Reincarnated as a goblin, but the mother is a white-haired elf?

Chapter 176: Meeting again, Victoria's decision. (Please read on)


Victoria, who had been paying attention to the child, found that something was wrong with Ye Yan.

Her figure flashed, like the brightest meteor in the night sky, and instantly crossed the distance of space, and took Ye Yan into her arms steadily.

At that moment, time flowed again, and everything around regained its color and vitality.

"Mom, Mom"


Victoria looked at Ye Yan with tenderness in her eyes.

"Let's go home"


Although the creatures devoured by gluttony can return some vitality, they cannot return physical and mental fatigue.

Ye Yan finally couldn't resist the fatigue and slowly closed his eyes.

He lay in Victoria's arms and fell asleep peacefully.


Yarius stretched a little, looked at Victoria with a worried face, and comforted:

"Don't worry, it's just too weak, just take a rest."


Victoria nodded, looking at Ye Yan in her arms with tenderness.

Her hands unconsciously hugged tighter.


At this time, Ye Yan's body suddenly began to change.

His originally white skin turned green.

His pointed ears stretched.

He returned to his original appearance.

"What is this?"

Victoria wondered, and a slowly transparent Yarius approached.

He stared at Ye Yan who had turned back into a goblin.


Yarius took a breath, touched his head, and looked puzzled.

"It's really amazing, even the race has changed"

"Lord Yarius, what's going on?"


Yarius thought for a moment and signaled Victoria not to worry.

"Didn't I tell you before?"

"Some people will change their appearance when they release their power"

"It's just that your child is even more amazing, even the race has changed"

This is what Yarius couldn't figure out.

Maybe he has the blood of Victoria, a pure elf.

"But if you think about it carefully, it's nothing."

"I've seen a human being change from a man to a woman after releasing his power."

"Don't worry."

Jarios glanced at Victoria.

"This kind of change usually only exists when power is released."

"That is to say, once the power of "gluttony" is released, your child will become what he was just now."


Victoria nodded, not quite understanding.

"But I don't care."

"Whether it's a goblin or an elf."

"Yan'er, they are all my children."

"Hehe, is that so?"

Jarios nodded, and then his figure gradually became transparent.

"What's wrong with Lord Jarios?"

Victoria naturally noticed the changes in Jarios' body at this moment.


Jarios yawned and comforted Victoria:

"Nothing, just overuse of power."

Hearing Jarios' words, Victoria lowered her head and blamed herself.

"I'm very sorry, it's all for helping me"

"Hey, what are you talking about! The great Lord Yalius will not be hurt by such a small matter"

"I will sleep for a month. Before that, you can't use my power. Don't die!"

After saying that, Yalius disappeared and went to the elemental world to rest.

"Thank you very much, thank you"

Victoria bowed her head for a long time, picked up Ye Yan, and walked into the forest.

In the deep and boundless hinterland of Shenyun Forest.

The moonlight penetrated the dense canopy like a filament, and scattered on this land shrouded by ancient magic.

A scarred goblin, covered in blood, but stubbornly leaned against an ancient and sturdy tree trunk, panting with unyielding fighting spirit.

And beside him, there was a human woman.

She was dressed in light white gauze, like a forest elf, breathtakingly beautiful.

The premise is that you can ignore the hideous scar on her face.

Elena gently stroked the scarred body of Goblin General Tian, ​​her eyes full of pity and pity:

"Why do you do this! For that unattainable mission, you put yourself in such a dangerous situation."

She looked at the scarred Goblin General Tian, ​​feeling extremely distressed.

Goblin General Tian, ​​the absolute superior species of goblins, the absolute strong man who commands tens of thousands of goblins.

But at this moment, he looked particularly weak.

Its skin seemed to be torn by invisible hands, and blood flowed like a stream.

"I'm fine"

The Goblin General shook his head and comforted Elena.

In fact, if he hadn't been in the blood mist and fought with that crazy woman, he wouldn't be like this.

Even if the blood mist opened the structure, the magic power was released and wrapped around his body, swallowed by the blood mist.

But if you are not careful, you will still be eroded and then swallowed.

In this case, you can still tie with Karina, the saint.

This is enough to illustrate the Goblin General's incomparable strength.

"Really amazing!"

The Goblin General sighed as he looked at the wounds on his body.

"In this case, I can leave it to him with peace of mind."

Elena glanced at the Goblin General and was very dissatisfied.

"Don't talk nonsense."

It is no exaggeration to say that the wounds on his body were caused by staying in the blood mist for a long time.

You know, at this moment, he has reached the peak of his full form, but he was injured like this by a growing goblin.

If the other goblin generals knew, they would definitely come over to laugh at him!

Thinking of this, the goblin general's face became even gloomier.

"Don't you think it's too early?"

"Too early?"

Goblin General Tian looked up at the bright moon in the sky and sighed.

"But, there is no time!"

He couldn't wait.


Hearing the words of Goblin General Tian, ​​Elena bit her red lips, but the words that came to her mouth could not be said.

Finally, she sighed.

"Although it is cruel, he must grow up quickly"

Goblin General continued:

"Not only me, the other goblin generals and other races will not wait"

If they still know.

For them, the goblins will be doomed!

So, no matter what.

That little guy must grow up quickly.

No matter what the price.

"Do you think that little guy can control this power?"

Elena raised her eyes and asked.

In history, how many people have been devoured by the original seven desires.

And there is no way back.

In the history of tens of thousands of years, there are only three people who can perfectly master this power.

And these three people are the Arrogant King, the Envious King, and the Sloth King.

Among them, Envious has fallen, Sloth is nowhere to be found, Arrogant


Goblin General Tian answered decisively.


Hearing this, Elena lowered her eyebrows, not knowing what she was thinking.

Da Da Da!

At this time, footsteps were heard in the dark forest.

Elena looked up and saw Victoria walking slowly with Ye Yan in her arms.

Seeing this, Elena smiled.

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