"Who is she?"

If you have doubts, seek answers instead of sitting there.

Thinking this way, Suya got up and went upstairs to the bedroom.

Suya opened the drawer and tried to find something inside.

She turned out a bunch of things. There were only three people in the household registration book, she, Su Bai, and Mu Yunge, and no one else, which means that the ring on the ring finger is not a real wedding ring.

Suya checked the number of things and found that one bank card was missing.

"What do I use that card for?"

In Suya's impression, there should be six cards, two for work and business, two for her sisters, and one for her daily use.

So where did the last one go?

What is that card used for?

Suya got up and went to the bank, intending to check the transaction record of the card.


Qianmo sat on the rooftop of the department store, checking the red rose in his hand and found that it was folded from paper.

He unfolded the red rose, and there were two paragraphs of text and a route map on the paper. One paragraph was about Inge himself, and the other was about *Xinwei*'s clue.

"Miss Qianmo, at this stage, you should have been "forgotten". I hope you can move faster, otherwise someone will appear to replace you later, and it will be difficult to restore your identity at that time. I apologize here. I didn't completely believe you at the beginning, so I didn't tell you the important information until now."

"That thing is not just a prop, but an abnormal monster. It is very likely to parasitize Invis, and there is more than one. It is just a branch. Its main body is located at the location marked on this map..."

Qianmo put away the map and jumped off the rooftop.

After landing, Qianmo looked around to see the reactions of passers-by.

As Qianmo thought, passersby were not frightened by her sudden fall from the sky.

Qianmo went to the milk tea shop and bought a cup of milk tea, paying with the bank card given by Suya.

Looking at the milk tea in his hand, Qianmo roughly understood what "forgetting processing" was, that is, no matter what he did on the road, he could not attract the attention of passersby unless he actively negotiated with them, but even so, they would forget him soon.

Qianmo sighed lightly, took out the map, and went to the destination marked on it.

Not long after Qianmo left, Suya also came to the milk tea shop. She came here based on the transaction information of the card.

"About 15 minutes ago..."

Suya's eyes stayed at the milk tea shop for a while, and then moved to other shops.

Just now, Qianmo realized a problem. The memory anchor point will gradually restore Suya's memory, but Xinwei will keep trying to "correct" her memory. After all, that thing is always activated.

For this reason, Qianmo bought a lot of things along the way, the purpose is to leave clues for Suya.

People never easily believe what strangers say, they only believe what they see and hear.

So, instead of confessing to Suya directly or using memory capsules directly, it is better to let Suya investigate by herself.

The memory anchor may not be able to completely restore Suya's memory, but it will also make her doubt her memory, so that she will take the initiative to find the truth, and then find Qianmo along the clues left along the way.


After spending some time looking for the entrance, Qianmo found the suspected entrance in the forest on the other side of Liping Town.

"It's really hidden. The entrance is set on the tree trunk. It's really talented."

There is a very obvious groove on a thick tree trunk, but this groove makes Qianmo feel familiar, it feels like...

"Is this going to be a card? That guy didn't say he had a key."

Qianmo glanced at the groove and saw something like electronic patterns, but this is a magic world, so it should be magic patterns.

"No wonder that guy knew the entrance but did nothing. It seems that he doesn't have a key."

Qianmo scratched his head irritably. Then he fumbled around on his body, trying to find the key.

It's true, Qianmo actually took out two cards from his body, one was the bank card given by Suya, and the other was the black card given to her by Weiweili in the illegal research institute.

Qianmo inserted the black card into the groove with a try mentality, but after a few seconds, nothing happened.

"Haha, that's true, how could it be a coincidence"

"I didn't draw cards smoothly in my previous life.

Forget it, it's just like inserting a card in this life."

As soon as Qianmo pulled out the card, the ground suddenly shook slightly.

The tree where the card was inserted did not react much, but the floor next to it sank, forming a circular entrance.

Qianmo looked around and jumped in after making sure that no one was there.

There was a space of about 200 square meters below, and a large iron door locked with a chain.

Qianmo began to grope around again, and then took out a black key, but the key obviously did not match the keyhole on the lock...

But so what?

"Blood appears! The sickle is ready! Open it for me!!! "

Qianmo raised the sickle, split the chain directly, and successfully entered.

The corridor was a bit crowded, so Qianmo had to turn the sickle back into a key and put it in his pocket.

There was only one corridor, but there were quite a few doors. Qianmo chose the door at the end of the corridor for no special reason, but simply felt that the door at the end was suspicious.

However, just as Qianmo took a step, the other doors in the corridor suddenly opened, and several people who surprised Qianmo walked out. Without exception, they were all Suya's clones.

They held various types of weapons in their hands, including cold weapons like swords and hot weapons like magic guns.

Qianmo felt a little sweaty. If it was any other enemy, she could still do it, but if it was Suya's clone, Qianmo didn't know how to do it.

The clones would not stand there stupidly just because Qianmo did not dare to take action. They all picked up their weapons and rushed towards Qianmo.

Qianmo closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were completely different.

Mo took out the black key and cut his skin, throwing the blood into the air and turning it into a chain.

The end of the chain was a spike, which instantly pierced through the body of a clone, and then the blood in her body gushed out from the wound.

In this narrow corridor, the chain transformed from blood was like a spider web, piercing and entangled all the clones.

[Wow~ One hit to kill everyone! ]

[The host is really powerful (≧▽≦)! ]

Mo walked to a clone, pinched her cheek, looked at her, and showed a look of contempt.

"Fakes are fakes. No matter what, they are not as good as Su... and even less than us"


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