Reincarnated As A Saiyan In RWBY
Chapter 16 - 16 - Lunch
Shallot was standing next to Blake in the audience area for the combat arena watching Jaune get beat down by Cardin Winchester.
Shallot: "This is just sad."
Blake: "How did he get into Beacon with such poor combat skills?
Shallot: "Maybe Ozpin liked his spunk.
Jaune was on the ground about to be hit with Cardin's mace when Glynda called for it to end.
Glynda: "Cardin, that's enough. Students, as you can see Mr. Arc's aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call for the match. Mister Arc, it's been weeks now.
Please try to refer to your scroll during combat. Gauging your aura will help you to decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it is better to move to a more defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now would we?
Cardin: "Speak for yourself.
Glynda: "Remember everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away. It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale."
Everyone started walking out of the room and heading towards the cafeteria.
Shallot: "This is my favorite class of the day."
Weiss: "We're heading to get lunch, that's not a class."
Shallot stopped and turned to look at Weiss.
Shallot: "Have you never heard of food honor it is both a customary and philosophical practice of etiquette that teaches gratitude for ingredients and a strict method of eating in especially difficult, but necessary ways in order to bring out the true flavor and potential of certain ingredients. You should always show food honor while eating to show respect to the things which become the nutrients for you to survive to fight another day."
Blake: "He's been like that since we were kids and we would eat food."
Yang: "I didn't see you doing that with the snack and food from the vending machine."
Shallot looked at Yang as if she was dumb.
Shallot: "Of course I didn't show food honor to a vending machine. Most of the things from the vending machine are machine processed and not made by hand. They don't have the feeling and intentions of the cook. Vending machine food and food made by someone and served is completely different."
Team RWBYS continued walking until they made it to the cafeteria and all got in line to grab their food. They made to the table to sit down and eat next to team JNPR when they turned and noticed Shallot had two trays with 12 different plates stack on top of each with food balancing it all and placed everything on the table spreading everything so he could eat it all.
Team JNPR and team RWBYS looked at the pile of food that he had.
Weiss: "Is he going to be able to eat all of that. I've never seen someone with so much food."
Blake: "Yeah it surprised me the first time I had seen it also when we were kids. He ate enough when he was at our house to feed a family of 6 when we were only five years old."
Nora: "He's like a bottomless pit then."
Nora: "So, there we were ... in the middle of the night."
Ren: "It was day..."
Nora: "We were surrounded by Ursai"
Ren: "They were Beowolves."
Ren: "Two of 'em..."
Nora: "But they were no match and in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!
Ren: "Ah... She's been having this reoccurring dream for nearly a month now..."
Pyrrha: "Jaune, are you ok?
Jaune: "Uh? Oh, Yeah! Why?"
Ruby: "It's just that you seem a little... not okay..."
Jaune: "Eh, guys, I'm fine... Seriously, look! *nervous laughter*
Pyrrha: "Jaune, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school.
Jaune: "Who? Cardin Winchester? Naw... He just likes to mess around, you know? Practical jokes!
Shallot looks up from eating and looks towards Jaune.
Shallot: "You need to grow a spine Jaune."
Ruby: "Cardin's a bully."
Jaune: "Oh please ... name one time he's "bullied" me...*nervous laughter*"
Shallot: "Cardin messing with you in the hallways, activating your shield anytime he walks past you in the doorways, getting put in a locker. Should I go on?"
Jaune: "I didn't land far from the school..."
Shallot: "Jaune you need to stand up for yourself."
Pyrrha: "Jaune, you know if you ever need help you can just ask."
Nora: "OHH! We'll break his legs!
Shallot: "I second that."
Jaune: "Guy's really, it's fine! Besides, it's not like he's only a jerk to me; he's a jerk to everyone.
Velvet: "Oww, that hurts!
Over at another table, Cardin was pulling the ears of another Faunus while mocking her.
Velvet: Please, stop ...
Cardin: "I told you it was real!
Russel: "What a freak!
Shallot stood up from his seat and sent a ki blast at Cardin and Cardin had released his hand and was blasted into the wall of a cafeteria. Shallot walked over to the Rabbit eared Faunus.
Shallot: "Are you ok Velvet. You shouldn't allow anyone to pick on you. If you really need to deal with Cardin just kick him in the nuts."
Velvet: "Thanks ...uh ...Shallot?" How do you know my name?
Shallot: "Your part of Team CFVY and you have a peculiar semblance. I think you can become a pretty strong warrior and I see a lot of potential in you. So you want to be friends?"
Shallot outstretched his hand for a handshake but before Velvet could shake his hand, Cardin came out of the hole in the wall and walked up to Shallot with Dove, Sky, and Russel surrounded him.
Cardin: "So you feel sympathy for these freaks or something."
Shallot got up close in front of him staring him straight in the eyes while having a serious look on his face without his goofy personality showing.
Shallot: "I don't understand how someone like you managed to get into Beacon. For a group that is supposed to go out to help those who don't have the strength to defend themselves. Your nothing more than trash in my eyes. You're weak who only pick on those that are timid and you're nothing more than a walking ego."
Cardin was feeling angered by what Shallot was saying to him and threw a punch at his face hitting him squarely in the face. Shallot's head didn't even budge and opened his hand and picked Cardin up by his throat.
Shallot: "Is that all you have weakling."
Over at the table with Team RWBY and Team JNPR were looking at the commotion going on at Team CRDN's table.
Yang: "He's not going to strangle Cardin is he?
Blake: "Probably not."
Weiss: "Probably? We can't have a member of our team killing someone in the school."
Ruby got up and walked over to the table and wanted to try to calm down Shallot so he doesn't do something that will get him kicked out of the school.
Ruby: "Shallot, you should just let him go. It's not worth it."
Shallot squeezed Cardin's neck slightly and the rest of Team CRDN rushed at him before being attacked by Shallot using Cardin as a weapon. After Shallot was doing with them he dumped Cardin's body on top of them while they were laying on the floor after noticing Cardin's aura had broken.
Shallot: "Try something like that again Cardin and I'll make sure that I won't stop with just your aura breaking you coward. You only pick on people because most don't want to deal with you."
Cardin ġrȯȧnėd in pain on the floor with his neck feeling pained and if it wasn't for his aura he was pretty sure it would be broken.
Shallot clapped his hands and then put a smile on his face while turning towards Velvet and offering a handshake a second time.
Shallot: "Sorry about that. There was some trash in the way that I needed to move. As a stand-up citizen; it was my duty to help with keeping this place clean. I'm Shallot do you want to be my friend."
Velvet looked astonished at what had happened and blushed slightly while nodding her head and then shook his hand.
Velvet: "Yes, I would like to be your friend."
Shallot then smiled and said goodbye before returning to his table. As soon as he sat down Nora stood up and started waving her arms around.
Nora: "OH ... MY ... GOD ... that was so cool. You were swinging him around like a weapon at his friends like bam and wham. They couldn't do anything. Even when they punched you, you didn't move an inch. You showed him not to go around bullying others."
As Nora was saying this Cardin had a glare in his eyes looking at all of them than seeing Jaune and started concentrating his gaze on him before rolling over trying to get back up and his team trying to lean on each other to support each so they can stand.
It was about time for them to head to their next class and the group had gotten up and left while Team CRDN also tried to get up to get to class. Since their bodies weren't harmed directly but their aura was they didn't have any serious injuries but could feel all the pain from being either being hit by Shallot using him as a weapon or Cardin himself feeling pain from being used as a weapon.
Team RWBYS and Team JNPR had made it to class and the first thing that he did after sitting done was pulling his notebook that he has been collecting information with in the last few days. He was writing everyone's name inside that would be useful for whatever may happen in the future with their capabilities in it.
He had written a chart on different strength levels since he doesn't have something as convenient as a scouter. If he had one then he would be able to just write everything in numbers but then again Scouters weren't even fully useful in Dragon Ball due to people being able to control their power or having transformations. It was better to use the list head had remembered from browsing the internet in his past life. The Tiering system. It was a good starting point for judging everyone's strength to find out how far the training has progressed.
He had everyone from Team RWBYS and JNPR written down along with some information from the second years such as Team CFVY. He had come across them because each of them had an interesting personality and that they could help him whenever the fall of Beacon happens. Someone like Cardin will just be a burden in times of uncertainty if he doesn't get his racist views out of his head. In front of the Grimm, race doesn't matter, only strength.
Professor Oobleck had come in and started teaching the class while he continued writing another chart.
[If you want to see the chart just look up the tiering system on [vsbattles.fandom] if you are interested in what it looks like. The character's information will mainly be from their before Shallot trains anyone so if they weren't trained by Shallot then you can find their strength by looking for it on there.]
Shallot: 'For a couple of days after unlocking my aura I can feel that my semblance should be active but I have no idea what it is or how to use it. Maybe some meditation will help. I can try that later since mental training might help. I need something to help me become stronger since physical training with the things I have now aren't enough.
I need something more to push me past my limits. Going by my tier list I'm at 8-B currently but I'm sure I can hit 8-A if I dumped all my energy into a single attack but that wouldn't be a smart move at all. Anything could happen at the time I'm defenseless and besides the fact to make an attack an attack that strong would take some time to pull off.
While he was writing he heard Professor Oobleck close by talking.
Oobleck: "Have any of you been subjugated or discriminated against because of your Faunus heritage?
Only two students rose their hands. One being someone that Shallot didn't recognize and the other being Velvet.
Shallot: 'For a place that supposes to train huntsmen who are supposed to be the protectors of the remaining civilizations they are surely not helping with discriminating against others while there is a bigger threat to them. Truly these humans are such shallow individuals but even in my first life humans were the same way.'
Oobleck: "Dreadful, simply dreadful! Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence! I mean, I mean, I mean just look at what happened to the White Fang!
Shallot: 'I think Oobleck has had one too many coffees for today. It's like watching a crack addict.'
Oobleck: "Now, which of you young scholars can tell me what many theorists believe to be the turning point in the third year of the war?
Weiss: "The battle at Fort Castle."
Shallot turned to Blake to whisper.
Shallot (whisper): "What was the battle at Fort Castle about?"
Blake: (whisper): "It was about a general from the human that attacked the Faunus at night but it failed tremendously due to many of us having night vision. Some Faunus are nocturnal so the plan failed and they couldn't even fight as effectively as they usually could due to lack of light but for the Faunus, it was a simple battle."
Shallot (whisper): "What type of general attacks without doing any research first. Maybe that's why humanity is constantly being destroyed by the Grimm. Neither sides have any intelligence."
Jaune: "Hey!!!"
Shallot: 'Did he hear me?'
Oobleck: "Yes, Mr.Arc! Finally contributing to class! This is excellent! Excellent! What is the answer?
Jaune: "Uhhhh... the answer... The advantage... of the Faunus ... had over that guy's stuff."
Shallot seeing Jaune struggling to answer figured that he didn't hear him and had been sleeping in class and tried helping him. He was motioning to his eyes as if trying to see something in the distance and Pyrrha being next to him also noticed Jaune and started pointing to her eyes and making a looking gesture.
Jaune: "Um, BINOCULARS!!!"
Shallot facepalmed while looking at Jaune.
Shallot: 'I shouldn't have even had the thought that Jaune would understand.'
Everyone in the class was laughing at Jaune's answer.
Oobleck: "Very funny mister Arc. Cardin! perhaps you would like to share your thoughts on the subject!
Cardin: "Well, I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier."
Shallot turned around to look at Cardin.
Shallot: "It seems that you still haven't learned your place, Cardin."
Cardin: "What, you're going to attack me in front of the teacher in this classroom."
Shallot: "No, I have the answer. Unlike Cardin, I have a brain. The reason the general lost was because
A. He didn't research his enemies to determine what they were capable of.
B. He didn't have any equipment to ȧssist him in the dark.
and C. The main reason is that there is a large number of Faunus with night vision and some who are even nocturnal. Attacking a camp in the dead of night without any information on your enemies while they can see you neatly perfect. You have to be some kind of special moron to believe that plan would work. *Cardin Growls*
Blake: "His massive army was outmatched and the general was captured. Perhaps if he'd paid attention in class, he would have been remembered as such a failure. *Cardin grunts again while holding his neck*."
Cardin stood up from his seat and so did Shallot while staring at Cardin.
Oobleck: "Mr. Winchester! please take your seat. You too Mr. Shallot.
Shallot: "You should seat down Cardin or I'm going to break your legs and make sure you never stand again."
Shallot said in a venomous tone with bloodlust leaking from him. Cardin fell back into his chair while Blake stealthily grabbed Shallot's hand to have him sit back down.
Blake: "You know that he isn't a match for me especially after all the training you have me do while growing up."
Shallot humphed then started to calm himself down while putting a smile back on his face but this smile was clearly one with no good intentions behind it but only Blake could see it since she knew this wasn't his real smile or the goofy one he always has on.
Jaune chuckled at the scared Cardin falling back into his chair. Oobleck sped over in front of Jaune with a slight sweat trickling down his neck.
Oobleck: "You Mr. Arc and Cardin can both see me after class for additional readings.
Jaune: "Ohh."
Cardin was sitting quite while avoiding Shallot's stare while looking at Jaune.
Cardin: 'I may not be able to do anything to Shallot but that doesn't mean that I can't do anything to Jaune.'
Oobleck: "Now moving on."
The rest of the class continued with Cardin not saying anything else and not making any snide remarks. The class continued until it was over and they all left except for Cardin and Jaune so stayed back after class with Professor Oobleck.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier 8-B
Tier 5-C Oozaru
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Shallot: "This is just sad."
Blake: "How did he get into Beacon with such poor combat skills?
Shallot: "Maybe Ozpin liked his spunk.
Jaune was on the ground about to be hit with Cardin's mace when Glynda called for it to end.
Glynda: "Cardin, that's enough. Students, as you can see Mr. Arc's aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call for the match. Mister Arc, it's been weeks now.
Please try to refer to your scroll during combat. Gauging your aura will help you to decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it is better to move to a more defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now would we?
Cardin: "Speak for yourself.
Glynda: "Remember everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away. It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale."
Everyone started walking out of the room and heading towards the cafeteria.
Shallot: "This is my favorite class of the day."
Weiss: "We're heading to get lunch, that's not a class."
Shallot stopped and turned to look at Weiss.
Shallot: "Have you never heard of food honor it is both a customary and philosophical practice of etiquette that teaches gratitude for ingredients and a strict method of eating in especially difficult, but necessary ways in order to bring out the true flavor and potential of certain ingredients. You should always show food honor while eating to show respect to the things which become the nutrients for you to survive to fight another day."
Blake: "He's been like that since we were kids and we would eat food."
Yang: "I didn't see you doing that with the snack and food from the vending machine."
Shallot looked at Yang as if she was dumb.
Shallot: "Of course I didn't show food honor to a vending machine. Most of the things from the vending machine are machine processed and not made by hand. They don't have the feeling and intentions of the cook. Vending machine food and food made by someone and served is completely different."
Team RWBYS continued walking until they made it to the cafeteria and all got in line to grab their food. They made to the table to sit down and eat next to team JNPR when they turned and noticed Shallot had two trays with 12 different plates stack on top of each with food balancing it all and placed everything on the table spreading everything so he could eat it all.
Team JNPR and team RWBYS looked at the pile of food that he had.
Weiss: "Is he going to be able to eat all of that. I've never seen someone with so much food."
Blake: "Yeah it surprised me the first time I had seen it also when we were kids. He ate enough when he was at our house to feed a family of 6 when we were only five years old."
Nora: "He's like a bottomless pit then."
Nora: "So, there we were ... in the middle of the night."
Ren: "It was day..."
Nora: "We were surrounded by Ursai"
Ren: "They were Beowolves."
Ren: "Two of 'em..."
Nora: "But they were no match and in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!
Ren: "Ah... She's been having this reoccurring dream for nearly a month now..."
Pyrrha: "Jaune, are you ok?
Jaune: "Uh? Oh, Yeah! Why?"
Ruby: "It's just that you seem a little... not okay..."
Jaune: "Eh, guys, I'm fine... Seriously, look! *nervous laughter*
Pyrrha: "Jaune, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school.
Jaune: "Who? Cardin Winchester? Naw... He just likes to mess around, you know? Practical jokes!
Shallot looks up from eating and looks towards Jaune.
Shallot: "You need to grow a spine Jaune."
Ruby: "Cardin's a bully."
Jaune: "Oh please ... name one time he's "bullied" me...*nervous laughter*"
Shallot: "Cardin messing with you in the hallways, activating your shield anytime he walks past you in the doorways, getting put in a locker. Should I go on?"
Jaune: "I didn't land far from the school..."
Shallot: "Jaune you need to stand up for yourself."
Pyrrha: "Jaune, you know if you ever need help you can just ask."
Nora: "OHH! We'll break his legs!
Shallot: "I second that."
Jaune: "Guy's really, it's fine! Besides, it's not like he's only a jerk to me; he's a jerk to everyone.
Velvet: "Oww, that hurts!
Over at another table, Cardin was pulling the ears of another Faunus while mocking her.
Velvet: Please, stop ...
Cardin: "I told you it was real!
Russel: "What a freak!
Shallot stood up from his seat and sent a ki blast at Cardin and Cardin had released his hand and was blasted into the wall of a cafeteria. Shallot walked over to the Rabbit eared Faunus.
Shallot: "Are you ok Velvet. You shouldn't allow anyone to pick on you. If you really need to deal with Cardin just kick him in the nuts."
Velvet: "Thanks ...uh ...Shallot?" How do you know my name?
Shallot: "Your part of Team CFVY and you have a peculiar semblance. I think you can become a pretty strong warrior and I see a lot of potential in you. So you want to be friends?"
Shallot outstretched his hand for a handshake but before Velvet could shake his hand, Cardin came out of the hole in the wall and walked up to Shallot with Dove, Sky, and Russel surrounded him.
Cardin: "So you feel sympathy for these freaks or something."
Shallot got up close in front of him staring him straight in the eyes while having a serious look on his face without his goofy personality showing.
Shallot: "I don't understand how someone like you managed to get into Beacon. For a group that is supposed to go out to help those who don't have the strength to defend themselves. Your nothing more than trash in my eyes. You're weak who only pick on those that are timid and you're nothing more than a walking ego."
Cardin was feeling angered by what Shallot was saying to him and threw a punch at his face hitting him squarely in the face. Shallot's head didn't even budge and opened his hand and picked Cardin up by his throat.
Shallot: "Is that all you have weakling."
Over at the table with Team RWBY and Team JNPR were looking at the commotion going on at Team CRDN's table.
Yang: "He's not going to strangle Cardin is he?
Blake: "Probably not."
Weiss: "Probably? We can't have a member of our team killing someone in the school."
Ruby got up and walked over to the table and wanted to try to calm down Shallot so he doesn't do something that will get him kicked out of the school.
Ruby: "Shallot, you should just let him go. It's not worth it."
Shallot squeezed Cardin's neck slightly and the rest of Team CRDN rushed at him before being attacked by Shallot using Cardin as a weapon. After Shallot was doing with them he dumped Cardin's body on top of them while they were laying on the floor after noticing Cardin's aura had broken.
Shallot: "Try something like that again Cardin and I'll make sure that I won't stop with just your aura breaking you coward. You only pick on people because most don't want to deal with you."
Cardin ġrȯȧnėd in pain on the floor with his neck feeling pained and if it wasn't for his aura he was pretty sure it would be broken.
Shallot clapped his hands and then put a smile on his face while turning towards Velvet and offering a handshake a second time.
Shallot: "Sorry about that. There was some trash in the way that I needed to move. As a stand-up citizen; it was my duty to help with keeping this place clean. I'm Shallot do you want to be my friend."
Velvet looked astonished at what had happened and blushed slightly while nodding her head and then shook his hand.
Velvet: "Yes, I would like to be your friend."
Shallot then smiled and said goodbye before returning to his table. As soon as he sat down Nora stood up and started waving her arms around.
Nora: "OH ... MY ... GOD ... that was so cool. You were swinging him around like a weapon at his friends like bam and wham. They couldn't do anything. Even when they punched you, you didn't move an inch. You showed him not to go around bullying others."
As Nora was saying this Cardin had a glare in his eyes looking at all of them than seeing Jaune and started concentrating his gaze on him before rolling over trying to get back up and his team trying to lean on each other to support each so they can stand.
It was about time for them to head to their next class and the group had gotten up and left while Team CRDN also tried to get up to get to class. Since their bodies weren't harmed directly but their aura was they didn't have any serious injuries but could feel all the pain from being either being hit by Shallot using him as a weapon or Cardin himself feeling pain from being used as a weapon.
Team RWBYS and Team JNPR had made it to class and the first thing that he did after sitting done was pulling his notebook that he has been collecting information with in the last few days. He was writing everyone's name inside that would be useful for whatever may happen in the future with their capabilities in it.
He had written a chart on different strength levels since he doesn't have something as convenient as a scouter. If he had one then he would be able to just write everything in numbers but then again Scouters weren't even fully useful in Dragon Ball due to people being able to control their power or having transformations. It was better to use the list head had remembered from browsing the internet in his past life. The Tiering system. It was a good starting point for judging everyone's strength to find out how far the training has progressed.
He had everyone from Team RWBYS and JNPR written down along with some information from the second years such as Team CFVY. He had come across them because each of them had an interesting personality and that they could help him whenever the fall of Beacon happens. Someone like Cardin will just be a burden in times of uncertainty if he doesn't get his racist views out of his head. In front of the Grimm, race doesn't matter, only strength.
Professor Oobleck had come in and started teaching the class while he continued writing another chart.
[If you want to see the chart just look up the tiering system on [vsbattles.fandom] if you are interested in what it looks like. The character's information will mainly be from their before Shallot trains anyone so if they weren't trained by Shallot then you can find their strength by looking for it on there.]
Shallot: 'For a couple of days after unlocking my aura I can feel that my semblance should be active but I have no idea what it is or how to use it. Maybe some meditation will help. I can try that later since mental training might help. I need something to help me become stronger since physical training with the things I have now aren't enough.
I need something more to push me past my limits. Going by my tier list I'm at 8-B currently but I'm sure I can hit 8-A if I dumped all my energy into a single attack but that wouldn't be a smart move at all. Anything could happen at the time I'm defenseless and besides the fact to make an attack an attack that strong would take some time to pull off.
While he was writing he heard Professor Oobleck close by talking.
Oobleck: "Have any of you been subjugated or discriminated against because of your Faunus heritage?
Only two students rose their hands. One being someone that Shallot didn't recognize and the other being Velvet.
Shallot: 'For a place that supposes to train huntsmen who are supposed to be the protectors of the remaining civilizations they are surely not helping with discriminating against others while there is a bigger threat to them. Truly these humans are such shallow individuals but even in my first life humans were the same way.'
Oobleck: "Dreadful, simply dreadful! Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence! I mean, I mean, I mean just look at what happened to the White Fang!
Shallot: 'I think Oobleck has had one too many coffees for today. It's like watching a crack addict.'
Oobleck: "Now, which of you young scholars can tell me what many theorists believe to be the turning point in the third year of the war?
Weiss: "The battle at Fort Castle."
Shallot turned to Blake to whisper.
Shallot (whisper): "What was the battle at Fort Castle about?"
Blake: (whisper): "It was about a general from the human that attacked the Faunus at night but it failed tremendously due to many of us having night vision. Some Faunus are nocturnal so the plan failed and they couldn't even fight as effectively as they usually could due to lack of light but for the Faunus, it was a simple battle."
Shallot (whisper): "What type of general attacks without doing any research first. Maybe that's why humanity is constantly being destroyed by the Grimm. Neither sides have any intelligence."
Jaune: "Hey!!!"
Shallot: 'Did he hear me?'
Oobleck: "Yes, Mr.Arc! Finally contributing to class! This is excellent! Excellent! What is the answer?
Jaune: "Uhhhh... the answer... The advantage... of the Faunus ... had over that guy's stuff."
Shallot seeing Jaune struggling to answer figured that he didn't hear him and had been sleeping in class and tried helping him. He was motioning to his eyes as if trying to see something in the distance and Pyrrha being next to him also noticed Jaune and started pointing to her eyes and making a looking gesture.
Jaune: "Um, BINOCULARS!!!"
Shallot facepalmed while looking at Jaune.
Shallot: 'I shouldn't have even had the thought that Jaune would understand.'
Everyone in the class was laughing at Jaune's answer.
Oobleck: "Very funny mister Arc. Cardin! perhaps you would like to share your thoughts on the subject!
Cardin: "Well, I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier."
Shallot turned around to look at Cardin.
Shallot: "It seems that you still haven't learned your place, Cardin."
Cardin: "What, you're going to attack me in front of the teacher in this classroom."
Shallot: "No, I have the answer. Unlike Cardin, I have a brain. The reason the general lost was because
A. He didn't research his enemies to determine what they were capable of.
B. He didn't have any equipment to ȧssist him in the dark.
and C. The main reason is that there is a large number of Faunus with night vision and some who are even nocturnal. Attacking a camp in the dead of night without any information on your enemies while they can see you neatly perfect. You have to be some kind of special moron to believe that plan would work. *Cardin Growls*
Blake: "His massive army was outmatched and the general was captured. Perhaps if he'd paid attention in class, he would have been remembered as such a failure. *Cardin grunts again while holding his neck*."
Cardin stood up from his seat and so did Shallot while staring at Cardin.
Oobleck: "Mr. Winchester! please take your seat. You too Mr. Shallot.
Shallot: "You should seat down Cardin or I'm going to break your legs and make sure you never stand again."
Shallot said in a venomous tone with bloodlust leaking from him. Cardin fell back into his chair while Blake stealthily grabbed Shallot's hand to have him sit back down.
Blake: "You know that he isn't a match for me especially after all the training you have me do while growing up."
Shallot humphed then started to calm himself down while putting a smile back on his face but this smile was clearly one with no good intentions behind it but only Blake could see it since she knew this wasn't his real smile or the goofy one he always has on.
Jaune chuckled at the scared Cardin falling back into his chair. Oobleck sped over in front of Jaune with a slight sweat trickling down his neck.
Oobleck: "You Mr. Arc and Cardin can both see me after class for additional readings.
Jaune: "Ohh."
Cardin was sitting quite while avoiding Shallot's stare while looking at Jaune.
Cardin: 'I may not be able to do anything to Shallot but that doesn't mean that I can't do anything to Jaune.'
Oobleck: "Now moving on."
The rest of the class continued with Cardin not saying anything else and not making any snide remarks. The class continued until it was over and they all left except for Cardin and Jaune so stayed back after class with Professor Oobleck.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier 8-B
Tier 5-C Oozaru
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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