Reincarnated as a World

Ch.187 Welcome Back To The Central Continent

“Do you remember the day the World obtained Magic?” Titania asked.

Dodo paled slightly. Once again, thanks to inside information from Ciera, they had realised that the 2 times that the World experienced apocalyptic changes were because it had evolved. He knew that the first time was because magic had been introduced to the World, or something like that, but nobody, not even Ciera, knew why the World had undergone a 2nd Evolution. What were the requirements? Perhaps an oversaturation of Magical Energy? He didn’t know, and nor did he care much. But he very much remembered the details of both doomsday-like events.

“Of course I remember.” He responded.

“Then surely you must remember the Chicken.” Titania said with a sparkling smile.

Hearing that, Dodo’s eyes warmed up with nostalgia. “Haha! Of course, of course! Till this day, that is the bravest Chicken I know. …Wait. Could it be him? I know that he achieved a strange Evolution after jumping into the Spring of Life, and perhaps it provided him with enough talent to reach the 4th Realm, but he is clearly not a foreigner.”

“Oh? And so you know where he went after disappearing into that light?”

At that, Dodo couldn’t reply. He remembered that after flying out of the Spring of Life, the Chicken (but by then a more noble fire bird), had been swallowed by a giant beam of light that had descended from the sky, and then had vanished along with it.

…Did that light somehow transport him to another Continent?

“I thought not.” Titania continued. “Of the 3 foreigners, 1 of them were told to look like a bird made from golden flames.”

“That… Sounds nothing like that Chicken. First of all, he was definitely made of flesh and blood, even after his evolution. He only became covered in flames not made from them. And on top of that, the flames were a regular reddish-orange colour. Not gold… But I refuse to believe that you’re stupid. What else do you know that makes you think that both of these people are one and the same?”

Titania smiled.

‘Sure enough, there’s something else.’ Dodo thought.

“The truth is that when they turned up at the Forest of Origins, those arrogant territorial Dragons actually attacked them. Of course, at that time they didn’t know what they were competing against and ended up dying, and as a result, a few of the Supreme Dragons were notified and it became quite bad.

In fact, I heard that Misali, the Supreme Dragon of Water, almost died. And on the other side, although the 3rd Realm Beast that came with the other two wasn’t hurt in the slightest, Chad, the Chicken- or rather Chad the King of Phoenixes, paid a grievous price to protect her, almost dying in the process.”

“He actually managed to survive the attacks of multiple Supreme Dragons?!” Dodo was starting to feel dizzy from the repeated shocks to his mind.

By now, everybody knew that there was more to overall strength than just Essence Cultivation and Anatomy Cultivation. Species played a big part of it too. A Realm 4 Rat (If that even existed) would never be able to defeat a Realm 4 Dragon. Even if it had the advantage of 3-4 Stages.

Most people just chalked it down to the difference in physical build, but some people thought it was more. However, a rough hierarchy of the most notable species on the Continent had been established, and everyone believed that the Dragon Race was in the top 5.

What had that Chicken become that it was able to deal with multiple Supreme Dragons?

“Indeed. I heard that it is because of a special flame that his body hosts that allows him to heal from injuries, on top of the fact that the constitution of his body is very strange. I also heard that it didn’t take long for him to reach full recovery after the fight despite his previous perilous situation.”

“Wow…” Dodo muttered in awe as he tried to picture the scenario in his mind. “You said he became a Phoenix? A Phoenix King? Is that what he is now?” Dodo continued.

“Something like that. I don’t know the specifics.” Titania replied.

“And you said that he hosts a special flame? Is it similar to the Dragon King’s flame? An Earth Flame?” Dodo’s voice became a little tight at the end. Everybody knew about the Earth Flames, and they were about as coveted as the Evil Eyes. Even a regular Spring of Life couldn’t compare in value.

“I don’t know about that either. The information passed through many ears to get to mine, it’s not like I could obtain every detail.” Titania replied. “However, I would say that it’s very likely.”

“I agree. …But wait, the more you talk the less I believe that he’s the Chicken of back then. Quickly, tell me what you know.” Dodo demanded impatiently.

Titania rolled her eyes, but still began to speak. “I heard that to stop the fight which kept on escalating, Chad started spouting out claims about World encompassing danger and the need to hear him out. Only, the Dragons were even more disbelieving than you were, and kept on attacking.

It was only when he finally said that he knew of 2 powerful people from this Continent that they began to halt their attacks. He described those people as a green humanoid woman, and a Dear-animal with white fur and Antlers of ice. He also said that he had found those people in the largest Spring of Life that he had ever seen… on the day of the first Doomsday… Sound familiar?”

“This…” Dodo wryly smiled. “Although he could still be someone else… if what you are saying is true then I can not deny the strong possibility” Dodo said. “But how did he end up in another Continent?”

Titania softly shook her head. “He said he doesn’t know.”

Dodo sighed, but then thought of something. “How did he know he was back on our Continent? If he was truly whisked away, he shouldn’t know how to fly or whatever back to this Continent. Even if he got lucky and managed to find this one again, how did he know that it was the one that he came from? How did he know that we were definitely here?”

“Good question.” Titania said with a smile that Dodo reciprocated. “Well, apparently, the Dragons asked the similar questions, and the result was that when the foreigners had arrived on this Continent, the System had congratulated the 2 that weren’t Chad for finding a new Continent. But instead of congratulating Chad, it had only said something along the lines of ‘Welcome back to the Central Continent’.”

“...It has to be him.” Dodo thought after a moment of silence.

“I’m glad we’re on the same branch.” Titania said with an even brighter smile. “Now, would you like to hear about the things that he said?”

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