n a dimly lit dorm room, Bomb was in a stupor.


(Madam…Just who are you?)


I’ve heard rumors about her since she first came to the Mercure household.

She was a sickly young lady from a poor baronial family with a poor command of magic.

She was incapable of using multiple fire magic like their previous Madam, and could only handle small candle-lighting magic. 


However, in the class where I first met her, she performed an illusion magic that I had never seen before.

Our teacher, Gordon, later dismissed it out of hand, saying that it was pointless magic that had nothing to do with combat, but it was very attractive to Bomb. He had never imagined that one could perform such a beautiful trick with magic that was only meant to hit targets.


I tried out the magic in our dorm and quarters to see if I could do something similar.

Meen seemed to have the same idea and was eager to use magic to create illusions.

Kanon, for example, seemed to have relied on his position as her son to get direct guidance from her. That was unfair.


However, when Gordon found us, my friends and I were forced to undergo a more rigorous training than usual.

The content was to exterminate an Armored Bear.

Moreover, the creature we were instructed to kill had attacked people in neighboring villages and towns, causing massive damage.

I heard that the twins captured it, and Gordon carried it to the forest. The magical beast was aggressive.


(It’s too absurd to expect us to defeat a magical beast that the twins hunted.)


I and the others were still fifteen years old, with little actual combat experience.

Gordon’s training seemed excessive, but there was no way for us, students, to avoid it.

That was what the academy was for, for generations.


Sure enough, even the three of us couldn’t defeat the Armored Bear.

I suffered fractures;, Meen had fainted, and even the remaining Kanon was hunted down by himself.

In the midst of all of this, Madam suddenly jumped out and punched… magical beast in the nose.

The magical beast was vanquished without delay.

The sight of that Armored Bear being easily blown away, crashing into a tree and blowing bubbles was foreign to me.


(Moreover, Gordon had fainted before the training.)


That wasn’t the only thing that left me dumbstruck.

Madam used a mysterious graffiti to transfer to the mansion, healing my fractures completely as if nothing had happened.

Even Count Mercure couldn’t do something like that.


(What’s going on here? I heard that Madam was an ordinary lady.)


As I was meditating, Meen woke up and came to me.


“Bomb, you, is your fracture okay?”

“Yes, it’s completely healed, thanks to Madam’s magic.”

“It usually takes more than a month to heal. Just who is Madam?”

“I don’t know. Maybe Kanon knows something.”


In the middle of their conversation, Kanon arrived.


“Hey, Kanon. Who the hell is Madam?”



Kanon yawned lazily and filled his glass with water.

He had the best grades in magic, but he was poor at communication.

He appeared chatty on the outside, but was unsociable in the academy.


“Come on…you’re her son, aren’t you?”

“I’m her son, but I only started seeing her recently. She said she was sickly.”

“You’re lying. She threw Gordon away, you know?”

“I don’t know anything about her either… But I think Teacher Gordon is going to be fired.”

“With his character, I think he’s going to resent Madam.”

“I wonder what the Count will do.”


The three children inclined their heads in agreement.

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