Reincarnated as a World

Ch.88 The Soul Mate of a Planet?

The new Integral Laws apparently found it necessary that rather than waiting for Soul Mates to form naturally, it was more useful for the most compatible pairs on the planet in both body and mind (Magic affinity is considered as part of the body compatibility), to just become perfectly compatible. Effectively making them Soul Mates.

This was why their changes to their mind couldn’t be too big. They were already like-minded in the first place and the Soul Mate Integral Laws only perfected it. On top of that, they gained the fledgling psychic link that whilst useless before consummation, could still act as a slight guiding hand to find each other.

However a thing to note was that it wasn't compulsory for 2 Soul Mates to consummate their bond. They could stay as platonic friends… if they so wished. But Eridel struggled to believe that a match made in heaven would see each other, be with each other for a long time, and still remain just friends. It was like having the tastiest food in the Universe in your mouth, and not chewing for more than 3 minutes. Not impossible, but hard. Very hard.

Unfortunately, there were some people who actually had nobody alive that could end up being their Soul Mates. They were well and truly alone. But one day, the mate of their dreams would be born. They just needed to live long enough to see that day.

But though this was all fine and dandy, Eridel’s plans had been tarnished. Again.

There were a few pairs that Eridel wanted to turn into Soul Mates because of the benefits that would come from their union (for example the birth of new hybrids). But that was now impossible with most of them gaining different Soul Mates. The Soul Mate links had been formed and they could not be carelessly severed.

But now, some of his plans and predictions for the future that were reliant on 2 people becoming Soul Mates, were destroyed. It was indeed an infringement on free will for Eridel to force 2 sapient creatures to become Soul Mates without their consent, but Eridel couldn’t care less. They were not being harmed in any way and in fact quite the contrary, but furthermore, they would nev- most likely never know that their ideal mate had ever been changed.

With professions like Seers in existence- no scratch that, with the repeated miracles performed in the Eridius World, Eridel no longer dared to say the words ‘never’ or ‘impossible’ with certainty.
However, nobody, not even Eridel, could imagine what their ideal mate was until they saw them in reality. So everything should have gone smoothly…

“Haaah…~” Eridel sighed out loud once more. If anyone was awake they would think that ghosts had come into existence. But oh wait…

Eridel focused his omniscient gaze onto 2 familiar people on the North Continent who were passed next to each other. It was a man with amber hair and a woman with lavender hair. Gabriel and Seraqiel.

2 people Eridel had very much needed to be Soul Mates.

But the thing about these Twin Stars of Hope was that they were actually not very compatible, or at the very least, the most compatible. Don’t forget that these were 2 people that Eridel had found on the proverbial streets, nothing Eridel had tampered with, even with the inheritance he had given them. Normally, this would have been fine, Eridel would turn them into Soul Mates right after he was done creating their mechanics. No problem…


The Integral Laws had different ideas. They had spun their magic without his consent, and hijacked all of his new inventions. Eridel didn’t even know what changes could have been made to the Eridius System. But in regards to Gabriel and Seraqiel…

The new Soul Mate Laws had apparently found… better suitors.

At the very least, as someone that was extremely proficient when it came to the Soul, Eridel was capable of analysing Soul Mate links and tracking who they were connected to. So who were the new Soul Mates of Gabriel and Seraqiel?

‘Let’s see… Seraqiel first. Who’s the lucky man? …Oh, he’s quite far-... Ah?’ Eridel’s mind staggered, almost short-circuiting before foolishly trying to see if there was another body hiding behind the one he was looking at. But of course there was not.

‘Well then, how about Gabriel?’ Eridel thought as he forcefully threw what he just saw to the back of his memory. Completely deciding to wash his hands over the mess that Fate and not him for once, had started.

But he gave one last glance of pity towards Gabriel as if he was looking at a… cuckold.

‘Cough, so what does Fate have in store for you my friend? Hmm, East Contine- oh. Oh! A High Human. How nice, cough, I wish you all the best.’

Eridel abruptly turned his attention away from the Twin Stars of Hope, still a bit startled by what he had seen. But after a whole 10 seconds, he restored his lake-like calmness, that was how surprising the chosen Soul Mate of Seraqiel was.

‘Unbelievable… this changes, everything.’ And it really did. Eridel now had to go back to the drafting plans and revaluate his plans for the future entirely. The union between those 2 people was that reality-bending and if he didn’t prepa-

Eridel’s thoughts suddenly went very silent as he noticed something changing in his soul. It was a string. A small piece of his Soul was stretching out like a string, extending out in a straight line before… stopping?

Eridel wasn’t a fool. He wasn’t about to be shocked or confused about what was happening to him. Clearly, just like the Tribulation Lights, the Soul Mate project now had the ability to affect him, and the so-called string was actually a Soul Mate link. Eridel had a Soul Mate.

‘But why did it-’

Suddenly, another Soul Link stretched out of his soul.

‘2? Haha~ I’m quite lu-’ Eridel’s thoughts were once again interrupted by the creation of yet another Soul Link. And then another… and another… and… more. They finally stopped appearing after the 6th one.

Eridel had… 6 Soul Mates.

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