Reincarnated As A Saiyan In RWBY
Chapter 17 - 17 - Dynamic Entry
Shallot and the rest had left the classroom and were heading back to the dorms when Shallot lightly tapped on Blake's shoulder.
Shallot: "Mittens I'm going to be going out for a bit and I'll be back in the dorm later tonight."
Shallot then kissed her on her cheek and Blake blushed while nodding her head.
Blake: 'He always calls me mittens whenever he is flirting with me or about to do something stupid. Hopefully, it isn't the second one.'
Blake: "I want to also know what you did in these 4 years since we've been together."
Shallot quietly left the group only letting Blake know that he was leaving and left the building and then levitating slightly then flying away from the school and heading towards the cliff where they took their test.
After landing at the cliffside he sat down and concentrated on his body and sent his ki inside his body. He sent small amounts of ki inside just underneath his skin to protect himself just in case something comes and attacks him while not paying attention. Even though it wouldn't be able to kill him or injure him heavily it would disrupt him and didn't want to be pulled from any success do to some random Grimm.
Shallot started to enter meditation and tried to feel for his soul. He knew that a semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual, with the effects varying greatly from user to user. With the sheer number of people unlocking their Semblances, it can lead to unrelated people gaining similar abilities. The nature of one's Semblance is noted as representing an aspect of their character.
Shallot: 'If the semblance is related to the personality that would describe my personality. I don't care for much now that I've grown stronger than most on this planet but I also feel restricted since I haven't come across a situation that can push me past my limits.
I feel like I'm stagnating because of it. The Grimm are physically strong but don't have much intelligence. From some research, I've learned that Grimm can learn and adapt if they survive a fight against something that can threaten them. Since someone can't unlock there semblance until after they have there aura maybe from constant use of aura one can unlock there semblance.
It might be similar to muscles. I need to constantly push my aura to a new height and then I can get my semblance to activate.'
Shallot started activating his aura and having on his body. It was a then layer and tried to make it more condensed like ki. Shallot then stayed like that for two hours then his aura stopped and shattered.
If anyone was to come around Shallot they would have been able to see the aura around him was a mix between a grey and olive green murky color. The ground was slightly indented but no one would notice if they were walking past.
Shallot stood up and stretched his body hearing some bones pop in his back and shoulders.
Shallot: "So I can keep it active and more dense than usual for two hours. I think it's only for two hours though because I wasn't taking and damage. Now I need to wait for my aura to recharge. Aura can be condensed but I will need to see if it makes me any harder to move then before. I should probably get back also."
Shallot's stomach started growling.
Shallot: "And get some food."
Shallot then flew back to the school noticing it was pretty dark and while getting closer he could see someone standing at there window spitting down below. After getting closer he noticed that it was Cardin and Shallot shot a small ki beam the size of a finger into his room hitting the chair leg by the desk. He then smirked and flew towards the window of his and the girl's room.
Shallot: "If someone sits in that chair it's going to fall now."
Shallot arrived at the window of his room and decided not to head in this way since he didn't want to have Yang thinking someone is breaking and start swinging at him. So he flew towards Cardin's window and charge right in since the window was still open kicking out at Cardin's face.
Shallot: "DYNAMIC ENTRY!!!"
Shallot kicked with the force of a moving truck and sent Cardin flying into the wall alerting everyone else in the room and they all grabbed their weapons and got up ready to fight.
Shallot: "How do you doing boys ... and Cardin."
Team CRDN saw who it was and was getting ready to attack.
Shallot: "Are you sure about attacking me. Shouldn't you be checking on your team captain?"
Shallot pointed at Cardin still laying on the ground seeming to have been knocked unconscious.
Shallot: 'So, If someone doesn't have their aura activated then can be dealt with far easier. This is why the people of this world need to train their bodies also.
Sky Lark: "Why are you attacking us?"
Dove: "When can just beat him up first and tell the headmaster that he attacked our team at night."
Russel: "Let's just get him before he escapes out the window.
Shallot started walking towards them as they had activated their aura after seeing Cardin getting kicked into the wall and was trying to keep their weapons ready for any attack that comes.
Shallot: "I only come through the window to head to my room since you all are down the hall from us. How would I have to know someone's face would have been in the exact place my foot landed."
Russel: "You think we would believe you? After beating you down we're telling the headmaster your attacking other students. We'll make sure you get kicked out of here."
Russel then charged forth with daggers swinging them at Shallot. Shallot grabbed both of his wrists and head-butted him breaking his nose.
Shallot: "You see. That would be a great idea but I'm not sure you going to remember any of that tomorrow. I have something called the amnesia fist. I only put 15% of people in a coma now but 85% forgot what happened but I like to call it shockwave of forgetfulness."
Shallot sent both his fist punching both sides of Russel's head making him fall unconscious. While he was knocking Russel unconscious Dove and Lark and Rushed towards Shallot at the same time attacking from both sides. They didn't have a lot of space since the room wasn't the ideal place to fight and could only attack in a somewhat straight forward path with 6 ft of moving room to the side without falling over anything.
Shallot ducked under Dove's Shortsword and performing a leg sweep on Lark placing his hands on the ground sending a low roundhouse kick into his ċhėst. After attacking Lark he dodged backward towards the window while Dove was trying to swing again to only see Shallot lean back of the window falling out. Shallot started floating underneath the window seal out of view.
Sky Lark got up from the ground to look for where Shallot went.
Sky Lark: "Where'd he go?."
Dove: "Out the window."
Dove walked towards then window and starting looking down to only to be met with a roundhouse kick but this one was direct to his chin knocking him out making him slump over onto the windowsill.
Shallot then grabbed floated back into the room to see Sky Lark slowly inching towards the door trying to get away and run. Shallot had a small smile on his face and then disappeared from Sky's Lark's sight and appeared behind him tapping his shoulder.
Lark turned around and was met with the same amnesia fist as Russel and was knocked unconscious.
Shallot then walked towards the bedroom door and before leaving out he looked at Cardin's unconscious body.
Shallot: "Next time you even have the thought of coming close with the intent to harm one of my girls then I won't be so gentle, but I guess you can't hear me right now. Hopefully, subconsciously you'll know better."
Shallot then walked out of the room and headed for his room and noticed RWBY just about to head into their room when she saw Shallot coming.
Ruby: 'Hmnn' "Oh hey Shallot you finally came back."
Shallot walked up to Ruby and poked her cheek.
Shallot: "Hey Ruby. You look really cut in those pajamas."
Ruby: "Thanks, I really like these they are so comfortable."
Shallot: "So, what were you doing out here so later for."
Ruby looked towards the direction of Team JNPR room right across from them.
Ruby: "Just a talk between captains."
Shallot: "I was wondering Ruby. Do you want to hang out after the Vital festival and go around trying food and stuff? I heard they have this really good cookie shop with over twenty kinds of different cookies. They even have muffins and other sweets."
Ruby's eyes were sparkling in her eyes and she started nodding rapidly.
Ruby: "I would love to. How long after the Vital festival?
Shallot: "Let's go when we get finished with our fights. That way we would have something to eat since you will probably be tired from fighting."
Ruby: "...? Won't you be tired also? Aren't you fighting also?"
Shallot: "Of course I'll be fighting. I also wanted to help you with your fighting. It's just that no one that will be fighting can match up to me. There is something I have noticed about you though. You seem to heavily on your scythe and you should also work on your hand-to-hand combat so in case someone knocks your weapon away from. If that happens you'll be able to fight them off until you can get your weapon back, or be just as capable of fighting without your weapon since you may not always have your weapon on you in some situations."
Ruby nodded her head thinking that it was possible and wondered if Shallot was good in hand-to-hand combat since he also used a scythe.
Ruby: "Are you good in hand-to-hand combat without your scythe and when are you going to make another one."
Shallot: "I actually specialize in hand-to-hand combat but I choose to use a scythe because it seems cool. I'm less powerful with a scythe in my hands than I am with just my fist and feet. Using a weapon doesn't give me an advantage, to be honest."
Ruby looked surprised.
Ruby: "How can you be weaker with a weapon?"
Shallot: "Do you remember that attack I did on the Nevermore body?"
Ruby nodded.
Shallot: "That was me attacking with 50% of my strength but the weapon that was made to just be hard and dense still broke from just that."
The door behind them opened and Yang came out and looked around.
Yang: "What are you yelling about Ruby."
Ruby went and told her what Shallot said about using a weapon and teaching her hand-to-hand combat.
Yang: "Oh ... maybe you can spare with me also Casanova."
Shallot: "Sure but I rather do private sessions since you are a brawler Yang and I want to teach Ruby and orthodox style that will go well with her speed. We should also head into the room and go to sleep and study or whatever so we can be ready for tomorrow."
Yang, Ruby, and Shallot headed into the room with Blake laying on her bed reading while trying to hide it slightly but Shallot could see that it says "Ninja of Love".
Everyone had either studied or read until they went to sleep but Weiss hadn't returned to the room yet so Shallot just went to sleep now understanding what the girls did while he was training since Weiss wasn't here.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier 8-B
Tier 5-C Oozaru
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Shallot: "Mittens I'm going to be going out for a bit and I'll be back in the dorm later tonight."
Shallot then kissed her on her cheek and Blake blushed while nodding her head.
Blake: 'He always calls me mittens whenever he is flirting with me or about to do something stupid. Hopefully, it isn't the second one.'
Blake: "I want to also know what you did in these 4 years since we've been together."
Shallot quietly left the group only letting Blake know that he was leaving and left the building and then levitating slightly then flying away from the school and heading towards the cliff where they took their test.
After landing at the cliffside he sat down and concentrated on his body and sent his ki inside his body. He sent small amounts of ki inside just underneath his skin to protect himself just in case something comes and attacks him while not paying attention. Even though it wouldn't be able to kill him or injure him heavily it would disrupt him and didn't want to be pulled from any success do to some random Grimm.
Shallot started to enter meditation and tried to feel for his soul. He knew that a semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual, with the effects varying greatly from user to user. With the sheer number of people unlocking their Semblances, it can lead to unrelated people gaining similar abilities. The nature of one's Semblance is noted as representing an aspect of their character.
Shallot: 'If the semblance is related to the personality that would describe my personality. I don't care for much now that I've grown stronger than most on this planet but I also feel restricted since I haven't come across a situation that can push me past my limits.
I feel like I'm stagnating because of it. The Grimm are physically strong but don't have much intelligence. From some research, I've learned that Grimm can learn and adapt if they survive a fight against something that can threaten them. Since someone can't unlock there semblance until after they have there aura maybe from constant use of aura one can unlock there semblance.
It might be similar to muscles. I need to constantly push my aura to a new height and then I can get my semblance to activate.'
Shallot started activating his aura and having on his body. It was a then layer and tried to make it more condensed like ki. Shallot then stayed like that for two hours then his aura stopped and shattered.
If anyone was to come around Shallot they would have been able to see the aura around him was a mix between a grey and olive green murky color. The ground was slightly indented but no one would notice if they were walking past.
Shallot stood up and stretched his body hearing some bones pop in his back and shoulders.
Shallot: "So I can keep it active and more dense than usual for two hours. I think it's only for two hours though because I wasn't taking and damage. Now I need to wait for my aura to recharge. Aura can be condensed but I will need to see if it makes me any harder to move then before. I should probably get back also."
Shallot's stomach started growling.
Shallot: "And get some food."
Shallot then flew back to the school noticing it was pretty dark and while getting closer he could see someone standing at there window spitting down below. After getting closer he noticed that it was Cardin and Shallot shot a small ki beam the size of a finger into his room hitting the chair leg by the desk. He then smirked and flew towards the window of his and the girl's room.
Shallot: "If someone sits in that chair it's going to fall now."
Shallot arrived at the window of his room and decided not to head in this way since he didn't want to have Yang thinking someone is breaking and start swinging at him. So he flew towards Cardin's window and charge right in since the window was still open kicking out at Cardin's face.
Shallot: "DYNAMIC ENTRY!!!"
Shallot kicked with the force of a moving truck and sent Cardin flying into the wall alerting everyone else in the room and they all grabbed their weapons and got up ready to fight.
Shallot: "How do you doing boys ... and Cardin."
Team CRDN saw who it was and was getting ready to attack.
Shallot: "Are you sure about attacking me. Shouldn't you be checking on your team captain?"
Shallot pointed at Cardin still laying on the ground seeming to have been knocked unconscious.
Shallot: 'So, If someone doesn't have their aura activated then can be dealt with far easier. This is why the people of this world need to train their bodies also.
Sky Lark: "Why are you attacking us?"
Dove: "When can just beat him up first and tell the headmaster that he attacked our team at night."
Russel: "Let's just get him before he escapes out the window.
Shallot started walking towards them as they had activated their aura after seeing Cardin getting kicked into the wall and was trying to keep their weapons ready for any attack that comes.
Shallot: "I only come through the window to head to my room since you all are down the hall from us. How would I have to know someone's face would have been in the exact place my foot landed."
Russel: "You think we would believe you? After beating you down we're telling the headmaster your attacking other students. We'll make sure you get kicked out of here."
Russel then charged forth with daggers swinging them at Shallot. Shallot grabbed both of his wrists and head-butted him breaking his nose.
Shallot: "You see. That would be a great idea but I'm not sure you going to remember any of that tomorrow. I have something called the amnesia fist. I only put 15% of people in a coma now but 85% forgot what happened but I like to call it shockwave of forgetfulness."
Shallot sent both his fist punching both sides of Russel's head making him fall unconscious. While he was knocking Russel unconscious Dove and Lark and Rushed towards Shallot at the same time attacking from both sides. They didn't have a lot of space since the room wasn't the ideal place to fight and could only attack in a somewhat straight forward path with 6 ft of moving room to the side without falling over anything.
Shallot ducked under Dove's Shortsword and performing a leg sweep on Lark placing his hands on the ground sending a low roundhouse kick into his ċhėst. After attacking Lark he dodged backward towards the window while Dove was trying to swing again to only see Shallot lean back of the window falling out. Shallot started floating underneath the window seal out of view.
Sky Lark got up from the ground to look for where Shallot went.
Sky Lark: "Where'd he go?."
Dove: "Out the window."
Dove walked towards then window and starting looking down to only to be met with a roundhouse kick but this one was direct to his chin knocking him out making him slump over onto the windowsill.
Shallot then grabbed floated back into the room to see Sky Lark slowly inching towards the door trying to get away and run. Shallot had a small smile on his face and then disappeared from Sky's Lark's sight and appeared behind him tapping his shoulder.
Lark turned around and was met with the same amnesia fist as Russel and was knocked unconscious.
Shallot then walked towards the bedroom door and before leaving out he looked at Cardin's unconscious body.
Shallot: "Next time you even have the thought of coming close with the intent to harm one of my girls then I won't be so gentle, but I guess you can't hear me right now. Hopefully, subconsciously you'll know better."
Shallot then walked out of the room and headed for his room and noticed RWBY just about to head into their room when she saw Shallot coming.
Ruby: 'Hmnn' "Oh hey Shallot you finally came back."
Shallot walked up to Ruby and poked her cheek.
Shallot: "Hey Ruby. You look really cut in those pajamas."
Ruby: "Thanks, I really like these they are so comfortable."
Shallot: "So, what were you doing out here so later for."
Ruby looked towards the direction of Team JNPR room right across from them.
Ruby: "Just a talk between captains."
Shallot: "I was wondering Ruby. Do you want to hang out after the Vital festival and go around trying food and stuff? I heard they have this really good cookie shop with over twenty kinds of different cookies. They even have muffins and other sweets."
Ruby's eyes were sparkling in her eyes and she started nodding rapidly.
Ruby: "I would love to. How long after the Vital festival?
Shallot: "Let's go when we get finished with our fights. That way we would have something to eat since you will probably be tired from fighting."
Ruby: "...? Won't you be tired also? Aren't you fighting also?"
Shallot: "Of course I'll be fighting. I also wanted to help you with your fighting. It's just that no one that will be fighting can match up to me. There is something I have noticed about you though. You seem to heavily on your scythe and you should also work on your hand-to-hand combat so in case someone knocks your weapon away from. If that happens you'll be able to fight them off until you can get your weapon back, or be just as capable of fighting without your weapon since you may not always have your weapon on you in some situations."
Ruby nodded her head thinking that it was possible and wondered if Shallot was good in hand-to-hand combat since he also used a scythe.
Ruby: "Are you good in hand-to-hand combat without your scythe and when are you going to make another one."
Shallot: "I actually specialize in hand-to-hand combat but I choose to use a scythe because it seems cool. I'm less powerful with a scythe in my hands than I am with just my fist and feet. Using a weapon doesn't give me an advantage, to be honest."
Ruby looked surprised.
Ruby: "How can you be weaker with a weapon?"
Shallot: "Do you remember that attack I did on the Nevermore body?"
Ruby nodded.
Shallot: "That was me attacking with 50% of my strength but the weapon that was made to just be hard and dense still broke from just that."
The door behind them opened and Yang came out and looked around.
Yang: "What are you yelling about Ruby."
Ruby went and told her what Shallot said about using a weapon and teaching her hand-to-hand combat.
Yang: "Oh ... maybe you can spare with me also Casanova."
Shallot: "Sure but I rather do private sessions since you are a brawler Yang and I want to teach Ruby and orthodox style that will go well with her speed. We should also head into the room and go to sleep and study or whatever so we can be ready for tomorrow."
Yang, Ruby, and Shallot headed into the room with Blake laying on her bed reading while trying to hide it slightly but Shallot could see that it says "Ninja of Love".
Everyone had either studied or read until they went to sleep but Weiss hadn't returned to the room yet so Shallot just went to sleep now understanding what the girls did while he was training since Weiss wasn't here.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier 8-B
Tier 5-C Oozaru
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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