The two of them were so sweet that they couldn't stand each other.

" smell so good!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell into silence.

Suya looked at Duo Leisi with a hint of disdain, as if she was looking at some garbage.

Qianmo was confused by Duo Leisi's words "you smell so good".

No, you said this after biting me? ? ?

After seeing that the expressions of the two people were a little wrong, Duo Leisi wiped the corners of her mouth and explained:

"Ahem, don't get me wrong, the fragrance I'm talking about is blood"

"So? Is there a difference?"

Suya's mouth twitched.

"Of course there is a difference! Take the blood of humans and vampires as an example."

"The biggest difference between the two bloods is vitality. Human blood is rich in vitality that vampires do not have, and it is this vitality that makes the blood fragrant. Of course, this is for vampires."

As she said this, Dolores looked at Qianmo.

"Qianmo, do you understand what I mean now?"

"Well... I understand. You mean it's very abnormal for me, a vampire, to have vitality..."

Suddenly, Qianmo remembered the system's prompt sound just now.

"Wait a minute, I may know the reason!"

Qianmo closed his eyes and began to call the system in his heart.

'System system, did I get a new skill just now? ’

[Ding~ Yes, host]

[The new skill is called "Immortal Blood Ring"]

[Because the host has become a vampire, the life blood ring has lost the vitality that can be converted, so the system has modified the skill to solve this bug, and thus a new skill - Immortal Blood Ring was born]

‘I didn't know you had this ability’

[No, the system does not have the ability to modify skills, but it just happens to have a method to modify skills, and this method was provided by the host]

‘I provided it? When did it happen? ’

[It's the ancient rune data that the host gave me to analyze last time. Because it is a little incomplete, I haven't analyzed it yet]

[However, by disassembling the spell inside, I just got a method to modify the life blood ring]

‘Wow~ I didn't expect you to be more and more useful. Do you have any surprises that I don't know? ’

[Hehe, I'm glad I can help the host~(*'▽'*)♪]

‘Tell me about the function of the Immortal Blood Ring’

[Okay! ]

[The Immortal Blood Ring inherits the Life Blood Ring's ability to convert vitality into power, and also adds the ability of *Life Accumulation*]

[*Life Accumulation* converts the energy absorbed by the host when eating into vitality, and then stores it for the host to use]

‘Is this a disguised way of adding another blood bar? ’

[That's right! And this blood bar will never bottom out~]

‘Won't bottom out? Wait... you mean, this backup blood bar can trigger the life extension function? ’

[That's right! As an undead host, there is no chance to use the life extension function, but as long as this skill exists, it will be useful! ]

‘Hehe, this pitfall curse can finally come in handy’

Qianmo opened his eyes, ended the conversation with the system, and then told Suya and Dolores about the Immortal Blood Ring.

“Immortal Blood Ring? This name is good, it sounds nice,” Suya praised.

"The blood race with vitality is simply a combination of contradictions," Dolores said.

"So, I have become Schrödinger's cat?"

"Schrödinger's cat? Who is that?"

"Haha~ I don't know either. I only know that Schrödinger's cat refers to a cat that dies and lives at the same time."

Qianmo shrugged and said.

Suya: "If we ignore vitality, the blood race itself is actually a cat that dies and lives at the same time, right?"

Qianmo: "Huh?"

Dolores: "... Heh, who knows?"

Dolores looked up at the orange afterglow in the sky.

"It's getting late. I've been training so hard that I even forgot to eat lunch. Let's go out for lunch today."

"Okay~" Qianmo and Suya said in unison.


A restaurant in Liping Town

The restaurant, shrouded in the night, is like a bright pearl, exuding a unique charm in the dark, and diners are immersed in this wonderful night time.

Qianmo sat in his seat, looking at the modern decorations in the restaurant with a puzzled look on his face.

Have I really been reincarnated into another world?

"What can I do for you, three?"

The waiter in a black suit stood by the table with a small notebook in his hand.


Looking at such a modern restaurant, Qianmo decided not to use the menu and went directly to the blind spot.

"Give me an egg fried rice!"

"Okay, an egg fried rice"

Qianmo blinked his eyes.

No, it really exists? !

"Then give me another Buddha jump over the wall!"

"Okay, a Buddha jump over the wall"

Qianmo stared at the waiter writing on the small notebook with a pen in his hand.

"Have you been to this restaurant before?" Suya asked.


"Why do you know these without even looking at the menu?"

"Uh... I'm confused... I'm confused. These dishes don't sound like local dishes."

"It's true that they are not local dishes, but famous dishes from oriental countries. The recipes are brought back by our boss when he traveled," the waiter explained.

"Eastern country? What's its name?"

"Uh... what's it called? I remember it seems to have a word Xia in it, but I can't remember it clearly."

The waiter smiled awkwardly, and left after writing down the names of the dishes.

"Regarding the country with the word Xia that he just mentioned, I roughly know which country it is"

Dolores said.

"If I remember correctly, it should be 'Huaxia'"


Hearing the familiar name, Qianmo was a little shocked.

"Have you heard of it?"

"Well, it's almost the same. In my original world, there happened to be a country similar to Huaxia"

"So, our side and that side are parallel worlds?"

Qianmo was not shocked that Suya would say the word parallel world. Anyway, for Qianmo, no matter what word Suya said, it was reasonable. Asked, it was her sister who taught her.

After dinner, the three of them walked on the street to digest the food.

As they walked, they came to the Adventurer's Guild. Qianmo needed to complete a task to maintain his identity as an adventurer, so the three of them walked in.

Suya: "Do you need me to give you a commission?"

Qianmo smiled slightly: "No, even if you don't go, I will be your assistant. The tasks are my experience."

The two girls smiled at each other.

"Qianmo, what do you think of these three tasks?"

Dolesi pointed to the three commissions on the commission column.

Qianmo looked in the direction where Duoleisi pointed.

"Let me take a look... Defeat the goblin group near La Village 2, uh... goblin"

Qianmo frowned, and when he saw the word "goblin", he felt a little complicated.

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