I stood frozen. The emphasis on the demi-human part. Her poisonous words paralyzed me. I thought she was still in a discussion along with the rest of the elders.The feeling of sudden cold sweat swept over me along with a flood of thoughts. What would I do now? Run? No, there was no point. If I’m in the demon territories, I won’t be treated as a beast. Right? If even demi-humans can stay, surely one that looks the part and has the strength to stand on top of a true demon clan would be fine. If I stand my ground, it should be fine. I need to build up confidence one way or the other!

“Thank you, Lady Haise,”

I tried to keep a smug looking smile after sitting on the chair facing the bed.

“Heh, was your earlier cowardice just acting? Truly did fool me, mana creature.”

No! This was the real acting!

The lady kept her composure without emitting any sort of aura. She just stared, while maintaining her complacent expression.

“Well, why are you here? To claim more nourishment for yourself. Though it is exceptionally rare to find one which can communicate.”

That’s because I’m from another world! I guess I sort of lucked out because of Viclam directly giving me a slight cheat when it came to talking. Though at the same time, I was forced to put up with it to prevent risk to my livelihood.

“Since I was running from humans -”

“Like that would fly. You beat our clans’ top stars with barely any magic usage.”

Do I mention coming from another world? No. Not yet at least. Just need to remember to maintain my expression.

“I was taken as a demi-human slave and was forced to become a noble family’s pet!”

Lady Haise seemed to give up on my attempts at explaining the truth. Doesn’t something like truth magic or serum or at the very least some sort of lie detector exist? No need to pull out a knife!

“Hey! Sho-“

My word was cut in half by her leaping towards me going for my heart. Did I have a heart – wait now’s not the time!

Strengthening myself and my cuffs, I move myself into a sideways stance with my right hand aimed at catching the dagger, while I tried to get a firm hold over her arm with my other one.



That was not a normal dagger. My hand, though coated by a thin layer of strings, was bleeding nonetheless. The pyjamas were ripped and although it wasn’t a deep cut, it certainly went in much deeper than I predicted it would.

Lady Haise gave a mocking smile.


Pulling her arm and hand over my head, I managed to chuck the murderous psychopath into the wall. Standing up in front of her while she was taken off-guard by the move, I summoned a fiery blue fireball and aimed it at her.

“Feel like continuing the conversation now?”

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