Reincarnated as a World

Ch.185 Slapping Each Other With Talent

“It’s been far too long, Titania. What brings you here?”

Although they were great friends, the last time they had seen each other was 5 years ago (Year 167), and that was only because the Elves had suffered a brutal rebellion that had damaged their foundations, and he felt compelled to give out a helping hand. If not for that, the time that they had spent apart would have been much greater.

It’s not that they didn’t like to see each other, they did. It’s just that as Rulers who had so many people to look after, they were always busy. They had to commit to increasing the power of themselves and their people and it didn’t help much that they were half-competing with each other. They were allies, but their races were too different to be perfectly friendly.

Even if they were great friends, best friends even, it wasn’t possible to convince their respective races to emulate that. Beasts couldn’t even talk to other races unless they were in the Seeking Beast Realm (3rd Realm), and Elves were too obsessed with beauty, grace and controlled power, causing them to treat Beasts with disdain.

It was already a miracle that they treated his own people nicely. He had seen how they treated the Beasts in Emperor Raiko and Dragon King Drako’s territories when they had the strength advantage. But that was none of his concern. He was far more interested in why the Elven Queen had personally come here to speak to him. It had to be something important.

Normally, they would send a messenger beforehand to either request a visit to the other’s territory or request the other to visit their territory. This prevented any misunderstandings and allowed each other to prepare for the event. But clearly, Titania didn’t want to waste any time. Either that or what she wanted to say was extremely important and not something she wanted to disclose to a mere messenger.

“I come with daunting news… But first, I must express that it’s good to see you after all this time, Dodo. How do you fare?”

Hearing her voice, Dodo’s eyes widened slightly.

Something about her voice had changed. Before, it was always beautiful to hear, but now it was positively enchanting. And he wasn’t saying that as a flowery description. Although what he knew about the Soul was next to nothing, he felt like… if he was a weaker being, her voice might have addled his mind, perhaps even compelled it. How could this be?

“Your voice…” He spoke out with an obvious question in his tone. If it was someone else, he wouldn’t have acted this way. That would portray his ignorance and give the other person a slight upper hand, and all for nothing since they would either deny him or outright lie. But with Titania, such worries were irrelevant.

“Ah, I forgot since it’s been a while now. Actually, I experienced a fortuitous encounter some years ago and comprehended a bit of the Laws of Sound because of it. Not bad, right?” She responded with a cheeky grin at the end.

“Truly?!” Dodo asked in shock.

“Truly.” Titania nodded with a trace of pride.

“Wow…” Dodo slowly shook his head in wonder. “As expected of you, to be honest.”

Titania smiled.

Comprehending new Laws was difficult. Really difficult. Dodo was a 1st generation genius that had lived for 172 years and still, he had not comprehended a single Law other than the ones that were ‘gifted’ to him by Ciera (Life and Water/Ice). And although a big part of that was because he had no predecessors or scriptures to learn from, it still showed how herculean it was to comprehend a single Law.

But Titania had apparently comprehended her 3rd Law. Her first and second (Life and Wood) were granted to her by the Tree of Life, or at least, that’s what they all thought, it’s not like they could ask the non-sentient tree. But this 3rd Law was something she had probably comprehended on her own.

‘How did she do it? What did she encounter?’ Dodo thought. But he didn’t ask those questions out loud. Instead, he opted to change the subject.

“Before you beat me to death with your talent… take a look.” Dodo half-turned his body and gestured to his sleeping wives surrounded by the mythical remnants of their activities. “As you can see, I’ve been faring extremely well. I still have not learnt why this happens to us whenever we mate, and as you already know, the System refuses to provide answers, but it has truly been beneficial.”

Titania walked a few steps closer and peered at the sleeping women, but more specifically at the glowing spires of ice and metal shards.

“Because of it, the cultivation speed of me and my wives have increased by Beast King bounds. I am now a 3rd Stage Enlightened Beast and my comprehension of the Laws of Water/Ice has increased to 7%.”

Titania looked at him with her mouth parted in surprise. “7%?! So quickly?!” She was flabbergasted. The increase in cultivation was definitely impressive but she had already surpassed that level long ago (even if it was because of the long period Dodo had spent not cultivating), but hearing about the increase in Law comprehension was almost like a slap to her face.

She turned to his 3 wives, pointedly ignoring the copious amount of semen covering parts of their bodies and asked. “Them too?”

She could sense how much their Essence Cultivation has increased for herself, and so the answer should have been obvious, but she felt like she had to hear the confirmation to believe it.

“Indeed. Their comprehension of the Laws has reached around 2-3%. Chica’s has even reached 4%. Can you believe it? 4%! Although it’s most likely due to our similar affinities, can you see how much of a genius my wife is? Haha!” Dodo said with a shit-eating grin.

“Ah, sorry, sorry. Let me not brag too much. What about Alan, ey? I haven’t heard about him in a while. What’s his cultivation now? What about his Law Comprehension? Has it increased much? Hahahahaha!”

Titania’s eyes narrowed, but she ultimately chose to ignore the jab and shifted her gaze downwards where she could find the cause of all of this.

‘Should I…?’

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