Reincarnated as a World

Ch.184 Special Cultivation?

“NNNGH!” Dodo groaned out loudly as he let out a final load deep into Freya’s womb. The girl herself was seemingly roaring but not a single sound came out of her mouth. Her face twisted in rapture clearly showcased everything she was feeling so it didn’t come as a surprise, but it was truly a thing to behold when a few seconds later, her eyes rolled back and she passed out.

To make a girl with such a tough constitution pass out with pleasure was impressive. Even more so when you realised that she was the last of Dodo’s wives to do so, meaning that even after spending effort to finish off the other 2, he had still been able to do the same to Freya.

Truly remarkable.

The man in question didn’t even seem all that fazed. He merely switched to a crossed-leg sitting position and then stretched his arms above his head with a contented sigh.

‘My wives are undoubtedly the best female creatures ever created.’ He thought with smug pride. ‘If anyone were to ever touch them...’ A dangerous light flashed across his eyes as thoughts of violence uncharacteristic for a peaceful Elk filled his mind. But then all of a sudden, they sparked with a different light.

‘Right, before I forget…’ He turned his attention to the ground around his makeshift bed. There, was a giant sheet of ice covered in protruding icicles of varying sizes. They glowed with a profound light and just a single glance was enough for Dodo to gain a bit of comprehension on the mysteries of the Water/Ice Laws. But it wasn’t just that.

Accompanying the spires of Ice were black shards of metal that looked like Zinion. But it wasn’t Zinion. Thanks to past experience, Dodo didn’t need to investigate to already know that they were inferior copies. However, unlike real Zinion, this ‘inferior’ copy was exuding the same strange light that the ice was releasing, and as one could guess, studying it would provide remarkable success in the comprehension of Metal Laws.

Dodo quickly closed his eyes and began to focus on the Laws of Water/Ice as he had done many times before.

For some reason, whenever he started mating with his 3 wives, if they began to go ‘all out’, they would begin emit the Laws of their specific Elements, and if they did it long enough, it would begin to alter reality and create these special domains that aided their comprehension of the Laws exponentially. On top of that, in this state, whenever they climaxed, they would release a special energy inside of their fluids that the other would be able to absorb. And it was such a miraculous energy that it boosted all 3 aspects of their beings; Body, Soul and Essence. He didn’t know why such a thing only occurred with his wives and not his other mates, but he simply attributed it to them being special.

Whatever the case, it was not something that he could change. He had already tried multiple times, hoping that the phenomenon would boost all of their powers, but he was met with failure each and every time.

Well, it didn’t matter much. According to his knowledge, no one else was receiving such abnormal benefits, and even if there were, they were definitely in the minority, so he didn’t mind the fact that his regular mates had to train just like anybody else.

Dodo briefly opened his eyes to look at his 3 wives.

Normally, when he had finished breeding them, all 4 of them would use this time to comprehend their respective Laws using the strange domains. But talk less of the fact that Chica’s and Lumi’s domains had already disappeared with time, none of them were even awake to enjoy it even if it hadn’t.

‘Hehe~ Serves them right for provoking this Saint’ Dodo thought shamelessly with a wide grin. However, he soon resumed focus and gathered his hands to the centre of his crossed legs.

Meditation was another thing that he had learnt from the Elves. Its overall effects weren’t all that beneficial to him since he was almost in perfect control of his mind and didn’t need any special positions or breathing patterns to help him reach a state of enlightenment, but it did slightly improve the circulation of Mana in his Mana Circuits, and as such, it was something he liked to do whenever he was cultivating.

Like this, he continued to simultaneously absorb the special energy of his wives’ fluids and comprehend the Laws of Water/Ice. The domain would be disappearing within 20 - 30 minutes and he intended to capitalise on every single second of it.

Or so he thought.

A mere 2 minutes later, his senses discovered something that caused his expression to greatly change.

Standing at the edge of his clearing and looking at him with an imperious gaze was a female Elf. She was, without a doubt, the most objectively beautiful female he had ever seen. Visage, body, demeanour, everything was on point. However, recognizing her identity immediately, he didn’t dare to profane her even in his thoughts and revealed a surprised smile.

“Titania!” he called out with half joy, half confusion.

Yes, standing not too far away from him was the Elven Queen herself; Titania.

Her appearance hadn’t changed much over the years, she still had her untainted pure white long hair, star-like eyes and green skin. Actually, she was quite a few times more beautiful than the image of the Queen she had been when they had first met. (The reason it was put like that was because he had been a regular Elk back then and had 0 attraction for humanoids.) But the ‘clothing’ she was wearing was vastly different to their prototype.

It had started with mere sheets of ‘cloth’ that would wrap around the body and cover the so-called ‘private areas’. Back when they had first been invented, he had only felt slight disdain for them. But now, looking at the immaculate design of white, green and gold that hugged her curves, he couldn’t help but feel a little stunned.

What he had once considered useless and even a little annoying, was now something that was enhancing the Elven Queen’s beauty by at least a fold.

‘I must obtain some for my wives.’ He thought with great seriousness.

‘But truly… even without those clothes, the Elven Queen is definitely the most beautiful woman of all.’

He truly thought that. But although he thought that, he didn’t really feel it. In his mind, nobody could compare to his 3 wives. Their noses may not be as chiselled, their cheekbones not as high and their lips not as bow-like, but for some reason, it was these ‘slight’ deficiencies that made them perfect to him.

To be honest, the Elven Queen could be considered TOO beautiful. He wouldn’t deny that he lusted for her at times, but for the most part, he thought of her as a great friend and actively tried not to think of her in that way. And even if he didn’t, the lust he felt for her was nothing compared to the near ironically burning desire he felt for his wives.

Shaking his head, he spoke once more.

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