After several hours, the cruise ship arrived at the sea not far from Shamo Island.

Qianmo drove a kayak from the cruise ship and headed for Shamo Island.

Although Qianmo could use gravity to fly directly to the island, she was not used to the feeling of floating in the air without support, so she could only choose to use a kayak.

After landing, Qianmo did not rush to find the Panbalong lizard cub, but climbed a tree first, looked into the distance from a high place, and confirmed whether there were any monsters around.

"It's so quiet, is it the sound of the kayak that scared them away?"

After Qianmo came down from the tree, he reached into his pocket, tightly holding the black key, and was always on guard against the surroundings.

Most reptiles are cold-blooded animals with weak vitality in their blood, so it is difficult for Qianmo to sense them through blood reading.

However, Panba dragon lizards usually live in dark and humid environments, so the chance of finding them in caves is the highest.

Qianmo walked slowly in the forest, her footsteps were light and cautious, and each step landed gently on the ground covered with fallen leaves, making a subtle sound.

Surrounded by tall and ancient trees, the thick trunks were covered with moss, as if witnessing the vicissitudes of time.

The vines intertwined with each other, wrapped around the trunks like a net, as if trying to cover everything.

The forest was filled with a humid atmosphere, and the leaves swayed gently in the breeze, making a rustling sound.

Suddenly, Qianmo felt an inexplicable chill coming, and the air around her seemed to become heavy.

She looked around vigilantly, vaguely aware that something was approaching.

A gust of wind blew, and the branches swayed, as if countless eyes were peeping at her.

Her heartbeat accelerated, her breathing became rapid, and an unprecedented sense of crisis enveloped her.

"Ha...haha, it turns out that my heart can still beat. I thought vampires didn't have heartbeats... maybe it's because of the immortal blood ring."

Qianmo pressed his chest, took a few deep breaths, and continued to explore forward carefully, always ready to deal with possible dangers.

The more times like this, the more you can't panic and run around, you must be more cautious.

Suddenly, a black shadow fell from the tree, and its body hit the ground heavily, making a dull sound.

A closer look showed that it was an overturned spider-type monster, its legs waving in the air, the fluff and patterns on its body were clearly visible, and the fangs were shining coldly, which made people shudder.

Just when Qianmo was about to attack first, an unknown object instantly fell on the spider and took it away.

Qianmo quickly looked in the direction where the spider left, and saw only a few black spider legs swaying in the air, as if an invisible mouth was swallowing the spider.

Qianmo stared at that place until something moved in the air.

From the shape, it looked like the eyes of some animal, and the result was obvious, it was a chameleon.

"There are really everything in the forest. The chameleons here are really invisible. The sight just now should be these guys, right?"

"System, identify the monster"

[Ding! Reptile monster detected-chameleon]

[Detailed information needs to be obtained by the host through *blood reading*]

"It's better to kill me than to let me taste the blood of that thing"

Qianmo no longer pays attention to the chameleon and continues to move forward.

Maybe because it is daytime now, Qianmo encountered no other monsters except spiders and chameleons along the way.

After walking for a while, Qianmo finally found the first cave.

Yes, more than one cave.

Qianmo found a total of 7 caves, big and small, with snakes and toads in them. There were indeed lizards, but none of them were Panba Dragon Lizards.

"This Panba Dragon Lizard doesn't seem to be a gold card! It's at most a purple one! I didn't draw cards so hard in my previous life!"

Qianmo frowned and complained unhappily.

[Host, don't be discouraged~ Isn't there a guaranteed minimum of 10 draws? And now I just found 7, just in time to make a wish! ]

"Haha, you think this is a dragon ball, and you still make a wish..."

That's what he said, but his body still honestly posed for a wish.

After a while, Qianmo found the eighth cave.

[It turns out that making a wish is still quite effective~]

"Haha, it is quite effective..."

Qianmo looked at the huge cave in front of him, and his mouth twitched.

"But I want purple, what's the point of getting a gold!"

Indeed, a magic beast rarer than the Panba dragon lizard appeared in the cave, and it was also an old friend of Qianmo.

[Ding! Titan-type magic beast detected-dragon python]

Unlike the dragon pythons encountered in the research institute, the dragon pythons here are obviously larger, and it is no problem to eat 5 Yue Lings in one bite.

Looking at the dragon python sleeping in the cave, Qianmo had some doubts.

"Why is this dragon python so big? Is the one I met before just a cub?"

[It's okay! With the host's immortality, even this large dragon python will die anyway! ]

"Forget it, I'd better leave first, I don't want to fight with this kind of monster"

Qianmo left the dragon python's cave and continued to look for the Panba dragon lizard.

Perhaps because it just got a gold, the luck is still there, and soon Qianmo found a Panba dragon lizard drinking water by the stream.

Qianmo took out the photo and compared it.

"Hmm... I can't be wrong, that guy must be the Panba Dragon Lizard!"

In the following time, Qianmo began the sacred act of following the Panba Dragon Lizard.

If the Panba Dragon Lizard knew that it was followed by the cat girl, it would probably be so happy that it would faint...

In fact, it did faint after knowing it, but it was knocked unconscious.

Qianmo followed the Panba Dragon Lizard to its nest, and then knocked it unconscious when it was not paying attention.

There were many Panba Dragon Lizard cubs in the nest. Qianmo took a rough look and found that there were about a hundred of them. It should be okay if there were two or three less.

Under the influence of *gravity control*, the Panba Dragon Lizard cubs in the nest had no power to resist.

Qianmo grabbed three palm-sized Panba Dragon Lizard cubs and threw them into the storage tank hanging on his waist.

"Mission accomplished! Time to go back!"

[Host, it is now 5:12 system time, the monsters on Shamo Island have already started to move]

"Huh? Time flies so fast!?"

Qianmo used gravity to make his body lighter and move faster, and ran quickly to where the kayak was docked.

According to the time the crew said, they would pass Shamo Island again before the sun sets. They also reminded Qianmo not to be late, otherwise he would have to stay on Shamo Island tonight.

Perhaps it was because Qianmo's running made too much noise, and the monsters around him began to move towards Qianmo.

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