; "I feel a little stinging on my skin, as if I was pricked by a needle"

"It seems that you have a high resistance to sunlight. When you complete the task and come back, I will take you to test your blood clan level"

Qianmo nodded and said, "Well, okay!"


This vampire crisis was mainly caused by the human race, so Duo Leisi had no reason to take action.

Qianmo was a victim who was infected and turned into a vampire, so it was reasonable for her to participate in this battle.

There was no need to say more about Suya, this was her responsibility as the guardian of the dawn.

The gem fell to the ground, forming a teleportation magic circle.

After the light dissipated, only Duo Leisi and Yue Ling were left there.

"Awoo?" (Why can't I go with you?)

"Haha, you are a living fossil. If you go there, you might be locked up."

Duo Leisi shrugged and walked into the castle.

Yue Ling looked up at the sun setting in the distance.

Today's dusk is particularly red...

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