'What happened!?' The bear looked at his claws then looked at the creature who was holding out just fine against a full power slash from him.

'How is that possible??'

The bear then repeated the same motion again, this time with his left hand, still aiming towards the creature's head. But the same thing happened again and his left hand was stopped by the creature's hands.

The bear then took a few steps backward while keeping his eyes at the weird creature, looking with disbelief at what just had happened. And when he saw the creature in front of him was still standing still calmly without even showing a hint of fear or worry towards him, the bear roared and charged forward.

'You dare underestimate me!!'

For the first time, the bear finally sees the creature in front of him move his body. When he was only three steps away from reaching the creature, the creature sidestepped to move away from being directly in front of the charging bear which looked terrifying considering the bear's huge body that was twice as big as the creature's body. 

With a well-timed sidestep, the creature had made the bear's charge less effective and it would be hard for him to take advantage of the momentum that was brought with his charge since suddenly changing direction will break the momentum and it will be a hard thing to do. But if he just continued charging forward, he would be exposing his side to the creature, which is not a good position for the bear.

Seeing the creature had finally given him a proper reaction to his attack rather than just simply standing still, the bear smirked while putting more strength into his limbs to make his charge even more powerful instead of stopping it.

'It's a good choice to move away, but unfortunately, it won't work on me!'

The bear had climbed his way up to level 24 by purely hunting beasts in the forest and an instance where a beast tried to run away from him is almost an everyday occurrence. Hence even though the creature did a good move to move sideways to his right and made him have to change his charge trajectory which will slightly weaken his charging power, the bear had already been in this position a lot of times and he didn't panic and knew what's the best next move to do. 

Taking a huge step with his right limbs, the bear used his front right paw and his hind right leg as a pivot and his left hind leg as support. The bear turned his body towards the right, bringing along the momentum from the charge, and transferred it to his left paw which was already on its way towards hitting the creature's body.

The bear saw the creature's eyes twitch in surprise as his left claw was suddenly swinging towards it. He then saw the creature cross his arms once again to defend against his claws. 

'Let's see you defend this, you annoying little creature!' The bear shouted in his head while adding even more power to his left claws.

But just right before the claw was about to clash against the solid white aura once again, the creature tilted its body in a way that made the bear's claw fail to hit the solid white aura squarely. 

With the tilted angles of the solid white aura, the bear's claw slipped on the solid white aura. His left claw, along with the overpowering momentum that it carried were forcefully redirected sideways. And the bear's monstrous attack had failed just like that.

The bear's claw slipped past the creature's solid white aura and hit the ground, leaving a crater as big as the creature's head at the place where his paw had landed.

The bear looked at the creature once again and he couldn't hide the disbelief in his eyes as he saw the creature was unharmed in front of him without a single scratch even though he had just hit him with all that momentum and using his full power.

Didn't want to believe that none of his attacks worked, the bear didn't care about strategy anymore and he just walked up to the creature and started swinging his left and right claws respectively towards the creature.

The creature blocked some of the bear's attacks with both of his hands and dodged some other attacks by moving his body and it also used the same trick to redirect the bear's wide-swinging claw attacks.

But still, the creature succeeded in defending against all the bear's attacks using the three methods interchangeably. The bear was furious as it roared towards the creature and a yellow aura started to flow out of his body, covering the top of his head to the tip of his toe.

'Who would've thought that this small creature could force me to use this… But with this, there's no way that that creature would be able to defend anymore!'

Seeing the bear had used his aura ability and covered his whole body with the yellow aura, the creature closed his eyes for a second before white aura started to also come out of the creature's body, covering his body with the white aura, similar to what the bear had done with the yellow aura.

The bear looked at this, but he didn't care much because even though he didn't know how strong the creature in front of him is with the white aura, he knew well that he, himself, is very strong and undefeatable when he used the yellow aura.

The bear then swung his claws as he sent an aura blade towards the creature. A yellow aura blade was launched from his claws and it flew towards the creature, aiming to tear the creature's body apart.

But to the bear's surprise, the solid white aura that covered the creature's hands like gloves suddenly grew thicker and thicker until it became thick enough like a gauntlet. The bear then saw the creature using the aura gauntlets on its hands to defend against the yellow aura blade that he sent. Even though he saw this, the bear didn't have a slight worry about whether the creature would be able to defend his aura blade or not.

His yellow aura blade was even stronger than his full power claw strike and he was confident that there's no way that the creature would be able to also defend against it head-on. If the creature had dodged it instead of trying to defend it by blocking it, then the bear would at least click his tongue with annoyance. But seeing the creature dare to block his aura blade head-on, the bear only observed the result that was about to come with a smile on his face.

And the result was not what he had expected. The yellow aura blade made contact with the solid white aura gauntlet and a small explosion of aura was created by the contact between the two. But contrary to the bear's expectations, what had caused the small explosion was his aura blade being destroyed by the solid white aura gauntlet.

While he could see a dent on the gauntlet, it soon regenerated on its own by the hazy white aura that covered the creature's whole body. Making the solid aura gauntlets look as if they had just been created without a single blemish on its surface.

'How… how is that possible…' He thought in his mind.

He then looked at the creature's face that was still as calm as before and he still couldn't see any worry on the creature's face as if he was not a threat to it at all.

Locking his eyes towards the creature, the bear gritted his teeth and sent several yellow aura blades towards the creature before he started to charge forward himself, attacking the creature with his body that had been enhanced thoroughly by the yellow aura.

Several small aura explosions occurred again and again as the aura blades that the bear sent out were blocked out by the creature. But the bear didn't care his aura blades had failed to injure the creature as he brought his own body to the frontline and started swinging his enhanced claws towards the creature that was only half as small as himself.

He swung his claws left and right, used the backhand of his claws, and he even threw an aura blade from his legs to catch the creature in surprise with an unusual and unpredictable way of attacking that he, himself, had not thought of before.

But no matter which attack he used, the solid white aura that covered the creature's hands was still as thick as it was before and it even got thicker when he put more strength into his attacks as if the creature was trying to match his own strength.

'What the h*ll is this thing…'


'I guess it's already at its limit… But I've learned quite a lot today.' Matthew said to himself while looking at the bear with a towering figure in front of him.

'But my aura is running low, so I guess it's time to end this..' He thought before changing the shape of his aura gauntlets to aura blades.

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