The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Qianmo turned around and looked behind him. After making sure there was nothing behind him, he pointed at himself in confusion.


Suya nodded slightly.

"I hope someone can be more decisive in doing things, not always hesitant, and need to rely on others for help, and that person may not necessarily help to the end"

Qianmo could not fail to hear the meaning of Suya's words.

Speaking of which, she always opened and closed her eyes, and almost only had an impression of the process, and she only added fuel to the fire, not put it out.

"I won't help you to the end, it's because I have to consider the threshold, but after tonight, that threshold can be crossed"

"Really? That's great~"

The riddle-like conversation between Qianmo and Suya was understood by everyone present, but they were just pretending to be deaf and dumb.


Dolores put a bottle of wine on the table.

"Little Suya~ This is my birthday gift for you, see if it suits your taste~"

Suya took the bottle and looked at the label.

"This is... huh?!"

Suya looked at Dolores in shock.

"Could this be a bar from a thousand years ago?"

"That's right! I've preserved it very well. Drink it and I guarantee you will be in ecstasy!"

"Hahaha~ Thank you sister Dolores, but forget about ecstasy"

On the other side, Qianmo also took out the gift for Suya, which was the magic jewelry she bought last time.

When seeing Qianmo take out a ring box, everyone's eyes were a little surprised.

I told you to be more decisive, but I didn't expect you to be so decisive? !

"Qian, what's inside?"

"It's a ring"

Qianmo gently opened the ring box and showed the ring inside to Suya.

"The gemstone on it is the same color as your eyes~"

"Hey~ It's so beautiful, can you help me put it on?"


Suya raised her left hand to Qianmo, Qianmo gently held it, and then picked up the ring.

At this moment, the system sounded in Qianmo's mind.

[The index finger of the left hand indicates that you are unmarried, but not necessarily in a relationship]

[The middle finger of the left hand indicates that you are engaged and are about to get married]

[The ring finger of the left hand indicates that you are married]

[The little finger of the left hand indicates that you are not married and do not want to get married]

[Host, you have to think clearly before putting it on Suya! ]

When buying the ring, Qianmo used her own finger to measure the size, because her finger and Suya's finger are the same, so the size is not a problem.

Then the only fingers that can be worn are the index finger, middle finger and ring finger. However, even if the little finger can be worn, Qianmo would not consider the little finger even if he was crazy.

The ring stayed on Suya's finger for a long time, the shortest time on the index finger and the longest time on the ring finger.

Su Bai and the other two were very anxious watching from the side.

Suya was not anxious. She looked at Qianmo's anxious look with interest, and she was very happy in her heart.

In the end, the ring was not worn. After all, if she didn't look at the next gift, her birthday would be over soon.

The gift Su Bai brought to Suya was a magic wand that could be transformed into a long spear. It was said that Su Bai traded it in the dwarf country when he was on a mission.

Mu Yunge gave Suya an ancient magic scroll, and she could learn ancient magic on the spot just by looking at it. I don't know where Mu Yunge got it from.

After looking at the gifts, they started to have dinner, and opened the wine that Duo Leisi had mentioned, which could make people feel like they were in heaven and death.

Duo Leisi was not bragging. Just by smelling the wine, Qianmo felt that he was about to get drunk. After taking a sip, he felt that his body was floating.

*Minors are not allowed to drink! If you dare to drink, I will kick you!

After three rounds of drinking, except Duo Leisi, no one on the table survived, and all of them entered the special buff called *Death and Ecstasy*.

"Alas~ There are three cat girls here, but it's a pity that they are all taken."

Duo Leisi sighed a few times, then lifted the four people up and threw them into the room.

Qianmo slowly opened his eyes and looked at Suya next to him.

Suya's bed was a single bed, so the two were completely close to each other.

After feeling the pain from her neck, Suya opened her eyes, looked at Qianmo's cat ears, and then reached out to grab her tail.

Qianmo shuddered and looked at Suya in a daze.

"Qian... is it you now?"

Since Suya wanted to experience the feeling of being drunk, she simply turned off all the blessings that could increase her physical fitness.

As a result, she was drunk.

Suya, whose judgment was affected by the spirit, could not even sense the soul now.

Qianmo did not answer Suya's question, but just leaned over and rubbed Suya's face.

Then he stood up and sat on Suya, grabbed her left hand, put the ring on her middle finger, and after a while, took it off and put it on her ring finger.

After Suya saw it, she just wanted to get up, but was pressed back by Qianmo.

"Qian... It's so hot..."

"Then I will help you... take it off?"

After a while, two more clothes appeared under the bed, and then a few more fell down until there was nothing left to fall.

Suya buried her head in the pillow, holding the sheets tightly with her hands. Qianmo used magic to transfer her vitality to Suya to help her relieve the pain.

Before leaving, Doris cast a silent magic on everyone's room, so it was very quiet outside, and no sound came from the room.

Suya panted weakly, her throat was hoarse, and just as she was glad that it was finally over, a shadow enveloped her.

Suya looked at Qianmo in a daze, and found that her eyes had changed. It was Mo's eyes.

"Hehe... I'm back~"

That night, Suya felt the second sense of frustration.

After dawn, Suya quickly opened all the physical enhancement blessings, and the fatigue in her body was dispelled a little.

"Really... How can someone change his soul and be resurrected with full blood..."

Looking at Qianmo next to her, Suya tiptoed out of bed.

As a result, Suya almost fell down as soon as her feet touched the ground.

Although Qianmo's life transfer can restore injuries, restoring internal injuries is not as effective as restoring external injuries.

Suya originally wanted to use healing magic, but then she thought, isn't this a good opportunity to make Qianmo feel guilty!

After letting her see what she looks like, she might be the one on top next time!

Thinking of this, Suya tripped over her left foot and fell down - she fell back on the bed and fell on Qianmo.

Suya opened her eyes and saw Qianmo's eyes.

"Good morning~Su"

"Ah~ Are you so weak after just one night?"

"Really a small fish~"

This was the first time Suya felt called a small fish, and now she could understand Qianmo's feelings.

Speaking of which, she learned the word small fish from Mu Yunge.

Originally, she thought this word was used by the upper level, but it was not. The reason why Mu Yunge was not afraid of being suppressed was because she had an absolute advantage.

But Suya couldn't do that. Like Su Bai, she was born to be suppressed, so if she used the word small fish, it would only be worse.

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