Reincarnated As A Chameleon And Eating Everything To Evolve

Chapter 138 - What's Different From The First Kobold?

"Aiming for their vitals is good, but attacking their limbs to immobilize them or poking their eyes to blind them is also an excellent choice! Just be creative and use all the knowledge that you have!"

Matthew kept on giving instructions to the struggling kids who were fighting alone for the first time. Back in the kobold village, they were still below level 10 and had not evolved into ȧduŀt kobolds yet, hence why they had never even fought a group of deers with spears and a group of kobolds. However, now that they were suddenly thrown into a 1 on 1 situation against a deer, the kids had been faced with some problems, particularly regarding their lack of fighting skills and real experience.

Although their senses and reflex had been heightened by Matthew's aura ability, it doesn't help with the fact that they had never actually fought a deer before, especially when it's a 1 v 1. 

However, the aura ability that Matthew gave them played a significant role in the fight as it gives them the ability to be able to react properly to the deers' attacks with their enhanced reflex and they even did it without receiving much damage when they used their bȧrė hands to block the attacks directly because the aura had also strengthened their defenses.

Using the little knowledge they know about martial arts that Matthew had taught them and Matthew's instructions such as to use their claws to tear the muscles and pierce through the deers' skins, the three kobolds were starting to gain the upper hands against the deers as they were getting used to the feeling of fighting.

Their progress can not be considered normal for other kobolds as they kept on improving each time they blocked, dodged, or even when throwing their own attacks.

But when Matthew remembered that their parents were literally the best fighters in the kobold village, he considered that their rapid progress was understandable and he kept on giving them real-time tips and instructions while he, himself, was holding off 2 deers at the same time.

The kobold who had shown the most fighting talent was the second kobold as Matthew even wondered whether he understood the instructions that he had been giving completely as the second kobold movements were more chaotic than the other two and Matthew couldn't see any patterns on his move as he reacted to the deer's every move better and better over time. 

Other than when he was being thrown away by the deer's antlers charge attack earlier, the second kobold had been fighting the deers on an equal stand since then and now that the fight had gone on for about 7 minutes, it is visible to Matthew's eyes that the second kobold attacks were getting more and more successful as his fist finds its ways towards the deer's head a couple of times and his claws had almost stabbed the deer's neck cleanly.

The deer that the second kobold was fighting had gotten more pressed as it realized that at this rate, its loss was certain. And just as usual when a deer felt its life was threatened, it changed gears right away from fighting mode to running mode.

However, the second kobold didn't waste the gap that the deer gave him when it tried to turn away its body and run. The moment right before the deer kicked its feet to run away as fast as it could, the second kobold jumped up and landed on top of the deer's body before then using the claws on his two hands to stab the deer's neck before tearing the neck apart just like how Matthew taught him to do.

And with that, the deer finally fell down as it lost more and more blood before it finally stopped moving completely.

Matthew was amazed by the second kobold's feat as what he just did was unbelievable as if he had a god-given talent and instinct to fight. 

However, the second kobold was not the first one to kill the deer amongst the three kobolds.

Throughout watching the second kobold fight, he wasn't only splitting his focus onto watching him and the two deers in front of him. His focus was actually more poured into watching how the third kobold fought.

The second kobold fight was interesting to watch as the second kobold moves as if he was only driven by his own instincts. But it was contrary to the third kobold.

Every time the deer attacked or made a certain move, the third kobold used the gaps that they left to slip in attacks towards their vitals.

From her experience helping the ȧduŀt kobolds prepare and cut the deer carcasses back in the kobold village, knowing where the deer's vitals location on its body is not a difficult task for her. 

And she had actually heard Matthew's instructions and applied them by using her claws to cut the muscles on one of the deer's knees, making the lower part of one of its limbs limp.

With one leg unusable, the deer's mobility was significantly lowered, creating more and more opportunity for the third kobold to attack the deer's ribs by feinting a punch and threw a kick instead, making sure that she hit it hard enough that the deer's ribs break and puncture its lungs.

A punctured lung made the deer vomit blood and have breathing complications, causing it to be even more defenseless against the third kobold follow-up attacks that soon ended its life. And hence how the third kobold had been the first one to kill the deer that she's fighting with using planned, timed attacks and the knowledge about the deer's anatomy locations.

Then followed by the second kobold who relied on his instincts to deal as much damage as possible while receiving as little as possible, which turned out to work out very well for him.

And the last of the kobolds who haven't killed his targeted deer was the first kobold.

Matthew launched more attacks towards the two deers that he was fighting with to make sure that they didn't focus on the fact that 2 of them had just been defeated and there's only three out of 5 deer left. He is also ready to kill them right away just in case they notice and try to run away. 

However, his focus was now placed on the first kobold and his fight against the deer.

Matthew knew that in terms of planning attacks and knowledge about the deer's anatomy, the first kobold didn't lose to the third kobold. And seeing from his movements, the first kobold was also able to notice the gaps that he could exploit in between the deer's attacks and movements.

But almost every time he tried to slip in an attack, his movement was not quick enough and the deer was able to either dodge or block his attack in the last second before it connected.

'Why?' Matthew wondered when he saw the first kobold's movement.

From observing the second and the third kobold fight, Matthew realized that although the way they fight is considerably different, one thing that is common between the two is their overall bodies' speed, agility, and strength.

Both their attacks traveled quickly as if their muscles snapped when they were attacking the deers thus they were able to exploit the gaps that the deers made in their defense.

However, from looking at the first kobold's movement, Matthew noticed that although his attacks were also quicker than they used to be, they didn't have the snap that the kobold twins had.

'Is it simply because he wasn't talented enough? It shouldn't be the case. His movements were not rigid, it flowed just as well as the twins' movements.'

Matthew then tried to observe the first kobold's movement with even more focus. Looking at each of his steps, how he twists his body when throwing a punch or a kick, and his overall body movements.

'It seems that his body is the one limiting his own talent as if his body was-'

"Tch, can you two please stop moving around so much." Matthew suddenly said to the two deers in front of him.

But of course, Matthew had expected even before he started the fight. The moment one of them had turned away, Matthew swiped his claws onto one of its limbs.

While the third kobold claw swipe could only tear the deer's muscle, Matthew's claw swipe was at least twice as more powerful, that it could perfectly cut the deer's limbs if not for the deer's considerably tough bones.

His claws swiftly tore through the deer's flesh and hit the deer's bone, leaving a crack on it while simultaneously dislocating that bone from the joints.

With one deer losing its ability to run properly, Matthew dashed forward, tilted his body to dodge the other deer's antler before opening his mouth wide, aiming towards the other deer's neck.

Not only did Matthew have an addition of jaw muscle and a second jaw joint from the crocodile, but he was also boosted by the wolf's aura ability. When he decided to put the jaw muscle and the second jaw joint to work, his mouth pushed down, clamping the deer's neck.

And with that, Matthew effortlessly broke the deer's neck with only one quick bite.

Matthew then called the twins who were also watching the first kobold fight and told them to finish the other deer that he had been half-immobilize so that they get the experience before he turned towards the first kobold direction's and completely put his focus on figuring out why the first kobold body was different from the twins.

'Ah… that must be it…'

'It might have been because he evolved into a Juvenile Kobold Mage instead of an ordinary kobold…'

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