Matthew had been testing the limits of his current strength by trying to defend against the bear's attacks on equal grounds meaning that he limited the usage of his solid aura ability only so that it enabled him to stand toe to toe with the bear even though he has the ability to pour in more aura to make his solid aura stronger than the bear.

And the result had satisfied him so far because the bear he fought was incredibly good at fighting in close range and Matthew had learned a thing or two about being flexible in his attacks and used unpredictable methods and taking advantage of unusual angles to attack instead of the rigid method that Matthew tried to implement from the frequently used martial arts that he knew back on earth such as boxing or Muaythai. 

But that doesn't mean that said martial arts are just b.s and didn't work, the main problem with using such martial arts is Matthew himself. 

First, there's the fact that Matthew himself is not a human. Instead of using punches, utilizing claw strikes are more effective for him, and there's also no human that can use their tongue to tie up limbs to trip their enemies or use venom to gradually weaken his enemy's strength or use invisibility to sneak up behind his enemy. 

Second, Matthew didn't have any teachers or anyone or even anything that could guide him to truly understand how to use said martial arts. There's no way someone would understand how to actually implement martial arts in real life and death fights just from seeing a couple of videos about them on the internet.

In conclusion, Matthew needs to be more creative with his method of attacks and he needs to remind himself that he should not limit himself using the martial that he bȧrėly knows and just trust his instincts to fight just like what the second kobold had done. And gradually, he could form his own method or techniques that were TaylorMade by himself, for himself, and 100% suited his own fighting style.

Looking at the towering bear in front of him and the aura blades formed on his hands, Matthew knew that getting proficient in using the aura blades or solid aura in general, is one of the things that he should keep on improving to eventually be his main strength or one of the main attacking method other than doing an ambush with his invisibility in the future considering the limitless potential use and application of aura.

He still has a lot to learn about both aura and his own capabilities. Which is one of the most important matters for him to do in the future. While right now, he still needs to finish the fight with the big brown bear in front of him.

The bear had been standing still and looked at him with hesitation and slight fear in his eyes. But even the bear didn't succumb to the fear that it's currently feeling as it was still the top predator in the area. Its pride won't let itself run away or give up fighting Matthew even though it had realized that its attempts and struggle so far were futile for Matthew who only used the bear as a training outlet to better himself.

The bear sent an aura blade flying from its claws, but Matthew easily cut the flying aura blade with his own aura blade that was attached to his hand and was several times wider and thicker compared to the aura blade that the bear had been throwing out all this time.

Using his whole body to charge forward, the bear didn't hold anything back as it used all of its four limbs to gain as much power and momentum as possible. With the added boost of the yellow aura, an even bigger pressure was felt by Matthew who was the target of its charge.

The bear's charge can't be ignored and dealt with half-heartedly even for Matthew, let alone that it also activated its aura ability. But now that he has used the wolf's aura ability and has two aura blades attached to his hands. Matthew didn't have to resort to the same strategy of completely dodging the bear's attack by moving away completely or sidestepping from the directory of the bear's charge.

The bear used its four limbs to run towards him, and what would happen if one of those limbs were suddenly turned unusable? Or worse, what if it was suddenly cut off?

Matthew was about to see what would happen himself as he transferred all the aura that formed his left aura blade to his right hand, combining it with the right aura hand-blade.

The blade then grew 1 and a half times longer than before, and the thickness of the blade simply doubled, making the aura hand-blade that used to look more similar to a slightly long dagger looked more like a proper-sized sword that can stand on its own if given a handle.

However, the most noticeable change that makes the blade look several times more intimidating than before was none other than the eye-catching glow that the solid white aura emitted and the rock-solid texture of the blade that make the aura blade look just as solid as a sword made fully of metal instead of a sword that was just made up of aura that was originally in a constant gaseous state.

Matthew had done this before when he didn't use the wolf's aura ability which had turned out well considering the strength of two aura hand-blades combined into one was strong enough to cut off a thick tree branch even without the wolf's aura ability boost that makes his aura easier to control and enabled him to control and use a larger quantity of aura significantly easier.

However, now that he used the wolf's aura ability before combining the two aura blades into one blade, he was confident about the sharpness of the single aura hand-blade on his right hand will undoubtedly be the sharpest blade that he had ever seen or used in his entire life so far.

And the result didn't disappoint him in the slightest. As he swung the aura blade towards one of the bear's front paws, he poured even more aura, just in case the bear was even tougher than a thick tree branch. Due to the added influx of aura into the already glowing and solid-looking aura blade, the light it emitted became almost blinding to the nȧkėd eyes and the surface of the blade seemed to become even smoother than before.

Just like that, the aura blade cut seamlessly through the yellow aura first before the bear's paw later. 

With one of its front paws amputated, the bear couldn't keep up the charge and it stumbled on its own body, rolling forward due to its inability to keep the balance of its body and the overwhelming force of the built-up momentum while its amputated hand left a trail of blood to where the bear rolled its body.

On the other hand, Matthew casually dodged the bear's body by turning his body to the opposite direction of where the bear was moving, before taking a single step backward, completely dodging the bear's huge body.

The bear's body continued rolling forward until it finally stopped by colliding against a huge and thick tree which caused the entire tree to tremble from its roots down in the ground to its branches high up above Matthew's head because of the bear's massive body that carried all that momentum that was strong enough to at least break half of Matthew's aura enhanced ribs if he was hit squarely by it.

Matthew then walked slowly towards the bear, still with the single aura blade in his right hand. 

The bear had a slight concussion because of the collision with the tree earlier, but it was still able to realize that Matthew was slowly moving towards itself.

As a latch ditch effort, the bear tried playing dead and stayed still before Matthew was at its paw reach and it suddenly threw its other paw that was still intact, aiming towards Matthew's face.

However, Matthew was already aware of the playing dead trick that was also used by the other bear and he would not ȧssume anything was dead if his system didn't give the notification that tells him. 

So when the bear had suddenly swung its claw, Matthew had prepared himself and intercepted the bear's claw with another swing of his aura blade, which he also poured in more aura the moment before it make contact with the bear's other paw, making sure that the bear would lose its other paw making the once-mighty bear handless.

Even with its amputated hands creating puddles of blood on each side of its body, the bear didn't just give up and tried thrashing its legs around in an attempt to injure Matthew no matter how small and insignificant the injury was.

But Matthew could care less as he used the monkey legs to jump up and forward, with his aura blade pointed straight at the bear's head, particularly towards its brain.

"Thank you for the valuable fighting experience." He said as his aura blade penetrated the bear's yellow aura, past its fur and tough skin, before going through its skull and stabbing the bear's brain.

-Level 24 Horribilis Brown Bear Killed-

-Needed amount exp for level up reached, please evolve to further level up-

'And also thank you for the bionutrients, levels, and the monster data. I promise I will put them to good use..' He said while deactivating the wolf's aura ability and retracting his aura blade.

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