The two of them went to the headquarters of the Silver Wing Knights.

Aurora City-Silver Wing Knights Headquarters

After Suya and Qianmo returned to Aurora City, they went to find Regis as soon as possible.

The two entered the Knights Headquarters and walked straight to Regis' office. No one stopped them, probably because the knights were busy with the case of "bat monster attacking nobles".

After Suya knocked on the office door a few times, she pushed the door open without waiting for Regis' response.

"Hey! Where did you come from..."

In the office, Regis was talking to a noble, but the other party's face seemed a little bad. After seeing Suya, he became even more angry. When he was about to scold Suya, he was interrupted by Suya's words.

"Captain Regis, I have some clues about the bat monster"

"Really? That's great! Tell me what the clues are!"

Regis saw Suya as if he had seen a savior.

"Count Fels, I have to deal with the bat monster now, so I'll leave you now."

Without waiting for Fels to say anything, Regis left the office immediately and took Suya and Qianmo to the conference room.

"Is that noble the family member of the person who was attacked?"

"Yes, the person who was attacked is his brother. From yesterday to now, he has been making trouble and hindering our investigation progress. I began to suspect that his brother's murder was related to him."

"Forget it, these are not important. Tell me about the clues you found first."

Suya repeated the clues in the shortest words.

After learning about Vivili's location, Regis summoned several team leaders and began to assign tasks.

Since one of the locations is in the Imperial City, Regis must lead the team himself. Suya originally wanted to go to another location, but her identity as a guardian forced her to go to the Imperial City first.

Qianmo joined the team going to another location on the grounds that she could sense vampires and revenge.

Dolores added cognitive obstruction magic to Qianmo's coat, so Qianmo didn't have to worry about her face being exposed.

On the way to the destination, Qianmo looked up at the sky.

The moon didn't come out tonight...

"Miss Qianmo, what's wrong?"

The person who spoke was the team leader, Ochis Cage.

"It's okay, I just can't see the moon, and I'm a little panicked."

"Haha, it's okay, this is not the first time we have dealt with such illegal organizations."

Qianmo nodded.

As expected of a captain, every move can give people a sense of confidence.

When approaching the restricted area, Qianmo could already smell some blood.

Ochis raised his hand to signal everyone to stop, and then asked the knight next to him to take out some black balls and throw them out.

After the balls fell to the ground, they emitted a faint smoke around them, which directly dispersed the surrounding plant-type monsters.

Everyone successfully entered the restricted area through the passage created by the smoke.

Soon, everyone came to a large abandoned building. Judging from the appearance of the building, it seemed to be some kind of factory in the past.

The knights surrounded the building, those with windows entered through the windows, and those without windows entered through the door.

Qianmo took a look at their equipment, which were basically cold weapons, and a small number of knights carried magic wands.

After entering the building and searching for a while, they finally found the entrance.

The entrance was in the toilet, and Qianmo felt that the designer who set up the entrance was really talented.

When the secret door of the entrance was just opened, a bloodthirsty bat quickly rushed out from it and knocked down a knight.

The knights were indeed professionally trained, and the bloodthirsty bat was quickly killed by the knights.

As an undead creature, it was killed by a sword?

Qianmo looked at Ochis's sword, a little confused.

"Captain, is there any special magic on your sword? It can actually kill it"

"There is no magic on the sword. It can kill it because the sword is made of silver. Miss Qianmo, please be careful not to be injured by us by mistake"

"Well, I know"

Qianmo nodded, then took a step back.

*Vampires also have weaknesses made of silver

After dealing with the bloodthirsty bats, Ochis left a few people outside to guard, and then let the rest enter the secret passage one by one.

There was a damp smell in the basement. The knights moved forward cautiously, and the sound of the soles of their boots rubbing against the ground was particularly clear in the silence.

Suddenly, there were several hurried footsteps and the sound of wings flapping.

Suddenly, the black

Countless pairs of scarlet eyes flashed in the dark, and the bat monsters appeared like ghosts, attacking the Knights from all directions.

Ochis shouted: "Circle formation!"

The knights moved quickly and formed a solid circular defense line, and the magician stood in the middle to prepare for the enemy's attack with defensive magic.

This was the first time Qianmo saw such a scene.

The screen was full of monsters. If there were bombs, it would be very cool.

Qianmo raised his right hand, held his left hand on the right hand bowl, and made an aiming gesture.

[Violence points consumed * 20]

In an instant, a dark red magic power quickly condensed in front of Qianmo's right palm, forming a huge magic bomb.

——『Eternal Moment』

Suddenly there was a roar, and the impact of magic power rushed towards the bat group with unstoppable force, instantly defeating them to pieces.

[Violence Points +10]

[Violence Points +10]

[Violence Points +10]

[Violence Points...]

Qianmo's attack directly released his vampire aura completely.

The blood-thirsty bats seemed to be coaxed by Qianmo's vampire aura and flew away all at once.

The knights looked at the direction where the monsters left in a daze.

Ochis patted Qianmo's shoulder.

"Great, Miss Qianmo, I didn't expect you to scare them away directly"

"Ahaha... I just tried it casually, but I didn't expect to scare them away" Qianmo said angrily.


Reges's team didn't spend much time to find the target location.

Unlike Qianmo's side, their side was very lively. The ceiling of the abandoned castle was full of blood-thirsty bats, and under them stood a tall woman.

The woman looked back at the knights behind her, revealing a creepy pale face.

Suya was impressed by her face. Although they were of different genders, the woman in front of her was definitely a clone of Nils, or a prototype of Nils.

"It's so lively. The leader of the Silver Wing Knights and the Dawn Guardian are here. I didn't expect that I have such a big face."

Reges drew his sword and pointed it at the woman.

"You are surrounded, Vivili, surrender quickly!"

"Hey~ That's amazing. After so long, someone can still recognize me. Applause!"

After hearing Vivili's instructions, the bloodthirsty bats on the ceiling clapped in unison.

"Captain Regis, you should know the purpose of my coming to the imperial city. Tell me, where are the king and queen?"

As soon as the words fell, an invisible pressure instantly enveloped everyone, pressing most of the knights to the ground.

Just as Vivili raised her hand to launch an attack, a white figure instantly appeared beside her.

A white light flashed, and an arm flew out.

Vivili covered the broken part of her right shoulder and flew into the air quickly.

"Hey, you cut off my arm"

"Oh, so what? It will grow back anyway, right?"

"Heh, as a guardian, you actually said such a thing. Aren't you afraid that they will know and damage your image as a guardian?"

"Ah? My image?"

Suya looked at the Knights.

"Hey! Captain, do I have any image?"

"No! But I will probably have one after tonight!" Regis responded loudly.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear, hear what?"

"I plan to establish the image of a killing god of war tonight, and you are my stepping stone~"


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