“What’s here?”

I opened the door and blinked when I saw the inside of a small room.

There was a small bookshelf lined with old books, and the remains of ancient tools were laid out on a desk.

The walls were covered with paintings of people, all of which were of the same person that must have been drawn long ago.

Moreover, the person in the painting was very familiar to me.

The woman with short, light green hair who smiled quietly looked vaguely like me right now.


“Aurora Ibrusus.”


Without a doubt, the painting was me in my previous life. The books on the shelves were written by Aurora, and the remnants of her tools were the same ones I had used back then.




As I was feeling deeply moved, a determined Shar peeked out from a hidden passage.


“Shar, why are the relics of Aurora Ibrusus in the Mercure family?”

“Do you know Aurora?”


Shar sported a complicated and puzzled expression, as if uncomfortable with someone discovering his secret, but also happy to have found a comrade. It was the first time I had seen him like this.


“Yes, I have memories from five hundred years ago.”


And because she was me.


“What you see here are the relics of a legendary wizard that I have collected over the past ten years. However, the books are written in indecipherable characters, and the tools don’t work no matter how I try.”


I checked the torn book and tools again.


(This is a fragment of a tool, and a magic box that only I can open. The book must have been written in the ancient Elven language. Maybe it survived because no one could decipher it. How did you manage to collect so much?)


But there was one item that interested me even more than the books and tools.


“Hey, about these pictures on the wall. Why are there so many of them on display?”

“Are they portraits of Aurora? Because besides the ancient portraits, there are modern transcriptions of her.”

“No, I mean, what’s the point of collecting all those pictures?”

“You have no idea. Aurora is the pinnacle and origin of all wizards. She is the witch I respect the most. When I learned of her existence, my heart was lifted. I have always sought out traces of her and collected them in this secret. The painting is one of them. Don’t speak of it to anyone else.”


Shar stated matter-of-factly with a twinkle in his eye.

In short, it seemed that he was a fan of the legendary wizard, Aurora.


(Hya ~~~~! What are you talking about? This man! He’s Weird!)


As for Aurora being me, I was itching to tell him.

But it was hard to say that I was previously Aurora. I couldn’t tell him anymore…


“Shar, do you mind if I join you in your secret room from time to time?”



Shar asked sullenly, clearly not happy.

Because I wanted to do something about Aurora’s tools, but if I said it outright, he would certainly object.

So, I decided to pose as his companion.


“Well, I’m a fan of Aurora too. I might be able to decipher some of the old literature.”


Even if he objected, I would enter on my own, but it would be easier to do it with his permission.

Shar turned around with a slightly reddened face. He appeared happy to have company.


“Do what you want.”

“Yes! Thank you.”


The embarrassing pictures would have to be removed later, but it was nice to be able to revisit a 500-year old book.

I was filled with hope that this might help me understand why magic had fallen into disuse.

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