While walking to the building, I could still see Rio brimming with excitement. Despite the other groups of people disappearing slowly to their own houses, the elderly sat still with solemn expressions discussing what I could only assume were serious matters. After we entered, we went upstairs to Rio’s room.

After a hectic day and duel, I was finally able to get a goodnights sleep! There was no real mattress, and we were sleeping on top of a layered blanket, but this too was comfortable in its own way. It was slightly chilly but felt like laying on pillows. I didn’t think Lady Haise would be completely fine with my stay too. However, I guess that’s only if I wouldn’t linger for too long of course. Though Rio had gifted me some of her nightwear, unlike last time, we changed together. The sense of shyness from earlier was completely gone. Either due to the sleepiness or lack of mana. Oh well, I should at least plan about what to do for the fated day. What If I just teach them some taekwondo kicks? Or would they need to learn the basics?

“Goodnight Alice,”

“Night Rio, sleep well.”

I’ll leave that for the me of tomorrow to work out. Time to sleep!

Except I’m having some trouble doing so. Was this what stress felt like? It felt like I had an upset stomach from eating too much though I doubt that was the case.

Wait. The pain. It felt reminiscent of the time where I ate the book from the library Lloyd took me to. Holding my hands up to the ceiling, I try to summon the book, in front of me.


Clutching it with my hands, the built-up pain I shouldered was gone. I thought I’d have released it, but since I didn’t have some sort of bag with me, I must’ve subconsciously re-absorbed it in order to free my hands. Either the book must have been coated with magic or my storage capabilities is limited to a small amount. Despite the irritancy disappearing, my wish to sleep hadn’t returned and I was still cursed with minor insomnia. I wonder, do I not need sleep as long as I don’t use large amounts of mana?

Leaving the book, I stood up. It was pitch black. Having lost track of time, I couldn’t exactly be sure if Rio was asleep or not, but I’ll guess the latter. Wearing the long sleeve kimono like dresses from earlier, I try to get myself some sort of night vision. How do I do that though? Imagining light passing through my –

Urgh. No. Bad idea. It’s too bright. Like staring at the sun.

Let’s try something else. Putting up my right pinky, I created a tiny flame. This should suffice for the time being. It was silent and too small to create the aroma of air burning. Deciding to satiate the rest of my curiosity for my area of stay, I went to check upstairs.


When did she come? I was awake for the entirety of the night, and I couldn’t hear a single footstep across the stairs or door.

“Hello, my ‘demi-human’ guest, do take a seat.”

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