Reincarnated as a World

Ch.236 The 6th Apostle

Ch.236 The 6th Apostle

“And what is that?” Luna responded after a while.

“Your 6th Apostle. I would like to choose your 6th Apostle for you.” The man said.

‘He even knows that I have 1 more Apostle spot left?’ Luna thought as she stared at the man in silence.

“...Who are you?” She eventually chanced asking. Her new heart palpitated when she remembered how the System had ‘responded’ to that question, but she couldn’t help but ask the man himself. So far he had not shown any hostility so it should be fine, right?

“You don’t need to know that right now. Perhaps, if we meet again, I can tell you at that time.” The man replied with a small smile.

Luna sighed once more. She had expected as much but it was still a bit unfortunate. At least she hadn’t provoked him. Whatever. She decided to move on.

“Then why do you want to choose my 6th Apostle?”

“Well there’s 2 reasons. The first one being that having a group of your followers on that specific continent would be of help to the cause. That is, taking down Envy. And the second reason which I think may be of interest to you is that... there’s another Anomaly like you on that Continent.” The man responded with a glint in his eyes.

Luna’s mouth dropped.

She had always been keeping an eye out to see if there was another being like her. She knew that the word ‘Anomaly’ that was used to title her kind also denoted that she wasn’t normal, she was an outlier or a mistake of sorts. That’s what the word meant. So she hadn’t been very confident that others like her existed.

But now, this man was telling her that there was another being like her living on the planet? Who could it be? She had to find out!

Fortunately, they seemed to have a special leader who was miraculously in the 4th Realm. A rare feat for someone who wasn’t part of the 3 legendary races (Phoenix, Purgatory Vermillion, Gold Roc). The Owl was a male that had grey coloured feathers and he shot out terrific blades of wind with every flap of his wings.

Unfortunately, he was being greatly suppressed by the 2 Purgatory Vermillion Birds in the 4th Realm. His ability to command wind was exceptional and granted him a kiting advantage that allowed him to preserve his life against the destructive might of his foes, but it was all could do.

The number of his brethren may be counted using the thousands, which compared to the hundreds of his enemies was much greater, but they were losing, and badly. He fought ferociously and let out the mightiest blades of winds he could conjure but it was all in vain. He screeched with rage but it was useless.

Luna watched all of this and wondered if the peculiar Owl was the one she was supposed to make an Apostle. He could certainly use the help.

=That grey Owl, that’s the one I want you to make an Apostle.= A familiar voice spoke in her mind. Obviously, it was the intruder. It was the first time she heard a voice in her mind that wasn’t her own or the System’s but she wasn’t surprised, only a little worried about what that could mean.

‘Where is the other Anomaly?’ She asked in her mind as if she was asking herself. But unfortunately, she was given an answer.

=Not too far from here. When you make this Owl your Apostle, you can ask him to find it.=

As expected, the man could read her mind. She suppressed any thoughts from arising at that revelation. They would likely get her in trouble.

She looked at the enraged grey owl and the pitiful brown ones, watching as they fell from the sky deader than dead. It was quite a sad sight.

‘Okay then.’

It didn’t take long for her to make a decision. She began preparations for her 6th Apostle contract.

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