The next commission was to defeat a bunch of slimes with weaker corrosiveness, which could only corrode textiles, that is, clothes.

After seeing the slime's notes, Doris immediately ruled it out.

"This one is not suitable for you, let's look at the next one."

The last commission was to capture three Panbalong lizard cubs on an island called "Shamo Island."

"This commission is good, this is it."

Qianmo took off the commission letter and walked to the counter to let the receptionist handle the pick-up procedures.

This commission requires meeting the client first before it can be carried out, so Qianmo had to wait until the next afternoon to meet the other party at the agreed location.

The next day

Suya and Dolores sorted some things and put them in Qianmo's storage bag.

The two of them were like parents sending their children to kindergarten for the first time, telling Qianmo all kinds of things, such as not to run around, not to come to eat, and not to pick up things of unknown origin...

Qianmo: Do ​​you think I'm a three-year-old child?

Dolores: Compared to me, it is true.

Suya: In fact, you are not even one year old.

Qianmo: ╭(°ㅂ°)╮

When he arrived at the agreed place, Qianmo found that the client seemed to have arrived first.

"Sorry, I'm late"

"No, it's still early before the agreed time, please sit down"

After Qianmo sat down, he took a look at the client's appearance.

Long brown hair, round black-framed glasses, and a white coat under the black coat that seemed to have triggered Qianmo's psychological shadow.

"Ms. Qianmo, hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Fana Weixier, you can just call me Fana."

"Okay, Miss Fana"

After a brief self-introduction, the two began to discuss the content of the commission.

"Shamo Island is an uninhabited island, where reptiles live. Therefore, I want to confirm again, Miss Qianmo, are you sure you want to accept this commission?"

"Yes! I'm sure!" Qianmo said firmly.

Fana nodded and took out two photos from her bag. The photo showed a black lizard covered with scales. If it had a pair of wings, it would be no different from a dragon. The lizard in the other photo was smaller than the previous one.

"This is what the Panba dragon lizard looks like. Its cubs are basically the same except for their different size."

"The monsters on Shamo Island are very sensitive to outsiders, so this commission can only be carried out by one person. This is also written in the commission. Miss Qianmo should know it?"

"Clear" Qianmo nodded.

"In that case, I'll leave it to Miss Qianmo. These jars are used to store dragon lizard cubs, and these are the habits of dragon lizards. Miss Qianmo can take a look on the way to Shamo Island."

Fana put three black iron cans and a folder on the table.

After Qianmo put the things in the storage bag, he set off for Shamo Island.

To go to other islands, you have to take a boat. Qianmo boarded a cruise ship arranged by Fana. Yes, it was a cruise ship.

When Qianmo saw the iron lump in front of him, his worldview was shocked again.

Even with cat ears, it must have been done by a white-haired cat girl!

"This world is gradually becoming the world I know, alas..."

Qianmo lay on the railing of the cruise ship, looking at the port getting farther and farther away.

"Now I can basically confirm that Suya is a local. As for Suya's sister, she must be a time traveler!"

"I didn't have time to ask Suya before, which sister taught her those modern knowledge. First of all, the cat girl is ruled out. After all, she looks harmless and must be a local. Then there is only one left! It is most likely her white-haired human sister who taught her!"

"Yes! It must be like this! I am so smart~"

Qianmo crossed his arms and smiled proudly, and the tail hanging behind him swayed slightly.

At the port, Fana looked at the cruise ship going away and murmured.

"Is she a sub-human vampire? When she comes back, ask her if I can give her some physical examinations or something... It's a bit hot. It seems that the seaside is not as cold as imagined."

Fana took off her black coat, revealing a white coat with a line of words written on the chest of the white coat-Royal Research Institute.

The journey was a bit far, and Qianmo was bored to check the system store.

Most skills in the store start at four figures.

Qian Mo currently only has more than 900 violence points, so there are basically few that can be purchased.

"Oh, why are they so expensive?" Qian Mo complained.

[It has always been this price. The host should first find out the reason from himself. Since the activation of the violent aesthetics system, has the host seriously collected violence points? 】

Just when Qian Mo was about to retort, he remembered the chaotic life in the castle a few days ago and was speechless.

"Okay, I admit that I've been messing around."

"But! Putting aside the facts, don't you have any responsibility as a system?"

Qian Mo pointed at the system pop-up window in front of him.

However, instead of refuting, the system actually reflected on it.

[The host is right! When the host was ruined, instead of stopping it, the system condoned it. It was indeed my fault! 】

"Eh? No, there's no need to really reflect on it, I was just joking..."

【I figured it out! 】

"Ah? What do you want to understand?"

[Starting from today, the system will train the host to become a strong person! 】

【bite! New function has been activated - daily tasks]

Qian Mo was stunned.

[Host, today’s task of developing a strong person is]

[——Run 100 kilometers! 】

Qian Mo: “(´◑д◐`)???”

"Snatch... seize the young master?! You mean to run away and seize the young master?!"

【100 kilometers! By the way, you will be rewarded after completing the tasks every day]

[Today’s reward is violence points * 10 for every 1 kilometer run, but you must accumulate 100 kilometers before you can get the reward, otherwise the reward will be cleared after today]

"...It's okay, at least there's no punishment."

Just when Qian Mo was rejoicing, the system dropped a bomb.

[Of course there will be punishment for not completing the task! 】

[The punishment tasks of daily tasks are random, and there will be rewards after completing the punishment tasks]

"It sounds like it's nothing, it's just one more mandatory task."

[Hey, host, don’t be too happy~]

[The reason why there will be rewards after completing the punishment mission is, of course, because we are a violent aesthetic system. We obtain violence points by causing harm to others or things, and by being harmed ourselves. So now you know why there are punishment missions. Is it a reward? 】

Qian Mo was stunned for a moment.


【Ding~I'm here~】

"You bad guy!!!" (civilized language)

"You're such a bastard!!!" (vulgar)

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