Reincarnated as a World

Ch.235 The Planet and the Moon

Ch.235 The Planet and the Moon

Next to the man, the grey soil on the floor started to bulge out as if an animal was about to burst out. But there was no such thing on the Moon, at least not yet. Instead, the soil continued to rise up until it reached a height that was similar to the man’s, and then it began to reshape itself.

Slim limbs took form, a torso was carved out and a head appeared attached to a neck, all of this creating the basic form of a humanoid. But the changes weren’t over. Breasts sprout out from the chest, a vagina was formed between the legs and the previously flat buttocks and narrow hips filled out to eye-catching proportions. This was obviously the form of a female.

Next, the surface of the soil changed in texture, becoming smooth, pale in colour and supple in nature. This was skin. Unblemished skin at that, shocking considering the wild material that was used to make it but that was still the reality.

Like this, more and more features appeared. Fingers, toes, mouth, nose, ears, silver lion eyes, pristinely soft goat fur from wrist to elbow and ankle to lower thigh, a silver lion tail that ended in a tuft of white fur, white ram horns that glistened like jewels, and finally, mane-like-but-still-glossy silver hair that tumbled from her skull to her hips.

Luna looked at her palms before shaking them a bit. She then rolled around her feet one by one, wiggled her toes, blinked a few times, turned her head left and right, ran her hands down her hair, took a deep breath... and then settled down.

During all of that her impassive facial expression hadn’t changed much but on the inside she was happy. She enjoyed the feeling of her avatar. Having such a complex and highly mobile body was always such a marvel and she didn’t think she would ever get used to it.

But there wasn’t much time for that right now. She looked at the man in front of her and waited for him to speak. And speak he did.

“Wow, I’m impressed. You are one of, if not the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Clearly you put a lot of work into this avatar.” He said with a smile.

“Thank you.” She replied uncaringly.

But something was wrong. This man’s voice... She had obviously already heard it before and it was nice to hear, but it hadn’t had any effect on her when she was listening with her Spirit Sense and main body. However, hearing them through the ears of her avatar seemed to provide some extra effects.

For one, the areas she had categorised as erogenous zones seemed to warm up a bit, especially her breasts and groin. Her nipples slowly pebbled and her clitoris trembled from a rush of blood.

“...So why are you here, what do you want with me?” She asked

“I would like to request your assistance.” The man replied. “The inhabitants on Ziket’s continent would need extra help if they want to cross the Sea and reach the Phoenix King’s continent and I’ve found out that you’re the best one to help them.”

“Zuko...” She immediately knew what he was thinking about.

“That’s right. By the time those on Central are ready to move, the Kaiser of the Sea between the West and Central should have been chosen. I have a strong suspicion that that will be your Zuko. But still, the future is never certain and anything can happen, and that’s why I too will be of assistance.

My deal is this. If you can ensure that Zuko can help those on Central after the battle is over, then I can promise you that Zuko will be Kaiser. You, alone, will be the first entity to have a Sea Kaiser on this planet as your subordinate. Sounds good right?”

“...What if I don’t agree?”

“Aiya! That would be terrible! The future is so turbulent these days, I would hate for something bad to happen to Zuko.” The man said with an anger-inducing grin.

She wished she could send this man flying out of her main body. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do. She sighed. “I will help you.”

“Great!” The man said as he clasped his hands together.

“Is that all?” She asked. ‘Please go away.’ She thought.

“Er, no. There’s just one more thing.”

Luna closed her eyes.

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