Reincarnated As A Saiyan In RWBY
Chapter 13 - 13 -Roommates
After Ozpin had called all of the teams. Shallot had gone up to Ozpin and tapped him on the shoulders.
Shallot: "Ozpin, where am I going to sleep since I'm not particularly on a team."
Shallot was wondering this since he hadn't heard about any room being for single-use unless it was for the staffing of the school. He was pretty sure that he wouldn't get special treatment even though he was stronger than the rest.
After going over his notes he had written down from years ago there was something he was constantly writing. Anytime he would write about the events that happen around Ruby and everyone else Ozpin never seemed to care much about people the same way that most react. He had written done to be careful around Ozpin as a future reminder and that he seemed odd.
Shallot was cautious about everything in this world but he knew that at the greatest strength he knew of was the capabilities of a single Grimm wiping out small towns and settlements. That just meant that it is possible that there are stronger Grimm. He also needed to worry about the abilities that the Grimms could affect him.
Ozpin looked at Shallot thinking about his question and indeed didn't want to show favor to a single student that had just joined. He had lived for a very long time and knew of others who could take on an entire horde of Grimm single-handled and then there was the silver-eyed clan. He didn't give special treatment to the last one he was in contact with and should just let the student room with who they would work with.
Ozpin: "You can choose a team you want to work with and you can stay with them."
Shallot: "Won't it be too cramped to stay in a room meant for four people with five people."
Ozpin: "When you are out on a mission you may have to stay in not the most ideal place and have to adapt to stay there. You should figure out how to solve the issue on your own without complaining about the situation. When you start working as a hunter you will have to do things like this quite often whether it is from staying in a cave to weather a storm that isn't spacious or a shipping container that you have to use from being thrown off of a ship."
Shallot could only accept that reasoning and started thinking that he would like to stay in whatever room Blake is in since Ghira wouldn't let him stay in her room no matter how long he stayed with them.
Shallot: "I would like to stay in team RWBY's room then Professor Ozpin."
Ozpin nodded his head and motioned and called for team RWBY to come over. Team RWBY was off to the side about to leave out to find where there ȧssigned room was when they heard Professor Ozpin calling for them and waving them over. Team Rwby had come over and lined up in front of him next to Shallot.
Weiss: "Yes Professor Ozpin. Is there anything that we are needed for."
Ozpin lifted his right hand and motioned to Shallot.
Ozpin: "Yes team RWBY. Your fellow student Shallot will be staying with you all in your room with you and before anyone may mention anything about him being a male majority of all the other team have one or two males in their teams with them. I cannot show favoritism to a single team so Shallot will be staying in your room with you."
Shallot was amazed at what he was hearing.
Shallot: 'This sneaky mother ... I'm starting to think that he is a master of bullshitting now. This wasn't anything he said just a moment ago. This must be the reason I wrote done to be careful around him in my notes. This dude got the true making of a snake oils salesman.'
Shallot just waited for there reaction and to his surprise, no one in team RWBY said anything against it. He was waiting for at least Weiss to say something about him being in the team. Shallot turned and looked at Weiss.
Shallot: "You don't have anything against me staying with your team and working with you all?"
Weiss just humphed and turned her head.
Weiss: "You are capable at least and won't slow me down even though you act like a goof sometimes but I don't see anything wrong with you being on our team.
Ruby: "I don't really mind. You have already helped me before and I don't mind getting more help."
Yang: I don't mind a hunk like you staying with us. I get to check out your muscles more often.
Blake: Mmn. I don't really mind. It'll be just like before.
The other three in team RWBY just turned and looked at Blake thinking about how close they are.
Ozpin lifted his cane and tapped it lightly to get their attention.
Ozpin: "Yes, yes, since you all are ok with the arrangements then he will be staying with you all unless he decides to go to another team. However Shallot, you need to decide what team to stay with so we can make final accommodations for the room within two months.
Having a group of five is something new and will be something that we are testing how teams work with a group of five to stop in-fighting by having a voting system for arguments. If there are five people voting then there will be no tie's whenever a team has to make a decision on something.
Your team will be the team that will be testing out how this will work so we can test how big of a group a team can be before it starts affecting the unity of a group. So from today on forth while you are working together you will be known as team RWBYS [Ruby's]."
Shallot: "I guess we just need to polish these gems now."
Shallot: "So I'm taking it that Ruby is still team leader even if I join ... well, I don't mind since that's just more work for me if I had to monitor everyone. I surely don't want to become a babysitter."
Weiss looked at Shallot with a glare and stomped her right foot. Yang looked over waiting to see what would happen. Blake just shrugged her shoulders and Ruby seemed to be thinking about how big the rooms are since there would be five people.
Weiss: "What do you mean by that."
Shallot: "Well, I can point out everyone's flaws just from today alone. Weiss is too focused on results and isn't flexible with her thinking 'She reminds me of how Vegeta's character is honestly'. She wouldn't be able to adapt to situations that are constantly changing and wouldn't admit if she was wrong about something. This most likely comes from getting almost whatever she wanted while growing up.
Ruby plays around a lot but is more open-minded about her fighting style and the scenarios she ends up in. She rushes into situations without much thought 'Ruby has the same tendencies as Goku, the only difference is that she isn't so gung ho about fighting all the time. She does however have good battle instincts'.
Yang is hotblooded and most likely jumps into fights over things that most likely don't require fighting. She rushes headfirst guns blazing and thinks about the consequences later. This can be very disadvantaged on a battlefield however because it could lead to poor judgment and at worst the death of the individual 'Kinda similar to how Videl acts and how she almost got fatally injured in the tournament. They both get in way over there head if someone isn't there to pull them back.'. On the battlefield, one needs to keep their composure so they can move at their max capabilities.
Blake on the other hand doesn't have the same weaknesses that make others poor on the battlefield but a poor teammate instead. Blake tends to isolate herself from others because she likes her quiet time but also doesn't try to get to know other people if she doesn't have to. You could say that she is an introvert but will open up to those around her when she gets to know everyone. She has to work on talking and interacting with others so she could tell how a person is or it will take too long to understand whether they have good intentions or not 'Her personality is closer to Gohan. She would most likely be a scholar if she wasn't forced to fight due to the world being so dangerous and pregitous. They also fight more aggressively when their friends are in danger.'
Lastly, there's me, I'm stronger than everyone in this group and I'm physically stronger than everyone in this school. I don't particularly take anything serious around here not even the Grimm because I know that if I were to go 100% there isn't anything that could stop me unless an entire city of Grimm is thrown at me. Another weakness that is mine is that there isn't a weapon strong enough for me to use at 50% or higher without shattering it. However, I have heard of stronger metals than the ones I have made my weapons out of so it could be that I just haven't gotten the materials yet."
Ozpin was amazed at his observations from just a single day. If Shallot graduates and get his certificate as a hunter then he can ask him to be a recruiter for the school and hire him to teach here.
Ozpin: "Those are good ȧssessments you have made. You didn't leave yourself out either even though it seemed like most of what you said could be seen as boasting. Your destructive force is indeed large but if you can't have that much power without destroying everything around you we can't send you out to deal with Grimm that is terrorizing a town because you could end up destroying it instead of the Grimm being the ones doing it."
Shallot: "Well that attack was my Crescent Moon attack. It is a large scale attack but I haven't had the chance to use it against anything large and small things aren't worthy enough for me to use it on."
Ozpin: "How are you going to deal with Grimm now that you don't have a weapon since you are a scythe user?"
Shallot shrugged his shoulders before holding up his hands.
Shallot: "I'm mainly a hand to hand combat martial artist and specialize in my kicks. My kicks go great with my fighting style even if I were to have a weapon in my hands. I decided to come here because I heard that Vale is interesting. It isn't militaristic like Atlas and I don't have to worry about sand getting everywhere like Vacuo."
While Ozpin and Shallot were getting into a conversation everyone else was thinking about the "weaknesses" that Shallot pointed out for each of them. Ruby couldn't think of anything that was wrong with what was said about her weaknesses and knew that she needed to think about her decisions more.
Blake already knew that Shallot would point those things out since he had told her those things back when they had joined the White Fang. Yang already knew that she had a fiery temper and even her father told her that was how she was especially after her semblance awakened. Weiss was taking it the hardest though since no one had ever said anything about how she did anything. She worked hard everyday and she is standing where she is due to her own efforts.
Ozpin clapped his hands since the teams were chosen and were ready to retire for the night. He then brought the mic up to his mouth before announcing.
Ozpin: "Alright all of you. You will head to the front desk of the campus and will be ȧssigned your rooms for your teams. I hope everyone will get some rest tonight and be the first years will be ready for the classes in the morning."
Ozpin walked and put the mic back onto the mic stand and walked off of the stage leaving for his office. After he left all the others in the room started leaving the room either heading to their own rooms or going to the front desk to find what rooms their team would be in.
Shallot: "We can worry about sleeping arrangements tomorrow. I'm going to sleep."
Shallot then laid his head down onto the desk and went to sleep. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang just looked at him then went towards the beds and plopped into the beds and went to sleep and would worry about everything else later.
Weiss: (mumbling) "Don't think I'll let you get away about constantly talking about me Shallot."
Blake: (mumbling) "I'll have you tell me everything about why you left when we're alone."
Yang: (mumbling) "This year be going off with a Bang"
Ruby: (mumbling) "I'm team leader ... Yay"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier 8-B
Tier 5-C Oozaru
Shallot: "Ozpin, where am I going to sleep since I'm not particularly on a team."
Shallot was wondering this since he hadn't heard about any room being for single-use unless it was for the staffing of the school. He was pretty sure that he wouldn't get special treatment even though he was stronger than the rest.
After going over his notes he had written down from years ago there was something he was constantly writing. Anytime he would write about the events that happen around Ruby and everyone else Ozpin never seemed to care much about people the same way that most react. He had written done to be careful around Ozpin as a future reminder and that he seemed odd.
Shallot was cautious about everything in this world but he knew that at the greatest strength he knew of was the capabilities of a single Grimm wiping out small towns and settlements. That just meant that it is possible that there are stronger Grimm. He also needed to worry about the abilities that the Grimms could affect him.
Ozpin looked at Shallot thinking about his question and indeed didn't want to show favor to a single student that had just joined. He had lived for a very long time and knew of others who could take on an entire horde of Grimm single-handled and then there was the silver-eyed clan. He didn't give special treatment to the last one he was in contact with and should just let the student room with who they would work with.
Ozpin: "You can choose a team you want to work with and you can stay with them."
Shallot: "Won't it be too cramped to stay in a room meant for four people with five people."
Ozpin: "When you are out on a mission you may have to stay in not the most ideal place and have to adapt to stay there. You should figure out how to solve the issue on your own without complaining about the situation. When you start working as a hunter you will have to do things like this quite often whether it is from staying in a cave to weather a storm that isn't spacious or a shipping container that you have to use from being thrown off of a ship."
Shallot could only accept that reasoning and started thinking that he would like to stay in whatever room Blake is in since Ghira wouldn't let him stay in her room no matter how long he stayed with them.
Shallot: "I would like to stay in team RWBY's room then Professor Ozpin."
Ozpin nodded his head and motioned and called for team RWBY to come over. Team RWBY was off to the side about to leave out to find where there ȧssigned room was when they heard Professor Ozpin calling for them and waving them over. Team Rwby had come over and lined up in front of him next to Shallot.
Weiss: "Yes Professor Ozpin. Is there anything that we are needed for."
Ozpin lifted his right hand and motioned to Shallot.
Ozpin: "Yes team RWBY. Your fellow student Shallot will be staying with you all in your room with you and before anyone may mention anything about him being a male majority of all the other team have one or two males in their teams with them. I cannot show favoritism to a single team so Shallot will be staying in your room with you."
Shallot was amazed at what he was hearing.
Shallot: 'This sneaky mother ... I'm starting to think that he is a master of bullshitting now. This wasn't anything he said just a moment ago. This must be the reason I wrote done to be careful around him in my notes. This dude got the true making of a snake oils salesman.'
Shallot just waited for there reaction and to his surprise, no one in team RWBY said anything against it. He was waiting for at least Weiss to say something about him being in the team. Shallot turned and looked at Weiss.
Shallot: "You don't have anything against me staying with your team and working with you all?"
Weiss just humphed and turned her head.
Weiss: "You are capable at least and won't slow me down even though you act like a goof sometimes but I don't see anything wrong with you being on our team.
Ruby: "I don't really mind. You have already helped me before and I don't mind getting more help."
Yang: I don't mind a hunk like you staying with us. I get to check out your muscles more often.
Blake: Mmn. I don't really mind. It'll be just like before.
The other three in team RWBY just turned and looked at Blake thinking about how close they are.
Ozpin lifted his cane and tapped it lightly to get their attention.
Ozpin: "Yes, yes, since you all are ok with the arrangements then he will be staying with you all unless he decides to go to another team. However Shallot, you need to decide what team to stay with so we can make final accommodations for the room within two months.
Having a group of five is something new and will be something that we are testing how teams work with a group of five to stop in-fighting by having a voting system for arguments. If there are five people voting then there will be no tie's whenever a team has to make a decision on something.
Your team will be the team that will be testing out how this will work so we can test how big of a group a team can be before it starts affecting the unity of a group. So from today on forth while you are working together you will be known as team RWBYS [Ruby's]."
Shallot: "I guess we just need to polish these gems now."
Shallot: "So I'm taking it that Ruby is still team leader even if I join ... well, I don't mind since that's just more work for me if I had to monitor everyone. I surely don't want to become a babysitter."
Weiss looked at Shallot with a glare and stomped her right foot. Yang looked over waiting to see what would happen. Blake just shrugged her shoulders and Ruby seemed to be thinking about how big the rooms are since there would be five people.
Weiss: "What do you mean by that."
Shallot: "Well, I can point out everyone's flaws just from today alone. Weiss is too focused on results and isn't flexible with her thinking 'She reminds me of how Vegeta's character is honestly'. She wouldn't be able to adapt to situations that are constantly changing and wouldn't admit if she was wrong about something. This most likely comes from getting almost whatever she wanted while growing up.
Ruby plays around a lot but is more open-minded about her fighting style and the scenarios she ends up in. She rushes into situations without much thought 'Ruby has the same tendencies as Goku, the only difference is that she isn't so gung ho about fighting all the time. She does however have good battle instincts'.
Yang is hotblooded and most likely jumps into fights over things that most likely don't require fighting. She rushes headfirst guns blazing and thinks about the consequences later. This can be very disadvantaged on a battlefield however because it could lead to poor judgment and at worst the death of the individual 'Kinda similar to how Videl acts and how she almost got fatally injured in the tournament. They both get in way over there head if someone isn't there to pull them back.'. On the battlefield, one needs to keep their composure so they can move at their max capabilities.
Blake on the other hand doesn't have the same weaknesses that make others poor on the battlefield but a poor teammate instead. Blake tends to isolate herself from others because she likes her quiet time but also doesn't try to get to know other people if she doesn't have to. You could say that she is an introvert but will open up to those around her when she gets to know everyone. She has to work on talking and interacting with others so she could tell how a person is or it will take too long to understand whether they have good intentions or not 'Her personality is closer to Gohan. She would most likely be a scholar if she wasn't forced to fight due to the world being so dangerous and pregitous. They also fight more aggressively when their friends are in danger.'
Lastly, there's me, I'm stronger than everyone in this group and I'm physically stronger than everyone in this school. I don't particularly take anything serious around here not even the Grimm because I know that if I were to go 100% there isn't anything that could stop me unless an entire city of Grimm is thrown at me. Another weakness that is mine is that there isn't a weapon strong enough for me to use at 50% or higher without shattering it. However, I have heard of stronger metals than the ones I have made my weapons out of so it could be that I just haven't gotten the materials yet."
Ozpin was amazed at his observations from just a single day. If Shallot graduates and get his certificate as a hunter then he can ask him to be a recruiter for the school and hire him to teach here.
Ozpin: "Those are good ȧssessments you have made. You didn't leave yourself out either even though it seemed like most of what you said could be seen as boasting. Your destructive force is indeed large but if you can't have that much power without destroying everything around you we can't send you out to deal with Grimm that is terrorizing a town because you could end up destroying it instead of the Grimm being the ones doing it."
Shallot: "Well that attack was my Crescent Moon attack. It is a large scale attack but I haven't had the chance to use it against anything large and small things aren't worthy enough for me to use it on."
Ozpin: "How are you going to deal with Grimm now that you don't have a weapon since you are a scythe user?"
Shallot shrugged his shoulders before holding up his hands.
Shallot: "I'm mainly a hand to hand combat martial artist and specialize in my kicks. My kicks go great with my fighting style even if I were to have a weapon in my hands. I decided to come here because I heard that Vale is interesting. It isn't militaristic like Atlas and I don't have to worry about sand getting everywhere like Vacuo."
While Ozpin and Shallot were getting into a conversation everyone else was thinking about the "weaknesses" that Shallot pointed out for each of them. Ruby couldn't think of anything that was wrong with what was said about her weaknesses and knew that she needed to think about her decisions more.
Blake already knew that Shallot would point those things out since he had told her those things back when they had joined the White Fang. Yang already knew that she had a fiery temper and even her father told her that was how she was especially after her semblance awakened. Weiss was taking it the hardest though since no one had ever said anything about how she did anything. She worked hard everyday and she is standing where she is due to her own efforts.
Ozpin clapped his hands since the teams were chosen and were ready to retire for the night. He then brought the mic up to his mouth before announcing.
Ozpin: "Alright all of you. You will head to the front desk of the campus and will be ȧssigned your rooms for your teams. I hope everyone will get some rest tonight and be the first years will be ready for the classes in the morning."
Ozpin walked and put the mic back onto the mic stand and walked off of the stage leaving for his office. After he left all the others in the room started leaving the room either heading to their own rooms or going to the front desk to find what rooms their team would be in.
Shallot: "We can worry about sleeping arrangements tomorrow. I'm going to sleep."
Shallot then laid his head down onto the desk and went to sleep. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang just looked at him then went towards the beds and plopped into the beds and went to sleep and would worry about everything else later.
Weiss: (mumbling) "Don't think I'll let you get away about constantly talking about me Shallot."
Blake: (mumbling) "I'll have you tell me everything about why you left when we're alone."
Yang: (mumbling) "This year be going off with a Bang"
Ruby: (mumbling) "I'm team leader ... Yay"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier 8-B
Tier 5-C Oozaru
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