Kotori rushed out of the ship to find sunny chaos.

There were several tentacle-looking things on holding onto the edge of the ship and they were being attacked by multiple sailors.

[Eh?] Kotori had inadvertently stumbled into an all-out brawl.

The ship was being rocked back and forth on account of those tentacles.

Kotori could see the area where the tentacles were holding the railing was becoming bent and cracked from the tentacles.

The sailors were using long tin knives that looked like smaller scimitars to cut the tentacle away. Despite the chaos it the sailors had an expression as if this was a common occurrence.

Kotori spotted Amelie also cutting down the tentacles. Amelie was in good coordination with the other sailors which made Kotori extremely confused.

She saw Fawks running towards her waving his hand.

“Get down! You shouldn’t be up here!” He shouted

Kotori elected to ignore that advice.

She used status on the tentacles.

Newborn Kraken

Race: [Dungeon beast] Age: 0

HP: 973

Mana: 0

Agility: 18

Strength: 71

Defense: 32

Karma: [N/A]

Skills: [Water Navigation], [Tremendous Size]

Traits: None

[Dungeon Beast?] Kotori thought. Based on the status page she was reading this was a dungeon monster.

[Then if that is a dungeon monster aren’t we in a dungeon?]

Kotori had never considered the fact that mana clustering to create dungeons was not exclusively a phenomenon that happened on land. In all truth, she should’ve realized that it was possible from the fact that she made Umi from the water after all.

The stats on the Kraken were quite low actually and while it’s attack was decently high it was something that Kotori would have no trouble dealing with. She would only need a small buff to be on even footing. It was basically a giant meatball. Lots of HP but no real meaningful stats to back it up. The Kraken had extremely low agility which meant that the tentacles mostly seemed to sway and roll without much attempts to dodge. Though, it wasn’t like the Kraken could see who was attacking the tentacles when they were on board.

Kotori ran to the side of the ship and looked over the side. She saw a bulbous-looking eye along with slimy skin. Fawks instantly pushed her down and a tentacle came flying over her head.

“Are you insane!” He said.

[Whoops] Kotori thought. She didn’t expect to see the Kraken looking straight at her from the edge of the ship.

“Please just get inside,” Fawks said with a tired expression.

[Kinda looks tasty though…] Kotori thought. The Kraken really looked just like a giant squid octopus hybrid.

“I wanna make roast squid and Takoyaki” Kotori said absentmindedly.

“Kotori, it’s dangerous please just go back inside the ship, we’ll handle it,” Fawks said.


She pulled the flute from her side and played a small tune.

Umi instantly regrew back to her normal form. The other spirits looked at her in jealousy.

[Do you need something?] Layla said using [Spirit Seer]

“Can you get me some pieces?” Kotori asked.

[Very well.]

Two water blades shot out from Umi’s side and severed one of the tentacles. It flopped to the ground and dissolved into light.

Kotori frowned. Dungeons monsters were made of mana, after all, the chance of them physically dropping something was small.

Umi also frowned. She summoned even more blades and cut down even more tentacles. The tentacles on the deck of the ship were easy to cut and after being cut would wriggle on the ground for a moment before dissolving back into mana.

[Still no meat] Kotori was beginning to get sad. She was looking forward to making some Takoyaki but it seems like the Kraken didn’t have any physical drops.

The deck which was once covered in tentacles was soon thinning and becoming clear. Fawks and the other Sailors watched in amazement as Umi cleared the deck with ease.

Eventually, Umi cut down enough tentacles to the point where the Kraken started retreating.  It pulled its tentacles away from the railing and began to swim off. Kotori could see a dark shape moving away from the ship.

She spotted one last tentacle. A small one compared to the others.

“Umi there!” she shouted pointing to it.

A water blade whizzed pasted and severed the tentacle. Just like the others, it wriggled on the ground, but this time something curious happened.

It didn’t dissolve.

Kotori ran over to pick it up. The texture was slimy and it had the diameter of an oak tree. She had trouble holding it but she was satisfied.

“Tako Tuesday!”


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