The old man was so tired that he had to wait for the next long time.

Qianmo clenched his fists tightly and carefully searched for all memory-related skills and props in the system store.

The system selected two props based on the violence points currently held by Qianmo, one of which was a memory capsule that could replicate and store memories, and the other was a memory anchor point that could establish a memory archive point.

These two props were expensive and disposable. Qianmo could not judge which one was most effective for the current situation, so he decided to exchange both of them. At this time, the violence points were almost exhausted.

In a moment, a diamond-shaped crystal and a translucent chip appeared out of thin air in Qianmo's left and right hands.

"Su, time is running out, believe me"


Su Ya nodded.

After Qianmo implanted the memory anchor point into Suya's forehead, he immediately took out the memory capsule and backed up all of Suya's memories so far.

After making preparations, Suya took Qianmo to find Duo Leisi.

Duo Leisi, who was sitting in the living room reading a book, greeted the two people as usual when she saw them rushing over.

"Hey~ little cuties, why did you think of visiting me instead of enjoying your own world today..."

"Duo Leisi!"

Suya interrupted Duo Leisi directly, which surprised Duo Leisi a little. After all, Suya usually wouldn't interrupt her casually. If she did, it was usually because something went wrong, and it was a very tricky thing.

Thinking of this, Duo Leisi's expression became serious.

"What happened?"

"Come with us first, and we'll talk on the way."

After that, Duo Leisi got up and followed the two people out of the castle.

On the way, Suya briefly explained to Duo Leisi about *Xinwei*.

Qianmo also told them that when the memory is modified, there will be a brief blank look in the eyes.

The three of them came to the road in the forest. Suya asked Dolores to stand at the nearest position to Liping Town, while she and Qianmo stood a thousand meters away from Dolores.

Suya wanted to measure whether the memory interference was synchronous or the rhyme spread out from the point to the surroundings. If it was the latter, she could use this to determine the position of *Xinwei*.

——[Hello, hello, can you hear me? ]

Suya picked up the communication prop in her hand and replied:

"I can hear you, I can hear you"

——[Your thing is much faster than the sound transmission technique]

"Dolores, tell us the story of you and Qianmo next"

——[Okay, it was a night without the sun! ]

"...Isn't this nonsense?" Qianmo complained.

Suya extended her index finger and pressed it against Qianmo's lips.

"Shh, don't interrupt, keep listening"

Qianmo nodded obediently and made a zipper-pulling motion on his mouth.

Then, with Duo Leisi's exaggeration, her story with Qianmo was stretched to an hour and a half.

After finishing the story, seeing that nothing happened, Suya asked Duo Leisi to repeat it again.

After another hour of talking, Duo Leisi stopped to drink a sip of water.

——[Hey~ Could it be that you think too much? Maybe the influence range of that thing is not that wide, and we are just outside the influence range? ]

"No, someone did an experiment before, but even if he ran abroad, people around him would still forget him"

"That thing may have some special buff, and we still know too little about it now"


"Duo Leisi?"

——[Well, what's wrong? ]

Duo Leisi's tone was unusual, slightly indifferent, and she was completely different from before.

Qianmo hurriedly turned to Suya beside him and found that Suya was also looking at her in astonishment.

Just as Qianmo was about to speak, Suya's eyes suddenly became empty and even looked at her with a sense of strangeness.


Suya ignored Qianmo and walked towards Liping Town on her own.

Qianmo now knew that the memory modification was not carried out at the same time. It was Dolores just now, and then Suya.

If it is regarded as a signal, the launch point is in Liping Town, or it may be the forest on the other side.

Qianmo looked at Suya's back and clenched the memory capsule in his hand.

The memory anchor point implanted in Suya's forehead is passively triggered, and the process of restoring memory is relatively slow. Suya needs to make specific actions related to Qianmo before the memory will gradually recover.

Although this method takes a long time, it is safer. After all, if Suya recovers her memory instantly, it may alarm the enemy.

Qianmo flew into Liping Town from the sky, and the

Suya reunited with Dolores soon after, and the two seemed to have no idea why they were there.

After flying for a while, Qianmo landed at the door of the Mechanical Flying Fish Newspaper, and Yingge happened to be there.

"Is this newspaper your resurrection point?"

After hearing Qianmo's voice, Yingge turned around.

"Hello, Miss Qianmo, I just happened to have something to talk to you about."

"What is it? Is it related to that thing?"

Yingge smiled and said nothing. She took out a playing card from her pocket, lit it, and turned it into a red rose with a stroke of her hand, and then handed it to Qianmo.

After Qianmo took the rose, Yingge left.

Before leaving, Yingge made a zipper-pulling gesture at his mouth.

Qianmo understood what Yingge meant, and she was being monitored.

And as long as Yingge didn't speak, people around him would treat him as air.

It seems that there are still many loopholes in that thing.

Thinking of this, Qianmo quickly left the place.

On the other side, Suya returned home, sat on the sofa, and looked around.

Well, there was no one.

"So boring, how do I usually kill time?"

After being in a daze for a while, Suya played with the communication props that she had just tested with Dolores.

"... Strange, why did I go to that kind of place to test this thing with Dolores? I should have tested it in the magic workshop before."

After playing with the communication props for a while, Suya found that there was an extra ring on the ring finger of her left hand.

"Is this... a wedding ring? When did I get married?"

"... Could it be that Dolores put it on when I wasn't paying attention? It seems that only she would make such a joke."

After saying that, Suya wanted to take off the ring, but the moment she took it off, she felt empty inside, as if she had forgotten something crucial.

Suya stared at the ring in her hand, suspecting that it was cast with mind control magic, but after some inspection, she only found a protective magic.

Gradually, the inner anxiety made Suya have difficulty breathing. She covered her chest and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Damn... Could it be that the *Xuwu Miao* that hasn't occurred for more than ten years has recurred?"

Staring at the ring in her hand, Suya put it back on her ring finger, and her breathing immediately became smooth again.

The moment she put it on, some images flashed through Suya's mind, a scene of a white-haired girl putting a ring on her, but the angle was a little weird.

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