Reincarnated as a World

Ch.90 The First Confrontation

When the Sea Dwellers woke up, they immediately noticed their upgraded powers and the increase in ambient Magical Energy. They even felt happier than before, just like those above the Seas. But unlike those above the Seas, rather than celebrating by eating with each other, they decided to celebrate eating… each other.

It was absolutely chaotic.

With each of them thinking they were some kind of chosen one, chosen by some unknown power to rule the Seas, they feasted on each other like never before! On top of that, the fact that they were all either at the top of the Sea or at the bottom of the Sea and consequently visible to everyone else, made it 5 times worse. Blood painted the Seas red and it was completely unknown if and when it would ever stop.

But Eridel didn’t intend to do anything.

Other than the creation of the first generation Sea Dwellers and the help of the Eridius System, Eridel had really and truly left them to their own devices. In all these years following the birth of the Sea Dwellers, nothing had been given to the Seas. They were born with nothing and they had nothing. Not even hidden treasures like the Earth Flames, Evil Eyes and Domicus Treasures. Nothing.

And yet, the average strength of those in the Seas was… much greater than that of those on the Lands.

The Sea Dwellers had been doing fine on their own and Eridel didn’t intend to change that now. He wanted to see how far they could go without his direct influence. It was too late to stop certain other things. Thanks to one of the new projects he had launched on his evolution, he was sure that at least one of the Sea Dwellers would be affected. But other than that one being, the Seas would truly have to make it on their own.

‘Anyways…’ Eridel thought as he slowly turned his attention to a familiar eye-catching Golden Dragon. 

Numerous colours coalesced above the Dragon Mountain, forming the familiar form of Jonas, Eridel’s Avatar. The Avatar floated in the air with his hair and clothes billowing softly, staring at the bustling Dragons below with a keen glow in his eyes.

‘It is time.’

[Central Continent, Western Forest, Dragon Mountain]

Gaia mindlessly walked down the Dragon Mountain with listless eyes, contemplating on all the time she had spent in this World ever since had risen from her slumber.

First was the ridiculous amounts of natural resources that made every location she laid her eyes upon look like a Sacred Land. Originally, she had thought that this place was indeed a Sacred Land because of the fact that she was in the Dragon’s territory. if the Dragons were claiming the territory, then it meant that it was the best land around. After all it was only natural for the strongest factions to claim the best lands. But when she had left the vicinity of the Dragon Mountain and toured the rest of the Western Forest, she knew that she had been mistaken.

The Forest was huge and no Sacred Land that hadn’t lasted for many millennia was that big. This fact was only confirmed when the Dragon’s main Territory (the Dragon Mountain and surrounding area) truly became a Sacred Land…

Boy was she surprised. It was already reality bending for the ambient Magical Energy to rival that of a Mid World’s ambient Magical Energy despite the World barely being a Low World only 127 years ago, but when the Sacred Land formed by the Supreme Dragons and Dragon King himself was finally formed…

“Haah…” Gaia sighed. The memory still caused her to fall in a daze every once in a while.

But that wasn’t even the most shocking thing that this World had to offer her.

The Enlightened Forms that those that had entered the 4th Realm had gained (this was secretly her most favourite surprise). The so-called Tribulation that possessed the ability to purify, enlighten and empower you. The strange System that supported the progression of all Lifeforms. The mind-boggling technique that allowed her to seamlessly assimilate another being's bloodline if the correct conditions were met, and finally… the most recent World Evolution.

Ever since she had once again woken up from a forced slumber, she had been asking one question over and over like a mental health patient.


How could a World reach a High World's level of strength from a Low World in the matter of 127 years? This was the kind of thing that took billions upon billions of years! A feat that took billions of years completed in under 2 centuries!

“NONSENSE!” Gaia roared out, startling the Dragons around her.

‘Beasts gaining Human forms, fine. Tribulations, fine. The Eridius System, fine. The World’s Evolution…ridiculous but fine. Perhaps some kind grand figure from one of those top tier galaxies was performing something in this lowly World. But… but what is this thing that has attached itself to my soul? And why oh why did it make me so happy?!’ Gaia thought as she growled in frustration.


A sudden but gentle headbutt brought back her attention to those around her.

Surrounding her were the few Dragons that had been assigned to protect her consisting of 8 Elder Dragons and 2 Supreme Dragons that had been following her for a long time now, even leaving the celebrative feast to accompany her on her walk. It was quite the impressive entourage but that was how much importance the Dragon King had put in her.

She was quite happy that the Dragon King didn’t feel intimidated by the obviously higher [Quality of Being] of her and the other Destruction Dragons and instead assigned protection and resources to them after recognizing their talent.

She was very much in the know of how common it was for the Enlightened Races to get rid of talented individuals who might threaten their lives or positions in the future, talk less of the ever so territorial Beasts-


Gaia turned her head to the unknown sound that had somehow escaped her Spirit Sense. Only to find the falling figures of her companions who had somehow lost consciousness, and the figure of the most handsome Man she had ever met looking down at her with brilliant golden eyes and a secretive grin.

“Would you like to make a deal~?”

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