Reincarnated As A Saiyan In RWBY
Chapter 12 - 12 - Crescent Moon
Shallot and everyone else had made it to the ruins and were sprinting while Shallot was jogging moderately.
Shallot: 'Before we start I'll ask Ren to unlock my aura for me before we get started so I can see if I can also have a semblance. I should be connected enough with this world where I can use any method it has since the dragon ball world has similar properties.'
Shallot and everyone were running when the Deathstalker had finally freed itself from Weiss's ice and came crashing through the trees behind it and the Nevermore was screeching from high above after perching itself onto the cliffside. Shallot looked towards Ren while everyone was taking cover behind some rocks.
Yang: "Well, that's great."
Shallot: "Hey, Ren. I need a favor."
Ren looked over towards Shallot and nodded.
Ren: "What is it?
Shallot: "I need you to unlock my aura for me. I think this time would be the best time to ask."
Ren nodded but then yelled towards him.
Ren: "I don't know how to unlock someone else's aura."
Shallot: 'Well there goes my plan.'
Pyrrha looked overhearing the conversation and ran over towards Shallot.
Pyrrha: "I can help you with that Shallot I have already helped Jaune unlock his aura and recovered from doing it."
Shallot nodded before looking towards Pyrrha then Ren.
Shallot: "You should tell Ren how to do it so it doesn't cause a large amount of exhaustion on yourself. I have a hunch that unlocking mine will need a large amount along with great control."
Ren started to run over while yelling towards Norra.
Ren: "Norra, buy us some time so that we can help Shallot unlock his aura and we can attack with everything we have."
Norra saluted in Ren's direction.
Norra: "You got it. Momma's gonna give some lovin'."
Norra then ran out firing grenade blast at the Nevermore. While Norra was doing that Pyrrha was telling Ren what he needed to do to unlock Shallot's aura. Ren understood and they both walked up to Shallot and placed there hands on his ċhėst. Yang, Blake, Weiss, and Ruby all dashed out towards the Nevermore to try to take it down leaving the deathstalker to Jaune to buy time with.
Ren and Pyrrha aura surrounded their bodies and their eyes lit up slightly while concentrating.
Ren & Pyrrha: "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee."
Shallot started to glow slightly in a reddish-black hue with slight traces of green before turning transparent and then something unexpected happened. A primal loud ape sound rang from Shallot's body making the deathstalker approaching stop for a while and Ren and Pyrrha looked exhausted and struggled just to keep their balance.
Shallot: 'I feel amazing. It isn't like my body got stronger from that alone but it feels like a comforting feeling constantly surrounding me. It almost feels heavy like it is unmovable and sturdy. With my aura unlocked I should be able to unlock a semblance now.'
After the primal scream, there seemed to be something else that had screamed out as if challenged it from down into the gulch below them. Everyone could tell whatever made that sound was incredibly large and most like was larger than the Nevermore just going off of the sound.
Ren and Pyrrha were panting heavily while leaning back against a large boulder.
Ren: "Are you supposed to feel this exhausted after unlocking someone's aura. I feel like I just got done fighting for my life and what was that scream."
Pyrrha shook her head in denial.
Pyrrha: "Even though I had unlocked Jaune's aura, it wasn't this much. Jaune has a large amount of aura but Shallot feels more like an ocean. We were just bȧrėly able to unlock it. The amount he has is simply monstrous."
Shallot: "Well, Shucks guys, you're going to make me blush with all of these compliments."
Shallot looked towards the deathstalker and then towards Jaune, but he could hear footsteps coming and Norra yelling. The deathstalker was right on top of them from standing there for those 2 minutes and was attacking.
Shallot stepped up in front of it and simply reached his hand out and grabbed the pincher of the deathstalker and held it in place.
Shallot: "Alright you guys head over the bridge to the other side. Ren and Pyrrha need to get their strength back and will need someone to help them out. Jaune you'll help Pyrrha and Norra you will help Ren. Take both of them to the other side of the bridge and have them recover. Jaune you will need to come up with a strategy to fight the deathstalker after they recover."
Shallot hurried while speaking to get them to go and they all started running across the bridge. Shallot kept the deathstalker busy and would send out a regular punch thinking that it would kill it in one strike, but surprisingly it didn't go down. The bone-like plating on it did crack but it was only wounded.
The DeathStalker started thrashing around and hit one of the pillars close to the bridge where everyone was crossing.
Shallot: "No you don't"
Shallot jumped swinging his scythe down onto its claw and nailed it to the ground, but while Shallot was paying attention to the Deathstalker the group behind on the bridge was attacked by the Nevermore swooping down and breaking the bridge.
Shallot wasn't worried about them since they were all capable. After the Nevermore broke the bridge Pyhrra, Blake, and Ren landed back towards Shallot.
Shallot: "Well, I didn't expect you all to come back so soon you must have missed me. Blake, I'll take care of this you go and help the others. If you kept up with your training you should be the third strongest here."
Blake nodded and then jumped off the edge and threw hair blade into the side swinging away towards the others. Shallot only smirked thinking about the stories he would tell about the Black Cat and her swinging from place to place with a grappling hook.
Nora had launched Jaune and herself over the broken section towards them smashing her hammer down onto the Deathstalker.
Nora: "Ah smash."
Nora tried to smash it into the ground but was just thrown back by the tail attacking with its stinger.
Shallot: "You all don't have to worry I'll handle this."
Shallot grabbed his scythe from its claw releasing it from the ground and charged at it swaying left to right preparing to attack. The Deathstalker charged forward with its pincers snapping open and shut trying to tear him apart. After getting enough momentum he spun his body with the scythe aim for the joints in between the Deathstalkers arms.
His scythe cleaved threw like a hot knife threw buŧŧer. Shallot landed on his right foot and continued with his rotation spin dragging his left foot onto the ground sliding towards the Deathstalker and sending the blade of the scythe into the body lifting the Deathstalker and slamming it into the ground. Shallot then slung the Deathstalker into the air throwing it away from them into the air at the Nevermore Blake and the other girls were fighting.
While Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Blake were firing at the Nevermore the could see the Deathstalker flying and smash into the Nevermore making it lose its balance while flying and crashing into the pillars holding the ruins they were standing on up. The Nevermore already had deep cuts on it from Blake earlier after landing on it after heading towards the girls to ȧssist them with the Nevermore.
She hadn't realized that covering her weapons in ki would make them so much stronger then even the dust she usually used since using ki tired her out. Shallot looking at the Nevermore that was hit with the Deathstalker.
Shallot: "I think I used to much strength. I should work on control more. Don't want to level a building on accident."
Shallot chuckled after that. He then looked at the others who had the others who had their mouth wide open looking at Shallot as if they had seen something that shouldn't be possible.
Nora: "That ... Was ... So ... Coooool!!!!"
Nora started jumping around grabbing Ren yelling at him asking did he see that and that she wanted to send a Grimm flying like that with her Magnhild. Shallot looked at his scythe and could see that it had some dings in it from treating it so ruff today, but he couldn't expect anything to amazing out of it.
The main purpose of his scythe was to be used for training purposes and the only weapon he made to be his personal use was his Saiyan blade which was designed after the Dragon Blade from Ninja Gaiden. The only difference with his blade was that it had an Oozaru pattern on it instead of the dragon and that he left it in the Anima wildlands after learning to control his Oozaru form.
He had ended up destroying a large area there and created a large crater and ravine and his blade stayed there after finding out why Grimm kept finding him everywhere. After recreating the way the dragon blade was made by cooling it in the blood of bandits after making the blade then making a sheath that would shot out the blade at a high speed while heating the metal to seer anything that was cut.
The blade itself had seemed to absorb the negative feeling from the people it had killed after it was made making it a cursed weapon. The negative emotion that would come from the blade would draw in Grimm anywhere nearby. He couldn't bring something like that into the city for no reason.
Shallot: 'I'm going to have to go back to Anima to get my sword back since I left it embedded it the ravine.'
Shallot looked over at the Nevermore that had recovered and he could see that the others were shooting at it from a distance while Yang jumped towards it sending blast into its mouth while Weiss used her glyphs to launch towards Yang and freeze the tail of the Nevermore.
Shallot looked towards Jaune.
Shallot: "Any ideas on how you could get me over there."
Jaune thought for a moment before coming up with an idea.
Jaune: "Norra, Pyrrha. Do you think you can help out with this."
Pyrrha and Nora nodded.
Pyrrha: "What do you need use to do Jaune."
Jaune: "The ledge here is unstable and if we can launch him the same way Norra launched me earlier we can get him into the air but we have to deal with his weapon since it's so heavy."
Pyrrha chimed in.
Pyrrha: "My semblance allows me to control metals."
Jaune: "That's perfect. Shallot you'll jump onto Nora's hammer and she'll send you flying while Pyrrha will use her semblance to add more speed onto you by repelling your weapon. Ren you will try to add as much force behind Nora's hammer to send him flying with enough where the repping force from Pyrrha can send him with his weapon towards the Nevermore."
Jaune, Nora, Ren, Pyrrha, and Shallot went with Jaunes plan and it worked just not as good but Shallot had enough speed to start using his ki to fly shooting straight ahead of where the Nevermore was and flew right past it towards the top of the cliff and landed on the edge.
Shallot: 'Well I think I overshot it but I can still work with this. Time to test out this new move'.
He could see Ruby flying towards his direction and hooked her scythe under its neck and started firing crescent rose while running up the cliffside.
Shallot: 'Ok ... that's impressive. I might need to make a similar feature in my scythe in the future.'
Shallot started passing his ki into his scythe concentrating it on the blade making the blade shine in a reddish color from the metal lighting up. Shallot then leaned forward falling over the edge heading straight down towards the Nevermore and Ruby.
Ruby was close to the top and was surprised to see Shallot falling towards her and could see him heading towards the Nevermore. Shallot hooked his scythe onto the other side of the Nevermore's neck and the blade slid right threw decapitating the Nevermore. Ruby kept her moment going and landed on top of the cliff while the Nevermore was falling.
Shallot: "Crescent Moon" he yelled out.
Shallot spun his body one more time swinging his scythe into the body of the Nevermore launching all the built-up ki in the scythe into the Nevermore to the bottom splitting the Nevermore in half and creating a large carving going down the mountain into the ravine below in the shape of the scythe blade. After a couple more seconds a loud explosion was heard from below along with a roar from what could only be ȧssumed to be another Grimm.
Shallot was felt that half of his energy was used in that attack. He could have made it stronger but then he looked at his scythe which had started crumbling in his hands starting from the blade that the ki was compressed in down to the pole that he was holding.
He was still falling then decided he'll stop being so paranoid since he knows that not many are stronger than him. If anyone asks he will just say that his semblance is energy manipulation. Shallot started hovering in the air and slowly flew to the top and landed next to Ruby.
Shallot: 'I had come out at night sometimes back when I used to stay with Blake but then I noticed that the moon has been partially destroyed so I can't go Oozaru on this planet. That means I'm going to have to figure out how to use the Ikari form that Broly uses if I want to have a real trump card.
The only way he would be able to go Oozaru would be using the blutz wave moon image from his space pod but he doesn't want to risk destroying his only way off the planet by going ape for a one-time thing. You know what. I can try to recreate the Powerball that Vegeta made but it's going to take a lot of time and power and I'm nowhere near the power level needed to make it anyway.
Ruby was shocked to see Shallot just fly to the top and land next to her.
Ruby: "How ... but ... what ... You can fly?"
Shallot just shrugged his shoulders and then turned around to wave at everyone below the cliff.
Ruby and Shallot waited for the group to come to them and while they were heading there way Ruby kept asking how can he fly and that she could only move really fast.
Shallot: "Well I can't fly and fight at the same time. I would need to get used to air combat."
Shallot: 'I can't reveal all my details on my abilities. Only idiots would tell the entire world what they could do without any information being retained.'
Ruby and Shallot kept talking and the rest had finally made to them and they head back to the school while asking Shallot is he able to fly because of his semblance and what was that attack he had done at the end.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ozpin: "Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bronze Wing, Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the Black Bishop pieces. From this day forth you will be known as team CRDL [Cardinal] lead by Cardin Winchester.
Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkerie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward you will be known as team JNPR [Juniper]."
Everyone in the stadium was clapping
Ozpin: "Lead by Jaune Arc."
Ozpin looked at Jaune.
Ozpin: "Congratulations young man."
Pyrrha punched Jaune in the shoulder making him fall over making everyone else laugh.
Ozpin: "Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward you will work together as team RWBY [Ruby]. Lead by Ruby Rose.
The auditorium clapped and so did Shallot off to the side.
Ozpin: "And finally an individual who is quite different from the rest. Shallot no last name. You retrieved the wilted King piece. With this piece, you won't have a team but rather you can choose what team you would like to go on missions with due to your formidable strength which can be helpful to many. You will have the title of Lone King."
Ozpin pulled up the video of the last attack Shallot did they split the body of the Nevermore in half carving out the side of the mountain going all the way down into the ravine.
Ozpin: "Looks like things are shaping up to be an ... interesting year.
The auditorium looked at the video in disbelief and started cheering loudly and hoping they can get this powerful freshman to join their team for some missions.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier 8-B
Tier 5-C Oozaru
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Shallot: 'Before we start I'll ask Ren to unlock my aura for me before we get started so I can see if I can also have a semblance. I should be connected enough with this world where I can use any method it has since the dragon ball world has similar properties.'
Shallot and everyone were running when the Deathstalker had finally freed itself from Weiss's ice and came crashing through the trees behind it and the Nevermore was screeching from high above after perching itself onto the cliffside. Shallot looked towards Ren while everyone was taking cover behind some rocks.
Yang: "Well, that's great."
Shallot: "Hey, Ren. I need a favor."
Ren looked over towards Shallot and nodded.
Ren: "What is it?
Shallot: "I need you to unlock my aura for me. I think this time would be the best time to ask."
Ren nodded but then yelled towards him.
Ren: "I don't know how to unlock someone else's aura."
Shallot: 'Well there goes my plan.'
Pyrrha looked overhearing the conversation and ran over towards Shallot.
Pyrrha: "I can help you with that Shallot I have already helped Jaune unlock his aura and recovered from doing it."
Shallot nodded before looking towards Pyrrha then Ren.
Shallot: "You should tell Ren how to do it so it doesn't cause a large amount of exhaustion on yourself. I have a hunch that unlocking mine will need a large amount along with great control."
Ren started to run over while yelling towards Norra.
Ren: "Norra, buy us some time so that we can help Shallot unlock his aura and we can attack with everything we have."
Norra saluted in Ren's direction.
Norra: "You got it. Momma's gonna give some lovin'."
Norra then ran out firing grenade blast at the Nevermore. While Norra was doing that Pyrrha was telling Ren what he needed to do to unlock Shallot's aura. Ren understood and they both walked up to Shallot and placed there hands on his ċhėst. Yang, Blake, Weiss, and Ruby all dashed out towards the Nevermore to try to take it down leaving the deathstalker to Jaune to buy time with.
Ren and Pyrrha aura surrounded their bodies and their eyes lit up slightly while concentrating.
Ren & Pyrrha: "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee."
Shallot started to glow slightly in a reddish-black hue with slight traces of green before turning transparent and then something unexpected happened. A primal loud ape sound rang from Shallot's body making the deathstalker approaching stop for a while and Ren and Pyrrha looked exhausted and struggled just to keep their balance.
Shallot: 'I feel amazing. It isn't like my body got stronger from that alone but it feels like a comforting feeling constantly surrounding me. It almost feels heavy like it is unmovable and sturdy. With my aura unlocked I should be able to unlock a semblance now.'
After the primal scream, there seemed to be something else that had screamed out as if challenged it from down into the gulch below them. Everyone could tell whatever made that sound was incredibly large and most like was larger than the Nevermore just going off of the sound.
Ren and Pyrrha were panting heavily while leaning back against a large boulder.
Ren: "Are you supposed to feel this exhausted after unlocking someone's aura. I feel like I just got done fighting for my life and what was that scream."
Pyrrha shook her head in denial.
Pyrrha: "Even though I had unlocked Jaune's aura, it wasn't this much. Jaune has a large amount of aura but Shallot feels more like an ocean. We were just bȧrėly able to unlock it. The amount he has is simply monstrous."
Shallot: "Well, Shucks guys, you're going to make me blush with all of these compliments."
Shallot looked towards the deathstalker and then towards Jaune, but he could hear footsteps coming and Norra yelling. The deathstalker was right on top of them from standing there for those 2 minutes and was attacking.
Shallot stepped up in front of it and simply reached his hand out and grabbed the pincher of the deathstalker and held it in place.
Shallot: "Alright you guys head over the bridge to the other side. Ren and Pyrrha need to get their strength back and will need someone to help them out. Jaune you'll help Pyrrha and Norra you will help Ren. Take both of them to the other side of the bridge and have them recover. Jaune you will need to come up with a strategy to fight the deathstalker after they recover."
Shallot hurried while speaking to get them to go and they all started running across the bridge. Shallot kept the deathstalker busy and would send out a regular punch thinking that it would kill it in one strike, but surprisingly it didn't go down. The bone-like plating on it did crack but it was only wounded.
The DeathStalker started thrashing around and hit one of the pillars close to the bridge where everyone was crossing.
Shallot: "No you don't"
Shallot jumped swinging his scythe down onto its claw and nailed it to the ground, but while Shallot was paying attention to the Deathstalker the group behind on the bridge was attacked by the Nevermore swooping down and breaking the bridge.
Shallot wasn't worried about them since they were all capable. After the Nevermore broke the bridge Pyhrra, Blake, and Ren landed back towards Shallot.
Shallot: "Well, I didn't expect you all to come back so soon you must have missed me. Blake, I'll take care of this you go and help the others. If you kept up with your training you should be the third strongest here."
Blake nodded and then jumped off the edge and threw hair blade into the side swinging away towards the others. Shallot only smirked thinking about the stories he would tell about the Black Cat and her swinging from place to place with a grappling hook.
Nora had launched Jaune and herself over the broken section towards them smashing her hammer down onto the Deathstalker.
Nora: "Ah smash."
Nora tried to smash it into the ground but was just thrown back by the tail attacking with its stinger.
Shallot: "You all don't have to worry I'll handle this."
Shallot grabbed his scythe from its claw releasing it from the ground and charged at it swaying left to right preparing to attack. The Deathstalker charged forward with its pincers snapping open and shut trying to tear him apart. After getting enough momentum he spun his body with the scythe aim for the joints in between the Deathstalkers arms.
His scythe cleaved threw like a hot knife threw buŧŧer. Shallot landed on his right foot and continued with his rotation spin dragging his left foot onto the ground sliding towards the Deathstalker and sending the blade of the scythe into the body lifting the Deathstalker and slamming it into the ground. Shallot then slung the Deathstalker into the air throwing it away from them into the air at the Nevermore Blake and the other girls were fighting.
While Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Blake were firing at the Nevermore the could see the Deathstalker flying and smash into the Nevermore making it lose its balance while flying and crashing into the pillars holding the ruins they were standing on up. The Nevermore already had deep cuts on it from Blake earlier after landing on it after heading towards the girls to ȧssist them with the Nevermore.
She hadn't realized that covering her weapons in ki would make them so much stronger then even the dust she usually used since using ki tired her out. Shallot looking at the Nevermore that was hit with the Deathstalker.
Shallot: "I think I used to much strength. I should work on control more. Don't want to level a building on accident."
Shallot chuckled after that. He then looked at the others who had the others who had their mouth wide open looking at Shallot as if they had seen something that shouldn't be possible.
Nora: "That ... Was ... So ... Coooool!!!!"
Nora started jumping around grabbing Ren yelling at him asking did he see that and that she wanted to send a Grimm flying like that with her Magnhild. Shallot looked at his scythe and could see that it had some dings in it from treating it so ruff today, but he couldn't expect anything to amazing out of it.
The main purpose of his scythe was to be used for training purposes and the only weapon he made to be his personal use was his Saiyan blade which was designed after the Dragon Blade from Ninja Gaiden. The only difference with his blade was that it had an Oozaru pattern on it instead of the dragon and that he left it in the Anima wildlands after learning to control his Oozaru form.
He had ended up destroying a large area there and created a large crater and ravine and his blade stayed there after finding out why Grimm kept finding him everywhere. After recreating the way the dragon blade was made by cooling it in the blood of bandits after making the blade then making a sheath that would shot out the blade at a high speed while heating the metal to seer anything that was cut.
The blade itself had seemed to absorb the negative feeling from the people it had killed after it was made making it a cursed weapon. The negative emotion that would come from the blade would draw in Grimm anywhere nearby. He couldn't bring something like that into the city for no reason.
Shallot: 'I'm going to have to go back to Anima to get my sword back since I left it embedded it the ravine.'
Shallot looked over at the Nevermore that had recovered and he could see that the others were shooting at it from a distance while Yang jumped towards it sending blast into its mouth while Weiss used her glyphs to launch towards Yang and freeze the tail of the Nevermore.
Shallot looked towards Jaune.
Shallot: "Any ideas on how you could get me over there."
Jaune thought for a moment before coming up with an idea.
Jaune: "Norra, Pyrrha. Do you think you can help out with this."
Pyrrha and Nora nodded.
Pyrrha: "What do you need use to do Jaune."
Jaune: "The ledge here is unstable and if we can launch him the same way Norra launched me earlier we can get him into the air but we have to deal with his weapon since it's so heavy."
Pyrrha chimed in.
Pyrrha: "My semblance allows me to control metals."
Jaune: "That's perfect. Shallot you'll jump onto Nora's hammer and she'll send you flying while Pyrrha will use her semblance to add more speed onto you by repelling your weapon. Ren you will try to add as much force behind Nora's hammer to send him flying with enough where the repping force from Pyrrha can send him with his weapon towards the Nevermore."
Jaune, Nora, Ren, Pyrrha, and Shallot went with Jaunes plan and it worked just not as good but Shallot had enough speed to start using his ki to fly shooting straight ahead of where the Nevermore was and flew right past it towards the top of the cliff and landed on the edge.
Shallot: 'Well I think I overshot it but I can still work with this. Time to test out this new move'.
He could see Ruby flying towards his direction and hooked her scythe under its neck and started firing crescent rose while running up the cliffside.
Shallot: 'Ok ... that's impressive. I might need to make a similar feature in my scythe in the future.'
Shallot started passing his ki into his scythe concentrating it on the blade making the blade shine in a reddish color from the metal lighting up. Shallot then leaned forward falling over the edge heading straight down towards the Nevermore and Ruby.
Ruby was close to the top and was surprised to see Shallot falling towards her and could see him heading towards the Nevermore. Shallot hooked his scythe onto the other side of the Nevermore's neck and the blade slid right threw decapitating the Nevermore. Ruby kept her moment going and landed on top of the cliff while the Nevermore was falling.
Shallot: "Crescent Moon" he yelled out.
Shallot spun his body one more time swinging his scythe into the body of the Nevermore launching all the built-up ki in the scythe into the Nevermore to the bottom splitting the Nevermore in half and creating a large carving going down the mountain into the ravine below in the shape of the scythe blade. After a couple more seconds a loud explosion was heard from below along with a roar from what could only be ȧssumed to be another Grimm.
Shallot was felt that half of his energy was used in that attack. He could have made it stronger but then he looked at his scythe which had started crumbling in his hands starting from the blade that the ki was compressed in down to the pole that he was holding.
He was still falling then decided he'll stop being so paranoid since he knows that not many are stronger than him. If anyone asks he will just say that his semblance is energy manipulation. Shallot started hovering in the air and slowly flew to the top and landed next to Ruby.
Shallot: 'I had come out at night sometimes back when I used to stay with Blake but then I noticed that the moon has been partially destroyed so I can't go Oozaru on this planet. That means I'm going to have to figure out how to use the Ikari form that Broly uses if I want to have a real trump card.
The only way he would be able to go Oozaru would be using the blutz wave moon image from his space pod but he doesn't want to risk destroying his only way off the planet by going ape for a one-time thing. You know what. I can try to recreate the Powerball that Vegeta made but it's going to take a lot of time and power and I'm nowhere near the power level needed to make it anyway.
Ruby was shocked to see Shallot just fly to the top and land next to her.
Ruby: "How ... but ... what ... You can fly?"
Shallot just shrugged his shoulders and then turned around to wave at everyone below the cliff.
Ruby and Shallot waited for the group to come to them and while they were heading there way Ruby kept asking how can he fly and that she could only move really fast.
Shallot: "Well I can't fly and fight at the same time. I would need to get used to air combat."
Shallot: 'I can't reveal all my details on my abilities. Only idiots would tell the entire world what they could do without any information being retained.'
Ruby and Shallot kept talking and the rest had finally made to them and they head back to the school while asking Shallot is he able to fly because of his semblance and what was that attack he had done at the end.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ozpin: "Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bronze Wing, Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the Black Bishop pieces. From this day forth you will be known as team CRDL [Cardinal] lead by Cardin Winchester.
Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkerie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward you will be known as team JNPR [Juniper]."
Everyone in the stadium was clapping
Ozpin: "Lead by Jaune Arc."
Ozpin looked at Jaune.
Ozpin: "Congratulations young man."
Pyrrha punched Jaune in the shoulder making him fall over making everyone else laugh.
Ozpin: "Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward you will work together as team RWBY [Ruby]. Lead by Ruby Rose.
The auditorium clapped and so did Shallot off to the side.
Ozpin: "And finally an individual who is quite different from the rest. Shallot no last name. You retrieved the wilted King piece. With this piece, you won't have a team but rather you can choose what team you would like to go on missions with due to your formidable strength which can be helpful to many. You will have the title of Lone King."
Ozpin pulled up the video of the last attack Shallot did they split the body of the Nevermore in half carving out the side of the mountain going all the way down into the ravine.
Ozpin: "Looks like things are shaping up to be an ... interesting year.
The auditorium looked at the video in disbelief and started cheering loudly and hoping they can get this powerful freshman to join their team for some missions.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier 8-B
Tier 5-C Oozaru
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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