Reincarnated as a World

Ch.89 Done With Idling

‘Do I look schizophrenic for there to be 6?’ Eridel thought in slight surprise mixed with amusement. But although it was an exaggeration, it wasn’t too far-fetched of a question. Soul Mates always complimented each other but if someone had more than 1, it either meant that they had something similar to an alter ego, or they had other powers or traits that were either too special or too different to be left alone.
An example for this was someone who, for some reason, had a 100% affinity in both Fire and Water. If his or her Soul Mate had a corresponding affinity in Fire, that would boost the dual wielders powers with fire and actually imbalance them. But if that person had another Soul Mate with a corresponding affinity with Water? Fair game!

However, a lot of karmic luck went into it as well. Fate could have just as easily provided a Soul Mate with the same dual wielding Fire and Water abilities and it would have perfectly balanced them all the same. But obviously, the power obtained by the union of 2 was not as great as the power gained from the union of 3.

It was karmic luck along with a few other things that allowed for the latter to happen and not much could change that. So if you didn’t meet the requirements, Fate would just force what you needed into one person.

But forget all that, Eridel was more concerned with why his Soul Links failed to lead to anyone? They were all straight lines that vanished into the distance and were much different to Seraqiel’s Soul Mate link which peacefully undulated like a rope in water, connecting to… that person.

Why did his Soul Mate links not connect with anyone?

‘Could it be that they haven’t been born yet? Or maybe they were not of this World…? No, that could not be the case. They also could not be dead because the link wouldn’t exist in the first place and he would be blissfully oblivious. Where…’

Eridel quickly checked on one of the residents on his planet that had not undergone any adjustments for a Soul Mate, meaning that there was no one on the entire planet that was compatible with them and their Soul Mate had yet to be born. Thankfully, his findings relieved him.

‘Hmm. My mates are indeed… what would the word be, unborn?’ Eridel thought as he looked at a male Devil who, like him, had a Soul Mate link that vanished into the distance. Meaning that… they both had no hoe-, no Soul Mates. That had been born.

But Eridel honestly didn’t know what to think of the situation. He had been provided with a whole 6 Soul Mates with each of them supposedly filling missing blanks and empowering his whole being. However, how would that even work? Who on this planet was even capable of enriching his life? But more than that was…Should he accept the liability of such a weakness?

He knew the effects of a Soul Mate and what would happen to him if he lost even one. That was a whole 6 extra lives that he had to take care of at any cost. In this whole wide Universe talk less of what lies beyond, how could he make sure that they were all safe when things like curses and soul attacks that could be safely fired from any location if one were powerful enough was possible. And that wasn’t even the worst of it.

This wasn’t one of those video games where you could farm monsters for exp, easily gaining strength so long as you spent the time. No, this was reality. And there was risk even in the simple circulation of Magical Energy if you were not careful. 

His Soul Mates were most likely not fools, after all, they were HIS Soul Mates. How could they face problems with cultivating? There was even the Eridius System that assisted with such things so they would most likely never suffer from the minor things… But Eridel couldn’t help but feel cautious. Their lives, which he was sure he would not be able to forcefully control, would be tied to his own.

It was a big risk.

But speaking of the Eridius System… Eridel wouldn’t be surprised if he invoked a status and it actually popped up in front of him. Or rather his World Core. It would be a little strange for the screen to be hovering in front of his entire planetary body, but it was possible. All of his projects had been assimilated by the Integral Laws after all.

He was half tempted to try it now and take it for a spin but he had much, much more important plans to accomplish and he was done idling.

‘But first…’ With a mere thought, Eridel's residents woke up one by one, rising from their slumber.

Most if not all were surprised by the change in environment and shocking increase of power, thinking that perhaps their ‘almighty’ leaders had blessed them and performed shocking landscape rearranging feats. They also felt happier and brighter as if something had changed within the core of their beings and they couldn’t understand why. Some of the more social races like the Phoenixes, Elves and High Humans even began a feast of celebration, praising their respective overlords for their ‘grace’ and majesty.

There were other forms of celebration too, for example the orgies that Dodo and the Greater Demons began performing. But it was overall a happy occasion across most of the World.

However… there was one place that not only remained chaotic, but became 10 times more catastrophic than it originally was. The Seas.

When everybody in the seas had been knocked out; they had either floated to the top, or floated to the bottom. Their Magical Nature prevented them from sleeping suspended in water like the regular sea-life of Low Worlds.

But this basically pushed them all together.

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