Reincarnated As A Saiyan In RWBY
Chapter 14 - 14 - First Day of School
Inside of the office sat Ozpin while looking at his scroll rewatching the attack that was performed by Shallot and what he called Crescent Moon that split the Nevermore in half feeling surprised that there is a method of attack with so much destructive force behind it.
Ozpin: "That kind of attack isn't possible with dust or not with the type of dust I have ever seen. The attack didn't seem to be done with magic either. Wide-scale magic attacks use large amounts of stamina along with the magic reserve in the individual. The only ones who are capable of using magic are the maidens, me, Salem, Qrow, and his sister Raven. He didn't seem exhausted by using this attack and from what he said yesterday that wasn't his strength at 100% since the weapon couldn't take that much."
While Ozpin was talking to himself while watching the video trying to figure out what type of attack it is he heard a knock on the door. After hearing it he closed the video on the scroll and called towards the door.
Ozpin: "You can enter."
The door opened and Glynda walked into the office with a stack of papers under her armpit with a cup of coffee in the other hand. She walked up to the table and placed the coffee down on the table and placing the papers next to it.
Glynda: "Your coffee Sir."
Ozpin: "Thank you, Glynda. So it is time for the classes to begin. I guess we should be on our way to make sure that no one is causing trouble on the first day."
Glynda: "Sir if you can answer a question of mine. Why did you want Shallot to join the school even though we have rigorous exams and test to get in. We know nothing about him. You seemed far more interested in Ruby joining the school and didn't show any reactions to him."
Ozpin: "I didn't want him to feel pressured and think that I would constantly pester him. You should know about Salem and who I am really. When you have lived as long as I have you learn a thing or two.
Someone so strong at such a young age being out in the world is hard not to hear information about. His description is one I have come across when talking to the headmaster of the academy in Mistral.
I had received reports about a child with long hair in the plains of Anima fighting Grimm. He appeared no older than 6 years old. I had planned on sending Summer on a mission but decided to send her to investigate. Whenever the head of Mistral would send to huntsmen to found out what the child was doing there, they would report that they couldn't get close enough due to the high-density amount of Grimm in the area.
One huntsman had managed to get further in and his report stated the child appeared to be making a blade for a weapon next to a pile of bodies. What frightened that huntsmen was that he could hear the agonizing screams coming from the weapon every time it was hammered. Every now and then a Beowolf would come and fall at the hands of the kid.
The huntsmen said that the child was a Faunus since he saw a monkey tail swaying behind him and would even use his tail to swat away the Grimm while in the middle of tempering the blade. The blade after being heated and hit constantly would then be plunged into the bodies to cool down the metal of the weapon before going back to hammering again.
After the kid had finally finished the kid had walked away after cooling the weapon down and aligning and placing it inside a hilt leaving the furnace and tools out in the open. The huntsmen said that even though he was so far away he could fell immense pressure coming from the blade. The blade made him feel depressed and his instincts were telling him to run for his life. The scabbard had appeared to be specially made as it seemed that the kid lifted it and put the blade inside and the large pressure that was causing him to feel despair had disappeared.
The huntsmen said that the kid started walking and pulled the blade out of the scabbard and said something as if he was talking to someone then they heard something that made them run for their lives without following the kid.
They heard a loud primal scream that howled spread across and was incredibly loud. They said that the howl sounded like a mixture of a number of people suffering constantly. After hearing that they thought that they weren't looking at a child but a demon in the guise of a child.
The headmaster of Mistral said that even to this day that huntsmen was never the same again and has been having problems sleeping and had to give up being huntsmen due to his mental health."
Glynda: "And you invited someone like that here? Why? He is a danger to everyone at this school then."
Ozpin: "I wasn't finished with what was written in the report. The headmaster sent another huntsman to investigate the site where this happened while I sent Summer as support and for her to go on another mission directly after looking for the kid and determine whether he is a threat to anyone else. Do you know what Summer found."
Glynda shook her head not knowing what they could have found besides the bodies.
Ozpin: "Summer called and told me that everybody that was there was fresh and belonged to bandits that stayed there in the Anima plains killing, stealing, and even raping people. They were some of the worst types of individuals you can find among the bandits. That day the Hodunk tribe was exterminated with not a single survivor. The bodies themselves were missing their hearts and their fingers on their hands.
The huntsmen that were with Summer vomited right there after seeing it and Summer had gone looking for the kid. However, I didn't hear back from Summer from that point on and wanted to find out what really happened."
Glynda: "So doesn't that mean that he is even more dangerous than what I previously thought. You still didn't say why you wanted him to join the academy."
Ozpin: "It was a gamble. I could feel that he is stronger than any huntsmen I have seen in a long time and he's still growing. I'm pretty sure that he could kill me also if we were to fight to the death and he was willing to put his life on the line, but I wanted to gamble to get him on our side so that he isn't recruited by Salem. If Salem was able to convince him to join her we wouldn't stand a chance. We need someone like Shallot to stand against her.
If Shallot becomes attached to the other students here he will protect them and eventually be able to take up the mantle of stopping Salem. I also couldn't bet everything on Shallot however so I also made sure that Ruby would join. If she could learn to use her silver eyes like the "Grimm Reaper" then we could have another formidable huntress that could help us with the fight."
Glynda was taking in all the information and organizing it in her head amazed that even before now, Ozpin had already done his research on Shallot and probably knew more than anyone else in the school.
Glynda: "But where is the sword you were talking about that he made. It seemed like something incredibly strong. He didn't have it on him when he came and only came with that scythe that is now broken."
Ozpin: "That is also something that I may know the answer to. Some days ago a group of White Fang had gone to Anima and seemed to be transporting something but the transport would constantly be attacked by Grimm and the container was dropped on the coast of Anima closest to here at Vale. The White Fang still seems to be searching for it."
Ozpin stood up and grabbed the coffee and started walking out with Glynda following behind him eventually walking next to him.
Ozpin: 'I could also feel that he could use magic if taught how to and it doesn't seem to be from the magic I handed out a long time ago. His seems more ancient like the gods of dark and light but it hasn't been used yet. It felt like it could grow stronger over time. I can't allow Salem to find out about him or she could grow even further in strength.
Shallot was still knocked out on the desk and was dreaming about doing some not so PG things with Blake when he heard a whistle going off in the room. Shallot jerked back, hitting his knees underneath the table pulling it with him and falling out of the chair with the table falling on top of him.
Weiss: "What in the world is wrong with you?"
Ruby and Weiss looked over at Shallot that was over on the floor with the desk on top of him then looked towards Blake who was blushing.
Ruby: "Are you ok?"
Shallot sat up and lifted the desk off of him with one hand and stood up but the girls could see a rise in his pants between his legs and they all blushed seeing it before hearing Shallot.
Shallot: "Yeah, what was the whistle for."
Ruby: "Now that your awake we can officially begin our first order of business."
Shallot rubbed his eyes while groggily looking at her.
Shallot & Weiss: "Excuse me?"
Yang: "Decorating."
Weiss: "What?"
Blake: "We still have to unpack ... and clean.
Shallot: "Also figure out the sleeping arrangement since this room is pretty small. I need to set up my sleeping area."
Shallot ears started walking towards Blake and grabbed her wrists before pulling her out of the room.
Blake: "Huh."
Shallot: "Come on, you wanted answers to some questions right. I'll tell you everything outside after we wash up."
Shallot and Blake left to go shower while Ruby started blowing her whistle at everyone else in the room before talking about something but Shallot had already left and couldn't tell what she was saying this far from the room. After showering and heading into the hallway he saw Blake and motioned for her to head in his direction. After she got close he grabbed her hand and walked towards the corner of the hallway.
Shallot: "Alright Blake. What do you want to talk about first?"
Blake came closer to his ear to make sure that no one could hear what they were going to talk about.
Blake: "What did you do to get kicked out of the White Fang? My second question is why didn't you take me with you when you left and my last question is why didn't you talk to me until we were in the forest."
Shallot exhaled and took a serious look without his joking air he always puts on.
Shallot: "For your first question. Do you know why Adam where's a mask all the time on his face."
Blake nodded her head.
Blake: "He said it was from a human putting a brand on his face."
Shallot chuckled "No ... he wears that mask because I blinded him in his left eye and left a claw mark on his ċhėst because he said that you were his and I decided to put him in his place. He wanted to treat you like an object was his first mistake.
His second mistake was going after my girlfriend. Sienna had only listened to Adam and was told that I was human but only everyone in your family has seen my tail. I told your dad not to say anything and to watch what the White Fang he led originally had become."
Blake started blushing after hearing the reason and started feeling proud of the fact that Shallot left because someone was trying to get close to her.
Blake: (mumbling) "Is that why Adam was warry around me?"
Shallot: 'And I might have threatened him to cut his third leg off and would follow from a distance and make sure that Adam could see me every time but she doesn't need to know that.'
Shallot: "I didn't have the strength at the time to fight the entire White Fang at the time since I was still training. I was only slightly stronger than Adam back then because my clan are natural-born warriors. The answer to your third question is why didn't you say anything to me when you first met Weiss. I was standing right next to her."
Blake crossed her arms and turned her head away.
Blake: "I didn't say anything to you because I was still mad at you for leaving without telling me and why didn't you come after me when I was walking away."
Blake turned back to look at Shallot waiting to hear his answer.
Shallot: "I have found who is going to be your sister and second sister."
Blake listened closely since when they were younger he constantly told her that the ones in his clan have multiple wives if they are strong to carry strong genes to create stronger children for the next generation. He told her that she couldn't tell her parents about it since her father didn't want him to get close to her. Since she didn't know everything that happened in the world she just believed it.
Blake: "So who will be my two sisters? I have to make sure I'm seen in a better light by them since I will have to spend time with them to make sure that they are safe since I'm your first and stronger than them."
Shallot: 'I see why dictators use brainwashing *cough* *cough* I mean persuasion on small children it's so useful.'
Shallot: "You know them. The first is Ruby since I promised someone to always look after her and the second is her sister Yang."
Blake widened her eyes and had her mouth opened slightly and was surprised by what Shallot said not expecting him to go for their teammates as soon as they got here. Shallot was never really active in doing a lot of things when they were kids and was a slow starter but seemed to have become more active in recent years since he left.
[AN: Puberty is something isn't it. You realize you missed so many opportunities when looking back at things in the future.]
Blake: 'He said first and second which means that he hasn't gotten any other girls while traveling.'
Shallot kissed her placing his tongue inside causing his heart rate to increase along with Blakes but pulled back before losing complete reasoning and got a reaction out of her before they continued there conversation.
Blake: "I have another question. You couldn't fly back when we were in the White Fang. How can you fly now? Is it your semblance?"
Shallot: "Remember when I told you about how to use ki when we were small and that there were many things that you could do with it by using that energy and even life force. Flying is another way of using that energy. What I didn't tell you is that Ki is also known as "latent energy" or "fighting power," which directly translates as "life force." This force is a tangible energy inside every living being, with its major focus being in the center of the body.
I wanted to explain all of this earlier but I didn't think you would understand everything and would just tell you about it later. Later today or in a couple of days, I could teach you how to fly. It is very useful for traveling and I could finally have someone to spar with that can fly so I can adjust properly. It will also help you adapt quickly to aerial combat."
Shallot: 'I also had a fear of heights. I probably could have started flying back then but didn't until I was positive I could survive plummeting from the sky.
Blake: "Does that promise have to do with the woman you said you were helping when you said you went on a stroll through the woods and disappeared for three weeks when we were kids?
Shallot: "Yeah it does. I have finally had her fully recover some weeks ago and she said that she would be heading back home since she was still worried about her family since I hadn't gone to check up on them in 2 years so she didn't know how they were doing. She said that she would head back so that she can let them know that she is alive."
Blake: "You didn't tell her family that she was alive?"
Shallot: "She didn't want me telling them and just told me to look over them since she didn't know if the treatment would really heal her completely since she was injured so badly. She said she didn't want to give them false hope receiving news that she is alive just to hear that she died and have to experience loss all over again."
Blake nodded her head and looked out the window and could see Ruby, Yang, and Weiss running. Blake looked at the time on her scroll and turned to Shallot while pointing outside of the window towards everyone running. Shallot turned around to see everyone even Jaunes team running.
Blake: "Shallot, we need to hurry or we'll be late to class. It starts in five minutes.
Shallot picked up Blake in a princess carry and ran towards the door and then leaped into the air and started flying towards the classroom flying over everyone else. Shallot looked down at Blake while flying and smiling at her.
Shallot: "I'm back mittens."
Blake: "Welcome back dear."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier 8-B
Tier 5-C Oozaru
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Inside of the office sat Ozpin while looking at his scroll rewatching the attack that was performed by Shallot and what he called Crescent Moon that split the Nevermore in half feeling surprised that there is a method of attack with so much destructive force behind it.
Ozpin: "That kind of attack isn't possible with dust or not with the type of dust I have ever seen. The attack didn't seem to be done with magic either. Wide-scale magic attacks use large amounts of stamina along with the magic reserve in the individual. The only ones who are capable of using magic are the maidens, me, Salem, Qrow, and his sister Raven. He didn't seem exhausted by using this attack and from what he said yesterday that wasn't his strength at 100% since the weapon couldn't take that much."
While Ozpin was talking to himself while watching the video trying to figure out what type of attack it is he heard a knock on the door. After hearing it he closed the video on the scroll and called towards the door.
Ozpin: "You can enter."
The door opened and Glynda walked into the office with a stack of papers under her armpit with a cup of coffee in the other hand. She walked up to the table and placed the coffee down on the table and placing the papers next to it.
Glynda: "Your coffee Sir."
Ozpin: "Thank you, Glynda. So it is time for the classes to begin. I guess we should be on our way to make sure that no one is causing trouble on the first day."
Glynda: "Sir if you can answer a question of mine. Why did you want Shallot to join the school even though we have rigorous exams and test to get in. We know nothing about him. You seemed far more interested in Ruby joining the school and didn't show any reactions to him."
Ozpin: "I didn't want him to feel pressured and think that I would constantly pester him. You should know about Salem and who I am really. When you have lived as long as I have you learn a thing or two.
Someone so strong at such a young age being out in the world is hard not to hear information about. His description is one I have come across when talking to the headmaster of the academy in Mistral.
I had received reports about a child with long hair in the plains of Anima fighting Grimm. He appeared no older than 6 years old. I had planned on sending Summer on a mission but decided to send her to investigate. Whenever the head of Mistral would send to huntsmen to found out what the child was doing there, they would report that they couldn't get close enough due to the high-density amount of Grimm in the area.
One huntsman had managed to get further in and his report stated the child appeared to be making a blade for a weapon next to a pile of bodies. What frightened that huntsmen was that he could hear the agonizing screams coming from the weapon every time it was hammered. Every now and then a Beowolf would come and fall at the hands of the kid.
The huntsmen said that the child was a Faunus since he saw a monkey tail swaying behind him and would even use his tail to swat away the Grimm while in the middle of tempering the blade. The blade after being heated and hit constantly would then be plunged into the bodies to cool down the metal of the weapon before going back to hammering again.
After the kid had finally finished the kid had walked away after cooling the weapon down and aligning and placing it inside a hilt leaving the furnace and tools out in the open. The huntsmen said that even though he was so far away he could fell immense pressure coming from the blade. The blade made him feel depressed and his instincts were telling him to run for his life. The scabbard had appeared to be specially made as it seemed that the kid lifted it and put the blade inside and the large pressure that was causing him to feel despair had disappeared.
The huntsmen said that the kid started walking and pulled the blade out of the scabbard and said something as if he was talking to someone then they heard something that made them run for their lives without following the kid.
They heard a loud primal scream that howled spread across and was incredibly loud. They said that the howl sounded like a mixture of a number of people suffering constantly. After hearing that they thought that they weren't looking at a child but a demon in the guise of a child.
The headmaster of Mistral said that even to this day that huntsmen was never the same again and has been having problems sleeping and had to give up being huntsmen due to his mental health."
Glynda: "And you invited someone like that here? Why? He is a danger to everyone at this school then."
Ozpin: "I wasn't finished with what was written in the report. The headmaster sent another huntsman to investigate the site where this happened while I sent Summer as support and for her to go on another mission directly after looking for the kid and determine whether he is a threat to anyone else. Do you know what Summer found."
Glynda shook her head not knowing what they could have found besides the bodies.
Ozpin: "Summer called and told me that everybody that was there was fresh and belonged to bandits that stayed there in the Anima plains killing, stealing, and even raping people. They were some of the worst types of individuals you can find among the bandits. That day the Hodunk tribe was exterminated with not a single survivor. The bodies themselves were missing their hearts and their fingers on their hands.
The huntsmen that were with Summer vomited right there after seeing it and Summer had gone looking for the kid. However, I didn't hear back from Summer from that point on and wanted to find out what really happened."
Glynda: "So doesn't that mean that he is even more dangerous than what I previously thought. You still didn't say why you wanted him to join the academy."
Ozpin: "It was a gamble. I could feel that he is stronger than any huntsmen I have seen in a long time and he's still growing. I'm pretty sure that he could kill me also if we were to fight to the death and he was willing to put his life on the line, but I wanted to gamble to get him on our side so that he isn't recruited by Salem. If Salem was able to convince him to join her we wouldn't stand a chance. We need someone like Shallot to stand against her.
If Shallot becomes attached to the other students here he will protect them and eventually be able to take up the mantle of stopping Salem. I also couldn't bet everything on Shallot however so I also made sure that Ruby would join. If she could learn to use her silver eyes like the "Grimm Reaper" then we could have another formidable huntress that could help us with the fight."
Glynda was taking in all the information and organizing it in her head amazed that even before now, Ozpin had already done his research on Shallot and probably knew more than anyone else in the school.
Glynda: "But where is the sword you were talking about that he made. It seemed like something incredibly strong. He didn't have it on him when he came and only came with that scythe that is now broken."
Ozpin: "That is also something that I may know the answer to. Some days ago a group of White Fang had gone to Anima and seemed to be transporting something but the transport would constantly be attacked by Grimm and the container was dropped on the coast of Anima closest to here at Vale. The White Fang still seems to be searching for it."
Ozpin stood up and grabbed the coffee and started walking out with Glynda following behind him eventually walking next to him.
Ozpin: 'I could also feel that he could use magic if taught how to and it doesn't seem to be from the magic I handed out a long time ago. His seems more ancient like the gods of dark and light but it hasn't been used yet. It felt like it could grow stronger over time. I can't allow Salem to find out about him or she could grow even further in strength.
Shallot was still knocked out on the desk and was dreaming about doing some not so PG things with Blake when he heard a whistle going off in the room. Shallot jerked back, hitting his knees underneath the table pulling it with him and falling out of the chair with the table falling on top of him.
Weiss: "What in the world is wrong with you?"
Ruby and Weiss looked over at Shallot that was over on the floor with the desk on top of him then looked towards Blake who was blushing.
Ruby: "Are you ok?"
Shallot sat up and lifted the desk off of him with one hand and stood up but the girls could see a rise in his pants between his legs and they all blushed seeing it before hearing Shallot.
Shallot: "Yeah, what was the whistle for."
Ruby: "Now that your awake we can officially begin our first order of business."
Shallot rubbed his eyes while groggily looking at her.
Shallot & Weiss: "Excuse me?"
Yang: "Decorating."
Weiss: "What?"
Blake: "We still have to unpack ... and clean.
Shallot: "Also figure out the sleeping arrangement since this room is pretty small. I need to set up my sleeping area."
Shallot ears started walking towards Blake and grabbed her wrists before pulling her out of the room.
Blake: "Huh."
Shallot: "Come on, you wanted answers to some questions right. I'll tell you everything outside after we wash up."
Shallot and Blake left to go shower while Ruby started blowing her whistle at everyone else in the room before talking about something but Shallot had already left and couldn't tell what she was saying this far from the room. After showering and heading into the hallway he saw Blake and motioned for her to head in his direction. After she got close he grabbed her hand and walked towards the corner of the hallway.
Shallot: "Alright Blake. What do you want to talk about first?"
Blake came closer to his ear to make sure that no one could hear what they were going to talk about.
Blake: "What did you do to get kicked out of the White Fang? My second question is why didn't you take me with you when you left and my last question is why didn't you talk to me until we were in the forest."
Shallot exhaled and took a serious look without his joking air he always puts on.
Shallot: "For your first question. Do you know why Adam where's a mask all the time on his face."
Blake nodded her head.
Blake: "He said it was from a human putting a brand on his face."
Shallot chuckled "No ... he wears that mask because I blinded him in his left eye and left a claw mark on his ċhėst because he said that you were his and I decided to put him in his place. He wanted to treat you like an object was his first mistake.
His second mistake was going after my girlfriend. Sienna had only listened to Adam and was told that I was human but only everyone in your family has seen my tail. I told your dad not to say anything and to watch what the White Fang he led originally had become."
Blake started blushing after hearing the reason and started feeling proud of the fact that Shallot left because someone was trying to get close to her.
Blake: (mumbling) "Is that why Adam was warry around me?"
Shallot: 'And I might have threatened him to cut his third leg off and would follow from a distance and make sure that Adam could see me every time but she doesn't need to know that.'
Shallot: "I didn't have the strength at the time to fight the entire White Fang at the time since I was still training. I was only slightly stronger than Adam back then because my clan are natural-born warriors. The answer to your third question is why didn't you say anything to me when you first met Weiss. I was standing right next to her."
Blake crossed her arms and turned her head away.
Blake: "I didn't say anything to you because I was still mad at you for leaving without telling me and why didn't you come after me when I was walking away."
Blake turned back to look at Shallot waiting to hear his answer.
Shallot: "I have found who is going to be your sister and second sister."
Blake listened closely since when they were younger he constantly told her that the ones in his clan have multiple wives if they are strong to carry strong genes to create stronger children for the next generation. He told her that she couldn't tell her parents about it since her father didn't want him to get close to her. Since she didn't know everything that happened in the world she just believed it.
Blake: "So who will be my two sisters? I have to make sure I'm seen in a better light by them since I will have to spend time with them to make sure that they are safe since I'm your first and stronger than them."
Shallot: 'I see why dictators use brainwashing *cough* *cough* I mean persuasion on small children it's so useful.'
Shallot: "You know them. The first is Ruby since I promised someone to always look after her and the second is her sister Yang."
Blake widened her eyes and had her mouth opened slightly and was surprised by what Shallot said not expecting him to go for their teammates as soon as they got here. Shallot was never really active in doing a lot of things when they were kids and was a slow starter but seemed to have become more active in recent years since he left.
[AN: Puberty is something isn't it. You realize you missed so many opportunities when looking back at things in the future.]
Blake: 'He said first and second which means that he hasn't gotten any other girls while traveling.'
Shallot kissed her placing his tongue inside causing his heart rate to increase along with Blakes but pulled back before losing complete reasoning and got a reaction out of her before they continued there conversation.
Blake: "I have another question. You couldn't fly back when we were in the White Fang. How can you fly now? Is it your semblance?"
Shallot: "Remember when I told you about how to use ki when we were small and that there were many things that you could do with it by using that energy and even life force. Flying is another way of using that energy. What I didn't tell you is that Ki is also known as "latent energy" or "fighting power," which directly translates as "life force." This force is a tangible energy inside every living being, with its major focus being in the center of the body.
I wanted to explain all of this earlier but I didn't think you would understand everything and would just tell you about it later. Later today or in a couple of days, I could teach you how to fly. It is very useful for traveling and I could finally have someone to spar with that can fly so I can adjust properly. It will also help you adapt quickly to aerial combat."
Shallot: 'I also had a fear of heights. I probably could have started flying back then but didn't until I was positive I could survive plummeting from the sky.
Blake: "Does that promise have to do with the woman you said you were helping when you said you went on a stroll through the woods and disappeared for three weeks when we were kids?
Shallot: "Yeah it does. I have finally had her fully recover some weeks ago and she said that she would be heading back home since she was still worried about her family since I hadn't gone to check up on them in 2 years so she didn't know how they were doing. She said that she would head back so that she can let them know that she is alive."
Blake: "You didn't tell her family that she was alive?"
Shallot: "She didn't want me telling them and just told me to look over them since she didn't know if the treatment would really heal her completely since she was injured so badly. She said she didn't want to give them false hope receiving news that she is alive just to hear that she died and have to experience loss all over again."
Blake nodded her head and looked out the window and could see Ruby, Yang, and Weiss running. Blake looked at the time on her scroll and turned to Shallot while pointing outside of the window towards everyone running. Shallot turned around to see everyone even Jaunes team running.
Blake: "Shallot, we need to hurry or we'll be late to class. It starts in five minutes.
Shallot picked up Blake in a princess carry and ran towards the door and then leaped into the air and started flying towards the classroom flying over everyone else. Shallot looked down at Blake while flying and smiling at her.
Shallot: "I'm back mittens."
Blake: "Welcome back dear."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier 8-B
Tier 5-C Oozaru
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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