The blood chain pierced all the clones' vital points and they were already lifeless.

Mo released the blood control, the chain dissipated, and all the clones fell to the ground.

However, just as Mo turned around, a clone behind him suddenly stood up and rushed over.

When he heard something unusual behind him, Mo turned around and kicked it away.

Then, the clones lying on the ground also stood up one after another and attacked Mo like zombies.

"Tsk, troublesome things"

Mo squatted and touched the blood on the ground, stood up and swung his left hand upwards, the blood turned into a battle blade, and cut all the clones in front of him into pieces.

The clones on the other side took advantage of Mo's attack to attack other clones and moved to her side to prepare for a sneak attack.

Mo didn't look behind him, but silently pointed his right palm behind him.

——【Eternal Night】

Instantly, the clones behind Mo were annihilated by the huge magic impact, and a large number of cracks appeared on the corridor wall. If it happens a few more times, this place will probably collapse.

Qianmo continued to move forward, staring at the messy scene on the ground, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, the other her is so handsome!

Qianmo walked and looked, and suddenly found something shiny in a corpse, so she walked over to take it out.

Probably because of the cutting attack just now, this thing is now a little hard to see its original shape, but from the material alone, it is very consistent with the crystal jellyfish mentioned by Inger before.

【Ding~ Abnormal monster detected-core jellyfish】

"It's really a monster, then the other clones..."

Qianmo looked at the other clones, and then searched them. Without exception, there was a jellyfish in their bodies.

"System, can the abnormal category of the Warcraft Encyclopedia I exchanged before identify this thing?"

[Of course, the Warcraft Encyclopedia also includes information about monsters]

[Ding~ The relevant information of the Core Dimension Jellyfish has been queried]

[Core Dimension Jellyfish: An abnormal parasitic monster, originally a magic prop, but after receiving the blessing of the demon god, it gained independent thinking and has the ability to parasitize and control living things. It can interfere with the thinking of living things within a certain range and modify their memories. Once the ability to operate is stopped, the interfered person will gradually return to normal]

[In addition, it also has the ability to differentiate, so as to perform behaviors similar to reproduction and inheritance]

"Reproduction? Inheritance? Ha, I will make it extinct today, and let this thing that harms people be extinct"

Qianmo walked to the end of the corridor, stood in front of the door, raised his foot and kicked the door open, and the collision sound echoed in the corridor.

Qianmo glanced at the sign outside the door-Observation Room.

From the observation window of the observation room, you can see a large space with a pool below, and Qianmo is on the second floor.

"That's the perspective that those beasts used to observe me. It's really a good perspective."

Qianmo grabbed the chair beside him and threw it at the observation window. The chair was smashed to pieces and scattered all over the floor.

"... The quality is good, so what about this one?"

Qianmo's eyes flashed red, and the glass of the observation window vibrated slightly. Then the cracks extended from the four sides to the middle. With a bang, the glass shattered and all the fragments pierced into the opposite wall.

Qianmo stood on the window frame and stared at the pool below. There were many corpses lying in the pool, including not only humans but also monsters.

Gradually, the water surface was slightly rippled, as if something was stirring under the water.

Then, a huge jellyfish slowly emerged from the water and moved up slowly. The movement was gentle and slow, accompanied by a string of crystal water droplets rising.

Then, it completely left the water surface slowly and floated quietly in the air. The surrounding air was slightly abnormal because of its appearance.

Qianmo looked at it and suddenly felt a little dizzy, but returned to normal after a while. However, the state of the jellyfish was a little wrong, but Qianmo could not feel any emotions from it.

"So that's it. It has thoughts but no emotions..."

"Or maybe it's because you are not a real creature, so I can't sense your emotions, then I should be able to understand your state just now as fear?"

The core jellyfish seemed to sense the murderous aura on Qianmo's body, and hurriedly turned around to drill into the water, but instead of going down, its body hit the ceiling.

As the red magic power in Qianmo's hand became brighter and brighter, the body of the core jellyfish was gradually squeezed. When it reached the critical point, its body suddenly exploded and split into dozens of small jellyfish and plunged into the water.

Ripples began to appear in the calm pool

, there was an unusual breath surging.

Then, the monsters of different appearances slowly emerged from the pool. Their movements seemed a little slow and laborious. They climbed up the edge of the pool little by little, and the water drops on their bodies slid down.

Among these monsters, there were also some human figures. They also climbed out of the pool with difficulty, standing or lying on the ground with those monsters.

Looking at the monsters and humans by the pool, Qianmo understood how powerful the parasitic ability of the core jellyfish was. Even if the heart stopped working, as long as it was under their parasitism, those bodies could still *live* in other ways.

Qianmo raised his hand behind him, closed the door, and even twisted the door lock, blocking the only way out for himself and the enemy.

[Ding! 45 monsters and 13 humanoid aliens were detected at the scene]

[The effective skill for dealing with this scene has been selected based on the host's current violence points - Blood Explosion]

[Do you want to redeem this skill? 】


[Ding! The skill bar has been updated]

[Host! Let's start a vigorous battle! 】


Qianmo's mouth corners slightly raised, holding the sickle in his hand tightly, and jumped into the group of monsters alone.

After seeing Qianmo coming down, several monsters quickly pounced on him, but they were beheaded by the sickle in the next second.

Seeing this, other monsters not only did not feel fear, but also rushed forward.

Qianmo controlled the blood of the beheaded monster just now and threw it at them. The blood emitted a dazzling red light when it touched them. With a loud bang, a powerful impact force accompanied by dazzling light and blood flames suddenly spread out, shaking the approaching monsters to the wall.

Several humanoid aliens took advantage of the smoke produced by the explosion to launch a sneak attack on Qianmo.

However, not only did they not encounter Qianmo, but they were stopped on the way. When the smoke and dust cleared, they noticed that they were stopped by some thin silk threads.

"You are not the only ones who can use smoke."

Qianmo reached out and grabbed one of the men's heads, and blood gradually seeped out from under his skin.

——【Blood Explosion】

The damage caused by this skill is completely ineffective against Qianmo, so she doesn't have to worry about too many things and can directly output to the face.

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