Reincarnated as a World

Ch.117 The Caranoya World

[Lolay Galaxy, Desolate Region, Caranoya World Outer Space]

(Still Year 153)

Eridel was once again floating above another Low World, but this time he didn’t waste any time and after a cursory check to make sure things were as they should be, he threw the Egg of Pestilence at the Magic Shield along with the golden ball of light that would soon assimilate with the Shield and recode the Runes within.

After that, he once again flew off.

The Caranoya World was a Low World that was owned by the Sigothia World’s [Truth Seekers Sect], and was ranked 2nd out of the 10 Magisterial Factions. They were a secret illusive sect that had the mysterious ability to enforce truths, detect lies, and create contracts. Not the all powerful ones that a World or an Eridius Anomaly could make, but just a simple promise that all the parties involved were capable of complying to, and they were called [Veracity Contracts]. The only difference that this contract had from a mortal one, was that it could not be broken without severe repercussions.

95% of the time, someone who broke one of these Veracity Contracts just ended up dead, so most people didn’t dare to violate it. And it was for this reason that the Truth Seekers were put in charge of the entire World’s Law Enforcement.

They weren’t very strong, but with their massive influence and backing from all the other Magisterial Factions, they were able to firmly hold 2nd place.

In charge of this Faction was the god of Truth alone, but unlike the other Magisterial Factions who only had a handful of Immortals (3-7), there were 12 Immortals within the Truth Seekers Sect. And if it weren’t for the number 1 Faction in the Sigothia’s World, they would have owned the most Immortals.

Most people speculated that they were obtained through devious contracts, but without proof, there was nothing that could be done. After all, they were the Truth Seekers. And even if you could technically call upon them to verify a truth for the right price, was there anyone out there who believed that the Truth Seekers would verify something that could possibly be one of their own most kept secrets? Ludicrous!

Anyways, the Truth Seekers were the most impartial faction in the Sigothia World, and since they left everyone else alone, everyone else left them alone. And like this, it was relatively easy for them to obtain ownership over one of the 10 Low Worlds in the Desolate Region.

But unfortunately for them, an aberrant existence had set sight on their treasured possession, and they were none the wiser.

[Caranoya World, Sea of Gold, Southelm City]

In the Caranoya’s largest Desert named the [Sea of Gold], there was a large and popular city called [Soulthelm City]. And despite being in the middle of a desert, it was a city filled with opportunity and luxury wherever you looked. However, it had a bad reputation for being high in debauchery, and many husbands had forbidden their wives from visiting without them.

But when you looked at the denizens within (who looked no different from Humans), dressed in either skimpy or at best small flimsy clothing (for the women), and shirtless with beige coloured harem-pants (for the men), who were dancing against each other with obvious lustful intent, the men who refused their wives to go, couldn’t really be blamed.

But at this point in time, there was a massive festival taking place to celebrate the city’s 131st year anniversary, and the entire city was dancing. Music was blaring and the DJ’s were yelling.

It was a lovely scene and everyone was happy.


But then all of a sudden, the clouds above were dispersed as a small object burst through it with terrifying speed. Shortly after, a high keening sound was heard and it didn’t take much for all of the residents below to be alerted of the incoming danger.


They looked up with expressions of confusion, wondering what could be making such a sound, with most people guessing that it was some kind of flying aircraft. However, their curious faces twisted ones filled with fear as they laid eyes on the flying object.

“A missile! Run!” They yelled as a stampede quickly erupted. They all made way for the exits but there were too many people and a traffic jam quickly took place.

Much to their detriment.


The object collided with a tall clock tower, and sent the resulting debris cascading into the sea of residents below.

“AAAAAAAAH!!!” screams of fear and pain were heard all over the place as those who were lucky enough to survive wailed with desperation, desperate for their lives to be saved.

But there would be no saviour.

People soon found out that their connections to the outside world had been cut off and that they were effectively stranded in the middle of the desert. Obviously, this just caused another wave of panic, and the danger of the situation racked up to a new high.

3 minutes later, a few of the survivors who had managed to escape the clock tower's untimely demise, were able to get up and slowly flee. But one of them stayed behind and cradled the dead body of a little girl that shared his brown hair and green eyes.

Clearly, she was either his daughter or sister, but unfortunately, half of her body seemed to be missing.

So although the situation in the vicinity was a lot more calm than it was before, especially considering that it didn’t seem like any more ‘missiles’ would be coming down, the grief within the man’s heart made him feel like the entire World was collapsing.

He cried and rocked the girl’s body, desperately seeking for a miracle, hoping for all of this to be a dream and that he would wake up any moment, ANYTHING that would deny the reality before him.

And oh look, someone had come to end his suffering.

Before he could even react- but perhaps it was more true to say that he didn’t bother to react, something enveloped his head in one swift movement, and sent his mind into eternal darkness.

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