After learning about the Inst family, Qianmo and Suya went back first.

"So far, the prop has not had any impact on Liping Town, so let's put it off until tomorrow. Today is more important!"

"Okay, what's the important thing?"

"Your birthday, forgot?"


Suya was silent for a moment, as if recalling something.

"Actually, I don't know when my birthday is. The reason why I set my birthday on this day is because today is the day I met my sisters"

"So that's it..."

While the two were walking and chatting, suddenly two hands were placed on their shoulders.

The two were instinctively stimulated by the unexpected touch, and they swung their hands back to attack without hesitation.

*Slap! ! *

Two crisp slaps sounded.

The two slowly moved their hands away from each other's faces, revealing the familiar face, but now with a slight red mark.

The two exclaimed in unison:


"Yes, it's me"

Doresi's smile did not disappear because of the two slaps, she just rubbed her face silently.

"Sister Doresi, I'm sorry! We didn't mean it! I, I, I..."

"I'm sorry, sorry! I'll heal you... No, blood races can't use healing magic..."

Looking at the two panicked cat girls in front of her, Doresi's slightly aggrieved mood instantly disappeared.

She reached out and touched the heads of the two.

"Okay, okay, I'm a vampire with thick skin and flesh, how could I be hurt by two slaps, right?"

Suya didn't believe what Dolores said, she just thought she was saying comforting words.

Her face was obviously red, not only did she not blame them, but she comforted them instead...

Qianmo on the other side was secretly observing Dolores' emotions. At first, she felt a little aggrieved, but for some reason, she disappeared.

Was it because of the pat on the head?

Thinking of this, Qianmo reached out and held Dolores' hand, rubbing it on his face.

Then Qianmo found that Dolores' mood became happier, and the smile on her face became brighter.

After Suya noticed it, she also imitated Qianmo and rubbed Dolores' hand on her face.

Looking at the cat girl in front of her who took the initiative to stick to her, Dolores felt that she had finally ushered in spring!

Oh my God, is it my birthday today?

"Ahem, Suya, your other sister is back today~"

"Eh? Really?!"

"Really, she and Su Bai are hanging colorful flags in your house now"

"Then let's go over there now!"

Speaking of this, Suya grabbed the hands of the two and flew directly into the sky. The speed was very fast. If it were someone else, they would probably get airsick.

After landing, Suya walked quickly to the door, grabbed the door handle, and slowly pushed the door open.


The house was brightly lit, colorful flags fluttered on the wall, and some covered food was placed on the table.

There were bursts of laughter from the kitchen, and Suya walked over briskly.

When the two white figures came into her eyes, memories of the past surged into her heart like a tide.

In the past, every time she went home, she would run into the kitchen and see such a scene.

After returning to Liping Town, Suya did not choose to live here, but preferred to go to Dolores's place.

Maybe she doesn't like living here alone, or maybe she's not used to this home without them.

Hearing the noise, Su Bai turned around and looked at the kitchen door with a smile.

"Ah~ Xiaoya is back, why didn't you say anything?"

Mu Yunge also turned around and looked at Suya at the door, then walked over slowly.

"Xiaoya, I haven't seen you for so long, you've grown so tall?"

Unlike Su Bai's petite girl figure, Mu Yunge's height requires Suya to look up.

Suya didn't say anything, but just opened her arms and hugged Mu Yunge tightly.

Mu Yunge gently touched Suya's head, then looked up at Duoleisi in the living room, and... a girl who looked very similar to Suya?

Mu Yunge blinked in confusion, and Qianmo waved to her happily.


Several people sat in the living room, and Suya and Mu Yunge explained Qianmo's affairs.

"So it's a clone. I thought Xiaoya found her twin sister. Hahaha."

"But this world actually has the technology to replicate soulless life forms. Does that mean we can achieve organ freedom?

? "

Mu Yunge's words instantly opened Suya's Ren and Du meridians.

Qianmo quickly covered her mouth when he noticed Suya's reaction.

"Su! Don't say such outrageous words as robbing Peter to pay Paul!"

Suya pulled Qianmo's hand away.

"You misunderstood. I was wondering if I could just clone the organs."

"Okay, okay, let's light the candles and make a wish first, otherwise the ice cream cake will melt."

After Su Bai turned off the lights, Mu Yunge put 18 candles on the cake.

"On my birthday, do I have to put candles corresponding to my age?"

When Duo Leisi said this, everyone present paused.

Suya: "Um, do you remember how old you are?"

Duo Leisi: "It should be 18 and tens of thousands of months~"

Mu Yunge: "I seem to be able to see the fireworks on the cake."

Su Bai: "How big should the cake be if you want to put so many candles? ”

Qianmo: “It should be as big as Sister Duolei’s castle.”

After Duolei snapped her fingers, all the candles on the cake were lit.

Looking at the colorful candles, Qianmo said for no reason:

“This reminds me of the Mary Sue heroine of Aiyu Bingcui Mengdie, whose hair color changes with her mood.”


“The dead memory has been resurrected again, hahaha, Qianmo, you also had this kind of *culture* in your previous life.”

After laughing for a while, the few people put their eyes back on the candles on the cake, and then someone laughed again, which spread directly to others. Even Suya was amused by the voices of the other people and couldn’t even blow out the candles.

After a long time, Suya successfully blew out the candles.

“Su, what wish did you make?”

“Xiao Qianmo, isn’t it meaningless to say the wish? ”

“But if you say it out loud, maybe it can come true on the spot”

“That makes sense, Xiaoya, what is your wish?”

The four of them looked at Suya in unison, their eyes full of curiosity.

“There are two wishes that you can indeed fulfill on the spot”

“After I complete this mission, I hope to travel with you~”

The four of them nodded at the same time without hesitation.

“No problem! What’s the other one?”

“The other one is…”

Suya turned her gaze to Qianmo and smiled slightly.

The others followed Suya’s gaze and turned their attention to Qianmo.

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