Reincarnated as a World

Ch.147 The Peeking Progenitor

Balik had been notorious for the amount of powerful and prestiged women that he slept with, some who had even been the lovers of other powerful people that had brought him a lot of ire and some who were just regular humanoid Monsters with a bit of beauty. And it didn’t end with just Demons. Ghost was absolutely sure that the beast had slept with some of his Blood Fiends because he had already found out about them and killed them, or at least, those that he knew of.

When they begged for their lives and pleaded for forgiveness, they all said the same thing. They all claimed that Balik had forced himself upon them and they had been unwilling but had been unable to resist. However, not only did Ghost not believe it, but even if it were true, he STILL would have killed them. It was an absolute disgrace to have the reputable females in his race sleep with a dog.

But on the contrary, if he could trade one female of his race for the entire aid of Balik and the Blitzorg race, then he would have absolutely no qualms! Even if it were Sindia, he was more than willing! He was quite hypocritical in that sense but he was sure that anyone with a functioning brain would have done the same.

Unfortunately, he didn’t know that this decision would be his first major mistake.

A little time after the shocking deal passed and Balik had made numerous secretive visits to the Blood Fiend territory to visit Sindia. Sometimes Ghost was there and he would see the man sneaking in and out like a thief and he would smile with glee, anticipating the day that he wrested complete control of the continent. But even back then, there had always been one question in his mind that had constantly bugged him.


Why had a prominent Demon King like Balik who had countless women throwing themselves at him, decide to betray his entire race for just a single female? The reason Ghost had been able to stand toe to toe with Asura despite the vast difference in power was because he was extremely in tune with reality. He understood people and how to exploit them. He spent a lot of time researching his enemies and he used that knowledge to poke where it hurt but not enough that it would cause an all out war that would undoubtedly lose. He always had control and didn’t like it when things didn’t make sense.

Balik betraying the Monster race for Sindia, did NOT make sense. On top of that, there had even been rumours that the man had finally been punished by Asura for sleeping with the lovers of Demon Kings, causing the beast to completely end his sexual adventures. A surprising, but not so surprising amount of women all over the Monster side of the continent had lamented the loss. Ghost was even sure that the spike in female Blood Fiend disappearances in that time period was related to this, especially when a few had been found in the Blitzorg territory.

So apparently, Balik had stopped visiting females around the continent, causing a few of the desperate ones to actually disregard everything to go and visit him. Wonderful. But Ghost didn’t believe for a second that a man like Balik would decide to go completely celibate because of a so-called warning from Asura… unless he had been castrated. But wasn’t he still visiting Sindia all the time?

If he had lost his manhood, what would be doing with Sindia in all those visits? Talking about trees? Gazing at the stars? Ludicrous! No, Ghost was sure that for some bizarre reason, Balik had decided to sleep with only Sindia and nobody else.

But how could that possibly be?! It didn’t make sense!

Was there something special about the girl’s vagina that had ravished the man’s senses? He had to know! So one day, he made the decision to sneak up on Sindia’s abode when Balik visited and spy on them. It was tricky because the skill set that he had couldn’t help him with things like stealth, so the best he could do was hide in the shadows from a distance and suppress his aura.

Luckily he had been able to do so, but what he saw had left him flabbergasted for a long time.

They were laughing and talking as if… as if… He couldn’t put a name to it but it was extremely weird. Never in his life had he seen Sindia, or any other female Blood Fiend for that matter act the way she had done that day. But… he also saw the effect that it had on the Blitzorg King. The way the man smiled, the way the man laughed… It was odd. He had a light in his eyes that was completely absent of the coldness and cruelty that everybody on the continent harboured. Even Sindia’s eyes were the same, but at the time he wasn’t focusing on Sindia but more on Balik.

In that moment, a new world had opened to him. If he was able to learn how Sindia had been able to make the man appear so… weak, then that would be another great power in his arsenal.

He continued to watch them, and yes they had sex. That too was quite interesting because he was able to see various positions that were supposedly increasing the pleasure? This was something that he had to admit that he overlooked. He knew sex was pleasurable because he had indulged in it before, but he had never focused on increasing the pleasure. Sex, if not used to create offspring, was just a past-time that he barely focused on.

But Looking at the 2 bodies rubbing against each other and the faces of absolute rapture and lack of self-awareness, he could see merit in pleasuring somebody so extensively that they lost control of themself. His desire to learn such techniques only grew when he remembered the surprising desperation that females all over the continent had exhibited when Balik had stopped having sex with them.

The only extra abnormal thing that he saw was the 2 different coloured flickers of lightning that flashed around the scene.

Purple and White.

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