Reincarnated as a World

Ch.118 The Birth of Famine

Time had passed and the people in the surroundings had calmed down since the destruction of the clock tower, after all, the main source of their fear was that some unknown terrorist or even army was raiding the city, which meant that they wouldn’t stop at one missile.

However, it seems that whoever shot the missile at the clock tower was stopping with only one? It was weird, but they were much more willing to believe that than to believe that someone of unknown origins was plotting to send down more missiles.

Still, pacified as they were, they still made way for the city’s exits with some even disregarding their belongings. Mainly because of the fact that most of their gadgets had ceased all function, and it was just too suspicious to ignore.

It was best that they fled.

However, for those that were injured and consequently slower than everyone else, they got the unprivileged position of witnessing a terrifying sight that would scar them for the rest of their lives. But after seeing such a thing, they themselves no longer knew how long… or short that would be.

Surrounded by the rubble of the fallen clock tower, a man who desperately rocked the body of his half complete sister, was unaware of the impending doom lurking behind him. But everyone else saw it, and they screamed out with fear.

Rising up from the rubble was a strange wiggling mass of sand, it was slime-like in nature but quite small in size, just a tad bit smaller than a watermelon. However, the trauma-inducing waves of power that it radiated caused those in the vicinity to lose control of their faculties with the hairs on their bodies standing on end.

They watched as the abnormal creature snuck up on its unsuspecting victim with silent and strangely bewitching grace, and then-


It suddenly lunged forward and completely covered the man’s head, blocking his vision along with his access to oxygen.

At this point, the more strong willed people had already run away (with a limp), screaming all the while. But there were still some people left, who were too terrified to move. So all they could do as their legs failed to support them and they crashed to the floor, was watch with terrified eyes as the abnormal entity conducted its work.

Some of the more peculiar minded people were thinking that the creature was purposefully blocking the man’s intake of oxygen to kill it, but in the next moment, that notion was dashed away.

Barely 3 seconds later, the Creature started moving down towards the neck of the man, strangely looking a tad bit bigger, and exposed the man’s head for the world to see.

“AAAAAAAAH!” somebody screamed as they saw that all that was left of the man’s head was an eroded skull that looked like it had seen the passage of many years.

This time, the viewers were shocked out of their petrification and began running away in all directions. But little did they know, it was already too late.

[Central Continent, Western Forest, Dragon Mountain]

(4 Years Later, Year 157)

The Dragon Mountain had a large amount of caves that the Dragons used as homes, and the higher up they went, the bigger and more comfortable they were, courtesy of Eridel’s machinations. And as such, the more stronger Dragons lived at the top, and the weaker ones at the bottom.

Within one of the caves closer to the ground, a relatively large Dragon that was 5 metres tall with grey coloured scales was sleeping peacefully, letting out loud snores that rattled the small stones hiding in the corners of his cave.

It didn’t look like he was going to wake up any time soon, but someone else thought otherwise.

“Quick! Quick! The goddess is about to reclaim her divinity and we definitely cannot miss it!” yelled an excited female Dragon from the outside, causing the sleeping Dragon to choke on his snore.

“Go away…~ I’m not here.” He yawned with his eyes still closed. But then barely 3 seconds later a heavy tail collided with his head.


“Theodore, you stupid, stupid dullard!”


“I said the GODDESS is about to reclaim her DIVINITY!”


“If you make me miss-”

“ROOOOOAAAR!” Theodore roared with rage as he leapt to his feet, revealing ordinary black eyes and ordinary fangs. “WHO DARES TO- Eh? Lyrria?”

Standing before him was a heart-palpitating 7 metre tall Dragoness that was covered in fiery red scales. She had alluring amber coloured eyes and-

SMACK! A fiery tail collided with the left side of his face.

“Dammit Theodore! You dare to roar at me?!”

“Fuck! Alright, alright! I get it, so just stop hitting me already!” Theodore yelled with barely suppressed anger.

“Hmph. You’re lucky I even bother with yo-” Lyrria started pompously.

“IF I’M SUCH AN EYESORE, THEN LEAVE YOU BITCH!” Theodore roared vehemently.

There was a moment of silence as the both stared at each other, Theodore’s chest heaving up and down and Lyrria’s tail flopping to the floor.

“I- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-” Theodore began as the last remnants of sleep vanished from his system.

“No, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have said that.” Lyrria said with her head cast down, and a remorseful expression on her face. It appeared that she was feeling quite guilty of the situation, and wasn’t blaming Theodore at all.

They both sank into silence once more, taking a moment to calm down, before they regained their bearings and began to chuckle.

“You’re always cranky when you’re tired…” Lyrria said softly.

“Hmph, you think I don’t know you too? You’re always cranky when things start going even a little wrong… Wait. What’s wrong? Could it be…?” Theodore asked with a wary expression that bordered on fear, clearly thinking of a worst case scenario.

‘Has her father found out about our rel-’

“Ah, that’s right! The goddess!” Lyrria exclaimed, dispersing his thoughts.

“The goddess?”

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