Reincarnated as a World

Ch.186 Visitors From Another Continent?

Dodo saw where Titania’s focus had shifted to and he immediately knew what was going through her head, causing his sleeping rod to stir. But he immediately put a stop to that train of thought and shook his head.

“Don’t even think about it,” he spoke with a tincy bit of disappointment. “You already know that it only works with my 3 wives. I highly doubt that that would change with you, regardless of how powerful you are.”

“Hmph” Titania’s face twisted in distaste. “I wasn’t even considering it. I merely tried to see if my new-found strength would enable me to peer into the secrets of your penis.”

Dodo wryly smiled. He was pretty sure that she was lying, or at the very least, lying about not considering what they were both thinking of, but telling the truth about trying to appraise his penis.

“So? Did you find anything?” He asked with an innocent expression.

“No.” She responded curtly.

“Really? Are you sure?” He asked with mock seriousness.

At that, she chose to ignore him, but her eyes narrowed in warning.

Dodo suppressed a smirk. Whilst on the outside he looked honest, on the inside he was laughing goofily.

“Ahem, never mind that... So what has brought you all this way? Surely it’s as serious as I’m imagining it to be.” He decided to change the topic once more, but this time to the main one.

Titania remained silent for a few more seconds as she continued to glare at him, but then her chest heaved and she let out a sigh.

“If what I am told is to be trusted… big trouble is about to strike not just this Forest, and not even just this Continent, but the entire World.” Titania spoke grimly.

“...What?” Dodo asked awkwardly, thinking that Titania was making a lame joke.

What kind of trouble could affect the entire World? And even if something like that existed, how could it possibly succeed with the Heavens itself– or whatever Ciera’s father was– watching over the entire World. Titania should know this so surely she’s joking. Was she trying to get back at him?

“Actually, I heard all of this from Drako, who heard it from his big sister, who funnily enough heard it from the Western Dragons.”

Dodo just stared at her as if she was talking about a Mountain sprouting legs and running away.

Seeing his obvious disbelief, Titania rolled her eyes. “I’m telling the truth, Dodo. When have I ever made jokes like this?”

Dodo’s heart began to beat faster, but still, he decided that he was going to take whatever she said with a grain of salt. “....So? What did they say? What’s the problem?”

“Apparently, 3 beings from another continent had arrived from the West where they encountered the Dragons. 2 of them were in the 4th Realm with one of them actually being in the middle stages, but the 3rd being was just someone in the 3rd Realm.”

“Middle stages?!” Dodo asked in shock.

Everybody knew how difficult cultivation became after the 4th Realm. It could simply be expressed by the fact that the World’s top geniuses had taken 127 years or less to get there, but in 45 years had barely scraped the 5th Stage. Although Dodo didn't know how it was in other Continents, he only knew of a handful of people that had reached that stage in this Continent, so to hear of a foreigner that had reached the middle stages (4-5-6) was quite astonishing.

But still, this was certainly not helping Titania’s claim of a supposed Worldwide threat. What could a single middle-staged-4th-Realm-being possibly accomplish alone? This Continent alone had a few of them. The other 2 foreigners didn’t even need to be mentioned.

“Yes, the 6th Stage to be exact.” Titania replied.

‘!!!’ Dodo shivered.

In this Continent, only Jörma the Devourer had reached the 6th Stage. But rightfully so. The overpowered Snake had too many reasons for power to naturally flow through her veins. She had even comprehended 2 different Laws entirely on her own. Well, her Earth Laws were allegedly something that she had comprehended by studying her Eye of Petrification, but that eye was effectively a part of her own body. It had become a part of her talent and no one could deny it. But even if that wasn’t the case, it did not in any way dispute the fact that she had comprehended the Laws of LIFE without ANY assistance. Really and truly, in front of Jörma, nobody could compete.

Except that apparently wasn’t true anymore.

‘How impressive could this foreigner be if they rival our Continent’s strongest, even if in only cultivation.’ Dodo thought with awe and slight fear.

“Who are they?” He couldn’t resist asking.

“Heh, you probably wouldn’t believe it, but I think you, me and Ciera might actually know one of them.” Titania said with a reminiscent smile.

“What? Who?” Dodo asked, confused. Other than the goddess who he hadn’t even met in person, he didn’t know of anybody who had the potential to reach the 4th Realm’s 6th Stage any time soon. Not that he knew of the goddess' cultivation, but she was a fallen goddess who had reclaimed a bit of her divinity. Her cultivation shouldn’t be too far behind, and soon, she would be zooming past all of them.

But other than her, he didn’t know of anyone, talk less of a foreigner. Even Titania, with all her inheritance, intellect and access to the most special Spring of Life in existence, along with Tree of Life that continued to reveal more and more surprises as time went by, was only in the 4th Realm’s 4th Stage. A Stage above him.

According to her, this would have been different if there were better cultivation techniques for them to learn from, but to him, that was all speculation. They were pinnacle 1st Generation geniuses (secret information provided by Ciera), and yet still, cultivating was too difficult. Would the so-called ‘better’ techniques really help all that much?

But he didn’t care about all of that right now, right now, he was far more interested in finding out the identity of the foreigner that they might have known in the past.

‘Who could it be?’

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