"Should we help him, brother Matthew?"

"No sis! We can't do that! The first brother can do it on his own!"

"I know, but the deer had realized that it was the only one left and the first brother had been trying hard to prevent it from running away for some time now. He was even putting himself in front of the deers charge twice and just bȧrėly kept himself from being thrown by holding onto the deer's antlers!"

The twins who had just finished the task that Matthew had given them to kill the one deer that he had injured, are currently arguing about whether they should help the first kobold in his fight since he hasn't killed his deer even after the twins and Matthew had killed theirs a few minutes ago.

"Twins, I will stay guard from this side and you both from that side, if the deer do manage to slip away from your first brother, then we will finish it since it would be a waste of level and food if we just let it go."

"Okay, brother!" The twins said before going into the place where Matthew's finger had pointed.

"Come on kid, you can do this! Use your head! It is one of the best and the most OP weapon you've got in your arsenal!" Matthew shouted, encouraging the first kobold.

"Remember if you can't use the little openings that the deer make, then you need to create a huge opportunity for yourselves!"

The first kobold, of course, heard Matthew loud and clear and even until now, he was still trying to find a way to get in a clean hit while simultaneously stopping the deer from running away by either launching an attack that it couldn't ignore or even just straight up putting his body in front of the deer who was about to kick off its feet and ran away.

Although he knew that if the deer had really succeeded in getting away from him, the twins and Matthew could easily catch it. However, he didn't want that to happen.

Between him and the twins, the three of them had dreamed of being kobold warriors ever since they were little and they had promised to fight together in the future. But just when they had just evolved into genuine ȧduŀt kobolds and they were put into a position where they needed to exert their skills to fight a deer, out of the three of them, he was the only one who hadn't defeated the deer that they were fighting against.

He wasn't angry if he had finished last out of the three since he had considered the twins his siblings and with the village gone, the twins and Matthew were the only family that he had right now. And seeing your own siblings succeed and be good at something is something that he could take pride in himself. 

But the problem that was bothering him right now was his inability to keep up with them. Even after some time that his siblings had defeated their deers, he was still stuck in a stalemate with his own. And with the deer he was fighting was more focused on fleeing rather than fighting back, he even needed to make some desperate and disadvantageous moves for himself just to keep the deer from running away.

'I can't let the deer run away… We're all currently striving to be as strong as possible. I can't let myself be the only weak one and drag them down… If it's like this then I can't avenge grandpa and the village with my own hands…' The first kobold thought to himself.

He then looked at the deer he was fighting. His sweat started to roll down on his face as the fight continued and his breathing started to become rough. Both the burden from the physical and the mental fight with the deer had caused him to be unable to think as clearly as before even with the aura enhancing his focus.

'What other things I can do here? I was already in a disadvantageous position in the first place from trying to keep the deer who's hell-bent on fleeing stay here. If I'm not careful then it could ignore one of my attacks and let it slip through so that it could use the chance to escape. I can't just do random moves to attack it anymore. I need to come up with something, at this rate it would really escape… What should I do…'

"Kid, try to calm yourself down!" 

The first kobold suddenly heard Matthew's voice shouting at him.

"I don't know what you're currently thinking now and what kind of solution you're trying to come up with. But whatever it is, your brain won't be able to think properly if you are not calm! Just try to do things step by step and the first thing you should do right now is to calm down!" 

With Matthew's shout entering his ears, he suddenly felt his muddled head clear up a little. The feeling of his head wanting to explode subsided and his rough breathing started to calm down.

'That's right. I won't get anywhere if I try to think about different things all at once. All I need to worry about now is how to defeat the deer in front of me.'

'I need to remember if there's something I haven't tried out yet.'

Splitting his brain into doing two tasks at once, keeping the deer from running away and coming up with a solution, the first kobold's brain went into another overdrive. But this time, it was less chaotic and it was completely under his control.

Reviewing the tricks and instructions that Matthew gave him earlier, he tried dissecting them word by word, trying to find the reasons why Matthew gave them those instructions.

'Using faints in my attacks didn't work so I need to find other ways.'

'Aiming for vitals is very hard to do considering that I failed to get in a clean hit even on its limbs.'

'Attacking their limbs is clear that the reason is to immobilize them or at least reduce their mobility so that we could get our attacks in and dodge their attacks easier which will create more opportunities for even more follow up attacks.'

'I tried attacking its limbs but it was able to either completely dodge it or it only left an insignificant scratch. Is there any other way to reduce its mobility? It will be complicated without injuring it…'

'What about poking its eyes? By taking away the deer's vision then it will be a very huge opportunity for me since I could do anything I wanted in that time when the deer couldn't see me.'

'But how can I hit its eyes? It could just tilt its head and my claws would meet its antlers even before reaching its head.'

'Is there any other way to hit its eyes…?'

'Wait, do I even need to hit its eyes to blind him?'

An Idea suddenly popped up into his head as the first kobold.

He suddenly crouched down and put his hands down on the ground as if he wanted to charge forward using all 4 of his limbs. 

The distance between him and the deer was only half a meter away since he was the one who got very close to the deer to intercept its every move and prevent it from running away. But now that the deer saw its enemy suddenly stopped attacking, lowered its body down in front of him, and put the hands that had been blocking its attacks away from his body, the deer saw it as an opportunity for it to attack before using the chance from that attack to run away.

Pointing its antlers towards the first kobold, the deer tried to push down its legs as hard as it could and planned to ram its antlers towards the first kobold as hard as it could from the one-step distance between them.

But before its legs were able to launch its body forward, the deer saw the first kobold raising up his hands from the ground and along with it, lumps of dirt were thrown directly onto the deer's face, blinding its eyes.

The deer reflexively jumped back and canceled its charge. But that single moment where the deer was blinded by the dirt was the moment that the first kobold had been waiting for.

Without worrying about being kicked or rammed by the deer, he dashed forward and opened his mouth wide, aiming towards the deer's neck.

His teeth quickly pierced through the deer's skin and clamped its neck. Feeling as if a bite to its neck wasn't enough, the first kobold thrust his right claw towards the deer's heart that was located slightly below the base of its neck and his left claw was tightly holding onto the deer's neck.

With his knowledge about the deer's anatomy that was no less than the third kobold, his right claw successfully avoided the deer's ribs and went straight piercing its heart.

Having its heart stabbed, the deer finally lost its strength and fell to the ground.. The first kobold had finally killed the last deer.

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