Reincarnated as a World

Ch.148 The Child of Sindia and Balik

Purple and White.

The purple lightning belonged to Balik and the white lightning belonged to Sindia. Sindia was one of the few Blood Fiends (at this time) who had been able to awaken an Element like him, which of course, was the lightning element. He hadn’t seen it when it happened, but apparently, she had been struck multiple times by a Lightning Storm and somehow absorbed its essence to become the powerful fiend she was today.

The lightning was regular and white, unlike Balik’s, but Ghost always found it novel that since the normal characteristic of lightning was to purify, it was directly opposite to that of Balik’s whose lightning was extremely corruptive. He had seen them spar once and although Balik’s lightning was ‘powerful’, the 2 different lightning attacks would mostly cancel each other out. Ghost reckoned that if the corruptive purple lightning wasn’t running on Demonic Energy, it would have been completely even with the white lightning.

Fascinating. But fascinating as it all was, he couldn’t understand the why they would both summon their respective lightning’s around their bodies when they were having sex. Sex was for pleasure, no? He found it quite counter productive to injure each other in the midst of it. However, not only were they not injuring each other, but their respective lightning bolts actually seemed to be gently mingling with each other.

He didn’t understand it back then, and even as he fled the South Continent, he still didn’t understand the mysterious connection that Sindia and Balik had, but he wished… Oh how he wished that he hadn’t underestimated it.

A few months after Ghost had peeked for the first time (Year 132 by now), Sindia had suddenly begun to visit Balik at his Demon King territory where all the Blitzorgs lived. It was a surprise to Ghost and definitely a worry. He had tried to stop her the first time but she had told him that she wanted to investigate the territory and its alleged secret locations that could be used in their war against Asura and the rest of the Monsters. And to that, he could no longer disagree, after all, he was unable to go there himself. That was because over time, both sides had developed rudimentary methods to detect each other in case of invasion.

The methods were faulty and almost never worked on weaker invaders, but if Ghost, the Blood Fiend Progenitor himself were to ever invade the core of Demon King territories, Babunda would be there waiting for him.

For this reason, he needed a capable spy who could investigate the Blitzorg territory and bring back trustworthy news. So who else other than Sindia, who for some reason was able to use Balik to mask her presence, was better for the job?

Back then he had thought that Balik’s ability to mask Sindia’s presence had something to do with their mutual affinity for Lightning, especially after the strange things he had seen concerning the two, but now? He wasn’t so sure.

Later on, her visits began to last longer and longer, causing Ghost’s blood to boil multiple times over. But not only did he have to suppress his anger, but he had to also put on a pleasant smile to hide it! Aggravating! However, It couldn’t be helped. The support provided by both Sindia and Balik was not something that he could give up.

But he was not a fool. He could tell the control that he had over the entire situation was diminishing at an alarming rate and he had to do something about it. But before he could even begin to plot, Sindia had disappeared into the Blitzorg territory and did not reappear for a whole year! It was an absolute slap to his face and a grand undermining of his authority that he could no longer ignore.

However, before he could release his fury upon her, he caught sight of a shocking sight that would begin the spell of doom that would send him and his people fleeing from the continent.

It was a Child. And obviously, since it was clearly the child of Sindia and the anger-inducing beast standing next to her, it was a Devil child.

That was not a derogatory term. The child was quite literally a Devil, the hybrid race created by the rare union of Blood Fiends and Monsters, abominations that neither side cared for. They were enslaved no matter what side of the continent they resided in and their lives were quite terrible.

Unfortunately for them, due to their inability to manipulate and kind of essence, they were rarely ever able to obtain the strength required to change their fate. But that did not mean they were weak, in fact, quite the contrary. The Devils had a special ability to absorb the blood of foes that they had personally killed and use that blood to increase the perfection of their bodies. Strength and Beauty. So long as they kept killing, their bodies would eventually become literal treasures with immeasurable physical strength that could crush any foe. It was like Anatomy Refinement, but easier.

However, just like the strange ability that seemed to have come from a fusion of the Blood Fiend race’s ability to easily syphon blood and the Monster race’s ability to absorb Killing Essence from foes they had personally killed, the Devil race seemed to also have a fusion of their personality traits.

Chaotic Evil + Lawful Evil. Not only were they extreme lovers of death and destruction like the Monster race, but they were also cunning and cruel like the Blood Fiends. They were, without a doubt, the most evil race to ever exist on the Eridius Planet.

They didn’t look it, in fact they looked like multiple times more handsome/beautiful versions of the Human race that had long ago been exterminated from the South Continent, the only difference being that they all had red eyes (Not the completely red eyes like the Fiends, just regular but beautiful red coloured irises), but they were more heinous than the ugliest of Monsters.

Fortunately for everyone else, they were being heavily suppressed by the 2 races that had concepted them and there had never been a Devil that had managed to gain any significant level of strength.

But that would soon change.

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